标签:dump rod bsp erro bug set turn instance efault
类的类型提示 - 将类名放在需要约束的方法参数之前
public function write(shopProduct $shopProduct){}
public function setArray(array $storearray){}
class ShopProduct{ public $title = ‘default product‘; // 属性也称为成员变量,用来存放对象之间互不相同的数据 public $producerMainName = ‘main name‘; public $producerFirstName = ‘first name‘; public $price = 0; // 创建对象时,构造方法会被自动调用,构造方法可以确保必要的属性设置,并完成任何需要准备的工作 public function __construct($title,$producerMainName,$producerFirstName,$price){ $this->title = $title; // 使用伪变量$this给每个变量赋值 $this->producerMainName = $producerMainName; $this->producerFirstName = $producerFirstName; $this->price = $price; } public function getProducer(){ // 方法让对象执行任务 return $this->producerMainName . $this->producerFirstName; } } class ShopProductWriter{ public function write(shopProduct $shopProduct){ // 类的类型提示,只需将类名放在需要约束的方法参数之前 $str = $shopProduct->title . ‘:‘ . $shopProduct->getProducer() . "($shopProduct->price) . </br>"; print $str; } public function setArray(array $storearray){ // 数组提示 var_dump($storearray); } public function setWriter(objectWriter $objectWriter=null){ var_dump($objectWriter); } } class Wrong{}; $store = array(‘name‘=>‘taobao‘); $objectWriter = NULL; $product1 = new ShopProduct(‘My Antonia‘,‘Willa‘,‘Cather‘,5.99); // 更易于实例化,也更安全,实例化和设置只需要一条语句就可以完成,任何使用ShopProduct对象的代码都可以相信所有的属性皆被初始化了 $writer = new ShopProductWriter(); $writer->write($product1); // 有了参数提示,规定此处只能传入new ShopProduct对象 $writer->write(new Wrong()); // 传入其它的对象会出现:Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to ShopProductWriter::write() must be an instance of ShopProduct, instance of Wrong given..从而防止隐藏bug的产生。 $writer->setArray($store); // 有了参数提示,规定此处只能传入一个数组 $writer->setWriter($objectWriter); // 有了参数提示,规定此处只能传入NULL
标签:dump rod bsp erro bug set turn instance efault