标签:mod 类型 小数点 str and 小数 接收 print ted
1. 输出
>>> print "hello world" hello world >>> print ‘hello world‘ hello world >>> print ‘Hello‘,‘world‘ Hello world >>> print "I‘m studing python" I‘m studing python >>> print ‘I am studing "python"‘ I am studing "python" >>> print "I‘m studing \"python\"" I‘m studing "python" >>> print ‘I\‘m studing "python"‘ I‘m studing "python" >>> print ‘‘‘I‘m studing "python"‘‘‘ I‘m studing "python" >>> print ‘‘‘I am ... studing ... "python"‘‘‘ I am studing "python" >>> print "Name:%s Age:%d Height:%f" %(‘Tester‘,18,1.80) Name:Tester Age:18 Height:1.800000 >>> print "Name:%8s Age:%3d Height:%5.2f" %(‘Tester‘,18,1.80) Name: Tester Age: 18 Height: 1.80 >>> print "Name:%-8s Age:%-3d Height:%-5.2f" %(‘Tester‘,18,1.80) Name:Tester Age:18 Height:1.80 >>> print "Name:%s Age:%3d Height:%*.*f" % (‘Tester‘,18,6,2,1.80) Name:Tester Age: 18 Height: 1.80 print "Name:%r Age:%r Height:%r" %(‘Tester‘,18,1.80) Name:‘Tester‘ Age:18 Height:1 >>> print ‘12‘,3 12 3 >>> print ‘12‘+3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: cannot concatenate ‘str‘ and ‘int‘ objects >>> print ‘12‘+‘3‘ 123 >>> print 12+3 15
1) print 输出字符串可以使用‘‘或者""表示;
2) print后可以有多个输出,以逗号分隔,最终逗号以空格输出,两边类型可以不一致;
3) 如果字符串本身包含"",可以使用‘‘来表示;如果字符串本身包含‘‘,可以使用""来表示;
4) 如果字符串本身既包含‘‘也包含"",可以使用\进行转义;常用转义字符:\n 换行; \t制表符; \\ 表示\本身
5) 如果字符串本身既包含‘‘也包含"",也可以使用‘‘‘来表示;‘‘‘一般用于输出多行文本中;
6) 格式化输出可以指定输出字段的长度,%5.2f表示输出浮点数的小数点后有2位,总共长度为5位,默认为右对齐,不足的左侧补空格;
7) 对于格式未定的字段,可以通过类似%*.*f % (5,2,1.80)来设定表示%5.2f
8) 对于类型不确定的字段输出可以统一用%r表示,%r的格式化指定格式后面再学习。
9) format输出
2. input / raw_input输入
>>> raw_var = raw_input("please input your content:") please input your content:Testing python >>> print raw_var Testing python >>> type(raw_var) <type ‘str‘> >>> >>> var = input("please input your content:") please input your content:‘Testing python‘ >>> print var Testing python >>> type(var) <type ‘str‘> >>> var = input("please input your content:") please input your content:Testing python Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "<string>", line 1 Testing python ^ SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing >>> >>> raw_var = raw_input("please input your content:") please input your content:100+300 >>> print raw_var 100+300 >>> >>> var = input("please input your content:") please input your content:100+300 >>> print var 4 >>> age = input(‘please input your age:‘) please input your age:18 >>> print age 18 >>> type(age) <type ‘int‘>
1) raw_input将所有输入作为字符串看待,返回也是字符串类型
2) input 没有将所有输入作为字符串看待,所以在输入字符串内容时候需要添加引号,否则会出错
3) input可以接收表达式,并返回表达式结果
标签:mod 类型 小数点 str and 小数 接收 print ted