标签:数字 bak import lag 业务 读取 连接数据库 load local
#!/usr/bin/env python3.5.0 # -*- coding:utf8 -*- import os,sys,socket,hashlib,time,select,threading,configparser import pymssql rootdir =os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) rootdir =os.path.dirname(rootdir) +"/" cf =configparser.ConfigParser() if os.path.exists(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘): cf.read(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘) else: # 如果文件不存在 f = open(rootdir + "/srs_server.conf","w") f.write("") f.close() # 读取配置文件 cf.read(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘) cf.add_section("srs") cf.set("srs","config","1") # 写回配置文件 cf.write(open(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘,"w")) def decrypt(s,key=2): """ 解密方法 :param key: :param s: :return: """ c = bytearray(str(s).encode("gbk")) n = len(c) # 计算 b 的字节数 if n % 2 != 0 : return "" n = n // 2 b = bytearray(n) j = 0 for i in range(0, n): c1 = c[j] c2 = c[j+1] j = j+2 c1 = c1 - 65 c2 = c2 - 65 b2 = c2*16 + c1 b1 = b2^ key b[i]= b1 try: return b.decode("gbk") except: return "failed" # 实例化数据库类 class MSSQL: def __init__(self,host,user,pwd,db,port =1433): self.host = host self.port = port self.user = user self.pwd = pwd self.db = db def __GetConnect(self): try: if not self.db: print("没有设置数据库信息") self.conn = pymssql.connect(host=self.host,port=self.port,user=self.user,password=self.pwd,database=self.db,charset="utf8") cur = self.conn.cursor() if not cur: print("连接数据库失败!") else: return cur except Exception as e: print("连接数据库失败,%s"%e) def ExecQuery(self,sql): cur = self.__GetConnect() cur.execute(sql) resList = cur.fetchall() # 查询完毕后必须关闭连接 self.conn.close() return resList def ExecNonQuery(self,sql): cur = self.__GetConnect() cur.execute(sql) self.conn.commit() self.conn.close() # 查询数据库相关信息情况 # 更新SQL数据库相关信息情况 def updatesql(load=0,status=0,item=0): # 加载配置文件 cf = configparser.ConfigParser() if os.path.exists(rootdir+"srs_server.conf"): try: cf.read(rootdir+"srs_server.conf") except Exception as c: print(c) else: print("加载srs_server.conf配置文件失败!") # 实例化MSSQL操作类 host = cf.get("HOST","host") ms = MSSQL(host=cf.get("DB","ip"),user=decrypt(cf.get("DB","username")),pwd=decrypt(cf.get("DB","password")),db=cf.get("DB","db"),port=int(cf.get("DB","port"))) try: # 更新该服务器所有记录 sql = "update sys_load set item = ‘%s‘,sysload=‘%s‘,status=‘%s‘ where servername =‘%s‘"%(item, load, status, host) ms.ExecNonQuery(sql) except: pass def selectdata(conn): conf = cf.get("srs","config") if conf == "1": conn.send(bytes("当前为音频模式!","utf-8")) elif conf == "2": conn.send(bytes("当前为视频模式!","utf-8")) def updatesound(conn): with open(rootdir +‘srs.conf‘,"r") as f: data = f.readlines() for i,line in enumerate(data): # 去除制表符,换行符 line = line.replace(‘\t‘,‘‘).replace(‘\n‘,‘‘).replace(‘ ‘,‘‘) if line =="#allowpublish220.168.91.254;": data[i] ="\tallow\t\tpublish\t\t220.168.91.254;\t\n" elif line == "#forward10.27.68.150;": data[i] = "\tforward\t\t10.27.68.150;\t\t \n" elif line == "transcodelive/livestream{": f.seek(i+1) data[i+1] = "\tenabled\t\ton;\n" with open(rootdir +‘srs.conf‘,"w") as xf: xf.writelines(data) xf.close() status = os.system("service srs restart") if status == 0: cf.read(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘) cf.set("srs","config","1") cf.write(open(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘,"w")) updatesql(item=0,load=1,status=0) conn.send(bytes("当前已成功切换为音频模式","utf-8")) else: conn.send(bytes("切换为音频模式失败,请联系IT部!","utf-8")) def updatevideo(conn): with open(rootdir +‘srs.conf‘,"r") as f: data = f.readlines() for i,line in enumerate(data): # 去除制表符,换行符 line = line.replace(‘\t‘,‘‘).replace(‘\n‘,‘‘).replace(‘ ‘,‘‘) if line =="allowpublish220.168.91.254;": data[i] ="\t#allow\t\tpublish\t\t220.168.91.254;\t\n" elif line == "forward10.27.68.150;": data[i] = "\t#forward\t10.27.68.150;\n" elif line == "transcodelive/livestream{": # 下一行 f.seek(i+1) data[i+1] = "\tenabled\t\toff;\n" with open(rootdir +‘srs.conf‘,"w") as xf: xf.writelines(data) xf.close() status = os.system("service srs restart") if status == 0: cf.read(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘) cf.set("srs","config","2") cf.write(open(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘,"w")) updatesql(item=1,load=3,status=1) conn.send(bytes("当前已成功切换为视频模式","utf-8")) else: conn.send(bytes("切换视频模式失败,请联系IT部!","utf-8")) def crash_recovery(conn): os.system("service srs stop") # 强制还原配置文件 os.system("yes|cp -fr srs_bak.conf srs.conf") status = os.system("service srs start") if status == 0: cf.read(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘) cf.set("srs","config","1") cf.write(open(rootdir +‘srs_server.conf‘,"w")) updatesql(item=0,load=1,status=0) conn.send(bytes("修复音频模式成功","utf-8")) else: conn.send(bytes("修复音频模式失败,请与IT部联系!","utf-8")) # 业务执行函数 def operation(conn): content = """ 请输入数字选项进行操作: 1、查询当前直播频道 2、切换频道为音频直播 3、切换频道为视频直播 4、故障修复(默认修复为音频模式) *********************** """ conn.send(bytes(content,"utf-8")) while True: # 接收数据 data = conn.recv(1000) test =data.decode() if int(test) == 1: selectdata(conn) elif int(test) ==2: updatesound(conn) elif int(test) ==3: updatevideo(conn) elif int(test) ==4: crash_recovery(conn) # SOCKET主进程模块 def process(conn,addr): try: i = 0 # 认证失败允许重试3次 while i < 3: flage = False # 接收客户端连接请求信息 info = conn.recv(1000) # 实例化加密函数 hash = hashlib.sha512() hash.update("a123456789B".encode("utf-8")) # KEY=a123456789B hash_pwd = hash.hexdigest() if info.decode() == hash_pwd: hash_pwd = "" info = "" if addr[0] in ["","",""]: flage = True # 接收用户及密码信息 while flage: operation(conn) else: # 登陆失败,发送给客户端重新验证 i += 1 conn.send(bytes("error","utf8")) if i > 2: # 主动关闭连接 conn.close() time.sleep(25) except Exception as e: conn.close() time.sleep(15) # SOCKET服务模块 def sock_server(): ‘‘‘ 启动服务器端,开启线程监听 :return: ‘‘‘ server = socket.socket() server_ip ="localhost" server_port = 1888 server.bind((server_ip,server_port)) server.listen(10) while True: r,w,e = select.select([server,], [], [], 1) for i,server in enumerate(r): time.sleep(1) conn,addr = server.accept() # 创建线程 t = threading.Thread(target=process, args=(conn, addr)) # 启动线程 t.start() if __name__ =="__main__": sock_server()
利用python3.5 构建流媒体后台音视频切换的服务端程序
标签:数字 bak import lag 业务 读取 连接数据库 load local