标签:窗口 window 线程 cmake instead using connect 慢慢 否则
因为项目原因,需要使用到rabbitmq的c客户端库。首先,参见上一篇windows下openssl编译,如果已经使用cmake编译过了,则先delete cache(File-Delete Cache),否则原来的cmake缓存都在了,将仍然会出现原来的错误。
依次点击configire、generate,可以生成vs sln。如下:
D:\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin>cd /d D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug>amqp_listen localhost 5672 amq.direct test Delivery 1, exchange amq.direct routingkey test Content-type: text/plain ---- 00000000: 68 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F : 72 6C 64 hello world 0000000B: Delivery 2, exchange amq.direct routingkey test Content-type: text/plain ---- 00000000: 68 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F : 72 6C 64 hello world 0000000B: Delivery 3, exchange amq.direct routingkey test Content-type: text/plain ---- 00000000: 68 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F : 72 6C 64 hello world 0000000B: Delivery 4, exchange amq.direct routingkey test
D:\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin>cd /d D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug>amqp_sendstring localhost 5672 amq.direct test "hello world" D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug>amqp_sendstring localhost 5672 amq.direct test "hello world" D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug>amqp_sendstring localhost 5672 amq.direct test "hello world" D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug>amqp_sendstring localhost 5672 amq.direct test "hello world" D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug>amqp_sendstring localhost 5672 amq.direct test "hello world" D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug>amqp_sendstring localhost 5672 amq.direct test "hello world" D:\rabbitmq-c-0.8.0-build\examples\Debug>amqp_sendstring localhost 5672 amq.direct test "hello world"
You cannot share a socket, an amqp_connection_state_t
, or a channel between threads using librabbitmq
. The librabbitmq
library is built with event-driven, single-threaded applications in mind, and does not yet cater to any of the requirements of pthread
ed applications.
Your applications instead should open an AMQP connection (and an associated socket, of course) per thread. If your program needs to access an AMQP connection or any of its channels from more than one thread, it is entirely responsible for designing and implementing an appropriate locking scheme. It will generally be much simpler to have a connection exclusive to each thread that needs AMQP service.
doc api http://alanxz.github.io/rabbitmq-c/docs/0.8.0/classes.html
标签:窗口 window 线程 cmake instead using connect 慢慢 否则