标签:eth 利用 most nes oss logs argument number 函数
str.split(sep=None, maxsplit=-1)
Return a list of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are done (thus, the list will have at most maxsplit+1 elements). If maxsplit is not specified or -1, then there is no limit on the number of splits (all possible splits are made).
If sep is given, consecutive delimiters are not grouped together and are deemed to delimit empty strings (for example, ‘1,,2‘.split(‘,‘) returns [‘1‘, ‘‘, ‘2‘]). The sep argument may consist of multiple characters (for example, ‘1<>2<>3‘.split(‘<>‘) returns [‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘]). Splitting an empty string with a specified separator returns [‘‘].
For example:
>>> ‘1,2,3‘.split(‘,‘)
[‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘]
>>> ‘1,2,3‘.split(‘,‘, maxsplit=1)
[‘1‘, ‘2,3‘]
>>> ‘1,2,,3,‘.split(‘,‘)
[‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘‘, ‘3‘, ‘‘]
If sep is not specified or is None, a different splitting algorithm is applied: runs of consecutive whitespace are regarded as a single separator, and the result will contain no empty strings at the start or end if the string has leading or trailing whitespace. Consequently, splitting an empty string or a string consisting of just whitespace with a None separator returns [].
For example:
>>> ‘1 2 3‘.split()
[‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘]
>>> ‘1 2 3‘.split(maxsplit=1)
[‘1‘, ‘2 3‘]
>>> ‘ 1 2 3 ‘.split()
[‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘]
0.0888 201 36.02 28 0.5885 0.1399 198 39.32 30 0.8291 ...
import os data = [] for lines in open(r"date.txt",‘r‘).readlines(): lines.strip() s = [x for x in lines.strip()] data.append(s) print(data)
[[‘0‘, ‘.‘, ‘0‘, ‘8‘, ‘8‘, ‘8‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘2‘, ‘0‘, ‘1‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘3‘, ‘6‘, ‘.‘, ‘0‘, ‘2‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘2‘, ‘8‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘0‘, ‘.‘, ‘5‘, ‘8‘, ‘8‘, ‘5‘], [‘0‘, ‘.‘, ‘1‘, ‘3‘, ‘9‘, ‘9‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘1‘, ‘9‘, ‘8‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘3‘, ‘9‘, ‘.‘, ‘3‘, ‘2‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘3‘, ‘0‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘0‘, ‘.‘, ‘8‘, ‘2‘, ‘9‘, ‘1‘]]
利用split()函数按‘ ‘把每个数字分割出来:
for lines in open(r"date.dat",‘r‘).readlines(): lines.strip() s = [x for x in lines.strip().split()] data.append(s) print(data) print(len(data[0]))
[[‘0.0888‘, ‘201‘, ‘36.02‘, ‘28‘, ‘0.5885‘], [‘0.1399‘, ‘198‘, ‘39.32‘, ‘30‘, ‘0.8291‘]] 5
标签:eth 利用 most nes oss logs argument number 函数