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最近观察生产环境发现一个现象,一段时间不操作,再重新操作时,数据库连接第一次会出现:java.sql.SQLException: Already closed.,如下:
数据源是用tomcat dbcp 基于jndi配置管理的,查了下,如下:
You‘re probably running into the fact that MYSQL closes connections which have been open "too long".
Probably if you make the request to the server again, you‘ll find that it works because the connection is reopened.
One way to deal with this is to add the following to your context.xml Resource:
validationQuery="select 1" (基于mysql)
1 from dual" (基于oracle)
This causes a very cheap test query to always be run first; if the connection has been closed, this gets the failure,
then a new connection is opened.
细想下原来用weblogic jdbc jndi的配置有一个专门的配置项来配置这个test query,配置tomcat时粗心大意了 :(
tomcat dbcp 基于jndi配置时出现java.sql.SQLException: Already closed,布布扣,bubuko.com
tomcat dbcp 基于jndi配置时出现java.sql.SQLException: Already closed
标签:style blog http color java os io 数据