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时间:2017-02-18 10:46:34      阅读:210      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:useful   crawl   思路   广度优先   res   sleep   turn   url   ref   

1 简单方案(广度优先遍历):https://fossbytes.com/how-to-build-a-basic-web-crawler-in-python/

import sys, thread, Queue, re, urllib, urlparse, time, os, sys
dupcheck = set()  
q = Queue.Queue(100) 
def queueURLs(html, origLink): 
    for url in re.findall(‘‘‘<a[^>]+href=["‘](.[^"‘]+)["‘]‘‘‘, html, re.I): 
        link = url.split("#", 1)[0] if url.startswith("http") else {uri.scheme}://{uri.netloc}.format(uri=urlparse.urlparse(origLink)) + url.split("#", 1)[0] 
        if link in dupcheck:
        if len(dupcheck) > 99999: 
def getHTML(link): 
        html = urllib.urlopen(link).read() 
        open(str(time.time()) + ".html", "w").write("%s" % link  + "\n" + html) 
        queueURLs(html, link) 
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): 
    except Exception:
while True:
    thread.start_new_thread( getHTML, (q.get(),)) 

 思路: 利用队列(Queue),进行广度优先遍历


2. 简单方案,搜索某个词语:http://www.netinstructions.com/how-to-make-a-web-crawler-in-under-50-lines-of-python-code/

from html.parser import HTMLParser  
from urllib.request import urlopen  
from urllib import parse

# We are going to create a class called LinkParser that inherits some
# methods from HTMLParser which is why it is passed into the definition
class LinkParser(HTMLParser):

    # This is a function that HTMLParser normally has
    # but we are adding some functionality to it
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        # We are looking for the begining of a link. Links normally look
        # like <a href="www.someurl.com"></a>
        if tag == a:
            for (key, value) in attrs:
                if key == href:
                    # We are grabbing the new URL. We are also adding the
                    # base URL to it. For example:
                    # www.netinstructions.com is the base and
                    # somepage.html is the new URL (a relative URL)
                    # We combine a relative URL with the base URL to create
                    # an absolute URL like:
                    # www.netinstructions.com/somepage.html
                    newUrl = parse.urljoin(self.baseUrl, value)
                    # And add it to our colection of links:
                    self.links = self.links + [newUrl]

    # This is a new function that we are creating to get links
    # that our spider() function will call
    def getLinks(self, url):
        self.links = []
        # Remember the base URL which will be important when creating
        # absolute URLs
        self.baseUrl = url
        # Use the urlopen function from the standard Python 3 library
        response = urlopen(url)
        # Make sure that we are looking at HTML and not other things that
        # are floating around on the internet (such as
        # JavaScript files, CSS, or .PDFs for example)
        if response.getheader(Content-Type)==text/html:
            htmlBytes = response.read()
            # Note that feed() handles Strings well, but not bytes
            # (A change from Python 2.x to Python 3.x)
            htmlString = htmlBytes.decode("utf-8")
            return htmlString, self.links
            return "",[]

# And finally here is our spider. It takes in an URL, a word to find,
# and the number of pages to search through before giving up
def spider(url, word, maxPages):  
    pagesToVisit = [url]
    numberVisited = 0
    foundWord = False
    # The main loop. Create a LinkParser and get all the links on the page.
    # Also search the page for the word or string
    # In our getLinks function we return the web page
    # (this is useful for searching for the word)
    # and we return a set of links from that web page
    # (this is useful for where to go next)
    while numberVisited < maxPages and pagesToVisit != [] and not foundWord:
        numberVisited = numberVisited +1
        # Start from the beginning of our collection of pages to visit:
        url = pagesToVisit[0]
        pagesToVisit = pagesToVisit[1:]
            print(numberVisited, "Visiting:", url)
            parser = LinkParser()
            data, links = parser.getLinks(url)
            if data.find(word)>-1:
                foundWord = True
                # Add the pages that we visited to the end of our collection
                # of pages to visit:
                pagesToVisit = pagesToVisit + links
                print(" **Success!**")
            print(" **Failed!**")
    if foundWord:
        print("The word", word, "was found at", url)
        print("Word never found")



标签:useful   crawl   思路   广度优先   res   sleep   turn   url   ref   


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