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2. Domain Model

  The term domain model comes from the realm of data modeling. It is the model that ultimately describes the problem domain you are working in. Sometimes you will also hear the term persistent classes.


  Ultimately the application domain model is the central character in an ORM. They make up the classes you wish to map. Hibernate works best if these classes follow the Plain Old Java Object (POJO) / JavaBean programming model. However, none of these rules are hard requirements. Indeed, Hibernate assumes very little about the nature of your persistent objects. You can express a domain model in other ways (using trees of java.util.Map instances, for example).

  最终的应用程序域模型是ORM中的控制角色。它们组成了你希望去映射的类。Hibernate效果最好,如果你遵循普通的JAVA对象(POJO)/JavaBean 设计模型。然而,这些都不是硬要求。的确,Hibernate 承担地非常少关于你的持久化对象。你能够在其他方面表达域模型(例如使用Map实例树状结构)。

  Historically applications using Hibernate would have used its proprietary XML mapping file format for this purpose. With the coming of JPA, most of this information is now defined in a way that is portable across ORM/JPA providers using annotations (and/or standardized XML format). This chapter will focus on JPA mapping where possible. For Hibernate mapping features not supported by JPA we will prefer Hibernate extension annotations.



2.1. Mapping types

  Hibernate understands both the Java and JDBC representations of application data. The ability to read/write this data from/to the database is the function of a Hibernate type. A type, in this usage, is an implementation of the org.hibernate.type.Type interface. This Hibernate type also describes various aspects of behavior of the Java type such as how to check for equality, how to clone values, etc.

  Hibernate 懂得Java和JDBC应用程序数据的表示。能读/写数据到/从数据库是HIbernate类型的功能。一个类型,这种用法是 org.hibernate.type.Type 接口的实现。


  To help understand the type categorizations, let’s look at a simple table and domain model that we wish to map.



In the broadest sense, Hibernate categorizes types into two groups: 

2.1.1. Value types

  A value type is a piece of data that does not define its own lifecycle. It is, in effect, owned by an entity, which defines its lifecycle.

Looked at another way, all the state of an entity is made up entirely of value types. These state fields
or JavaBean properties are termed persistent attributes. The persistent attributes of the Contact class are
value types.

  Value types are further classified into three sub-categories:


  Basic types

    in mapping the Contact table, all attributes except for name would be basic types. Basic types are discussed in detail in Basic Types

  Embeddable types

    the name attribute is an example of an embeddable type, which is discussed in details in Embeddable Types

  Collection types

    although not featured in the aforementioned example, collection types are also a distinct category among value types. Collection types are further   discussed in Collections






2.1.2. Entity types

  Entities, by nature of their unique identifier, exist independently of other objects whereas values do not. Entities are domain model classes which correlate to rows in a database table, using a unique identifier. Because of the requirement for a unique identifier, entities exist independently and define their own lifecycle. The Contact class itself would be an example of an entity.

Mapping entities is discussed in detail in Entity.




2.2. Naming strategies

  Part of the mapping of an object model to the relational database is mapping names from the object model to the corresponding database names. Hibernate looks at this as 2 stage process:

  • The first stage is determining a proper logical name from the domain model mapping. A logical name can be either explicitly specified by the user (using @Column or @Table e.g.) or it can be implicitly determined by Hibernate through an ImplicitNamingStrategy contract.

  • Second is the resolving of this logical name to a physical name which is defined by thePhysicalNamingStrategy contract.



  第一阶段是确定从域模型映射适当地符合逻辑的名字。使用一个逻辑名字能清楚的指定(使用@Column或 @Table e.g.)或者能 隐示的确定通过HIbernate的ImplicitNamingStrategy约定。

  第二是解析逻辑名到物理名定义通过PhysicalNamingStrategy 约定。




  由于这些限制,NamingStrategy曾弃用然后移除而赞成使用ImplicitNamingStrategy and PhysicalNamingStrategy


  At the core, the idea behind each naming strategy is to minimize the amount of repetitive information a developer must provide for mapping a domain model.




  JPA定义继承规则关于隐式逻辑名推测。如果JPA提供者可移植性是一个主要地关注点,或者如果你真的只是像JPA定义隐式的命名规则,那么可以坚持使用默认的ImplicitNamingStrategyJpaCompliantImpl 。同样,JPA定义不分离逻辑名和物理名字。如果JPA提供者可移植性是重要的,应用程序应该不去指定这个策略PhysicalNamingStrategy。










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