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时间:2017-01-18 08:45:08      阅读:290      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:参考   null   tar   电话   products   start   asc   练习   count   

Create View Orderquery
Select OrderDate,OrderID,CustomerID,EmployeeID
from  Orders 
where OrderDate Between 1996-07-01 and 1996-07-15

Select * from Orderquery

Select SupplierID,CompanyName,Address,City
from suppliers
where Region=华北 and ContactTitle=销售代表

Select SupplierID,CompanyName,Region,City,Phone
from Suppliers
where Region in (东北,华南)
or City=天津

Select SupplierID,CompanyName,Region,City,Phone
from Suppliers
where Region in (东北,华南)

-- 查询订购日期在1996年7月1日至1996年7月15日之间的订单的订购日期、订单ID、相应订单的客户公司名称、负责订单的雇员的姓氏和名字等字段的 值,并将查询结果按雇员的“姓氏”和“名字”字段的升序排列,“姓氏”和“名字”值相同的记录按“订单 ID”的降序排列
Create procedure orderquery2
@StartOrderDate datetime=1998-01-02 00:00:00.000,
@EndOrderDate datetime=1998-01-31 23:59:59.997
with encryption
Select Orders.OrderDate,Orders.OrderID,Customers.CompanyName,Employees.LastName,Employees.FirstName
from Orders join Customers
on Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
join Employees
on Employees.EmployeeID=Orders.EmployeeID
Where OrderDate between @StartOrderDate  and @EndOrderDate  or OrderDate between 1998-01-01 00:00:00.000 and 1998-01-31 23:59:59.997
Order By LastName,FirstName ASC,OrderID DESC

execute orderquery2 1996-07-01 00:00:00.0001996-07-15 23:59:59.999

Create view orderquery3
Select Orders.OrderID,Shippers.CompanyName,ProductName
From Orders join Shippers
on Shippers.ShipperID=Orders.ShipVia
join [Order Details]
on [Order Details].OrderID=Orders.OrderID
join Products
on Products.ProductID=[Order Details].ProductID

Select * from orderquery3
where OrderID =10248 or OrderID=10254

Create view orderquery4
Select Orders.OrderID,ProductName,quantity,Products.unitprice
From  [Order Details] join Orders
on [Order Details].orderid=Orders.orderid
join Products
on Products.ProductID=[Order Details].ProductID

Select * from orderquery3
where OrderID =10248 or OrderID=10254

Create view orderquery5
Select Orders.OrderID,ProductName,Products.unitprice*quantity as 销售金额
From  [Order Details] join Orders
on [Order Details].orderid=Orders.orderid
join Products
on Products.ProductID=[Order Details].ProductID

Select * from orderquery5
where OrderID =10248 or OrderID=10254

select companyname,phone
from Shippers

select companyname,fax,phone,address,contactname,contacttitle
from customers

select productid,productname,unitsinstock
from products
where unitprice between 10 and 30

select productname,unitprice,suppliers.companyname,suppliers.phone
from suppliers join products
on suppliers.supplierid=products.supplierid
where unitprice>20

select orders.orderid,productname,quantity,city
from [order details] join products
on [order details].productid=products.productid
join orders
on [order details].orderid=orders.orderid
join customers
on orders.customerid=customers.customerid
where city in(北京 ,上海)
OrderDate between 1996-00-00 00:00:00 and 1996-12-31 23:59:59.999

select orders.orderid,productname,[order details].unitprice*quantity as 销售金额
from [order details] join products
on [order details].productid=products.productid
join orders
on [order details].orderid=orders.orderid
join customers
on orders.customerid=customers.customerid
where region=华北

select companyname,count(*)
from shippers join orders
on shippers.shipperid=orders.shipvia
where year(orderdate)=1997
group by companyname

select orders.orderid,sum(quantity)
from [order details] join orders
on [order details].orderid=orders.orderid
where year(orderdate)=1997 and month(orderdate)>=1
and month(orderdate)<=6
group by orders.orderid

--select * from [order details] join orders
on [order details].orderid=orders.orderid
where orders.orderid=10400 and year(orderdate)=1997

select categories.categoryname,avg(unitprice)
from products join categories
on products.categoryid=categories.categoryid
group by categories.categoryname

select count(*)
from customers
where region is not null
group by region 



标签:参考   null   tar   电话   products   start   asc   练习   count   


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