标签:row 刷新 bre queue break 常见 src font roo
create table users ( user_id int(5) not null auto_increment, user_email varchar(40) not null, user_password char(32) not null, primary key(user_id) )engine=myisam default charset=utf8; create table task_list ( task_id int(5) not null auto_increment, user_email varchar(40) not null, status int(2) not null, create_time datetime not null, update_time datetime not null, primary key(task_id) )engine=myisam default charset utf8;
1 <?php 2 //引入类 3 $rootPath = dirname(__FILE__); 4 require $rootPath.‘/PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php‘; 5 require $rootPath.‘/PHPMailer/class.smtp.php‘; 6 7 function sendMail($toEmail, $toName) { 8 global $rootPath; 9 //实例化类 10 $mail = new PHPMailer; 11 12 $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP 13 $mail->Host = ‘smtp.163.com‘; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers 14 $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Enable SMTP authentication 15 $mail->Username = ‘17606392236@163.com‘; // SMTP username 16 $mail->Password = ‘‘; // SMTP password 17 $mail->CharSet = ‘UTF-8‘; 18 19 $mail->setFrom(‘17606392236@163.com‘, ‘163‘); 20 $mail->addAddress($toEmail, $toName); 21 $mail->addReplyTo(‘17606392236@163.com‘, ‘163‘); 22 23 $mail->isHTML(true); // Set email format to HTML 24 25 $mail->Subject = ‘主题‘; 26 $mail->msgHTML(file_get_contents($rootPath.‘/content.html‘)); 27 return $mail->send(); 28 } 29 30 $link = mysql_connect(‘localhost‘, ‘root‘, ‘root‘); 31 mysql_select_db(‘queue‘); 32 mysql_query(‘set names utf8‘); 33 34 while(true) { 35 $sql = "SELECT * FROM task_list WHERE status = 0 ORDER BY task_id ASC LIMIT 5"; 36 $res = mysql_query($sql); 37 $mailList = array(); 38 while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 39 $mailList[] = $row; 40 } 41 42 if(empty($mailList)) { 43 break; 44 } else { 45 foreach($mailList as $k => $v) { 46 if(sendMail($v[‘user_email‘], ‘qq‘)) { 47 mysql_query("UPDATE task_list SET status = 1 WHERE task_id = ".$v[‘task_id‘]); 48 } 49 sleep(3); 50 } 51 } 52 } 53 54 ?>
5.用户注册 ajax异步触发邮件队列(邮件队列会在后台默默执行,不会使前台页面卡死)
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>注册</title> 6 <style> 7 form{ 8 text-align: center; 9 padding-top:200px; 10 } 11 </style> 12 <script text="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> 13 </head> 14 <body> 15 <form action="" method="post"> 16 <span>邮箱</span><input type="text" name="user_email" /><br /><br /> 17 <span>密码</span><input type="password" name="user_password" /><br /><br /> 18 <input type="submit" name="reg" value="注册"><br /> 19 </form> 20 <?php 21 if(isset($_POST[‘reg‘])) { 22 $link = mysql_connect(‘localhost‘, ‘root‘, ‘root‘); 23 mysql_select_db(‘queue‘); 24 mysql_query(‘set names utf8‘); 25 26 $user_email = $_POST[‘user_email‘]; 27 $user_password = $_POST[‘user_password‘]; 28 29 $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_email = ‘$user_email‘"; 30 $res = mysql_query($sql); 31 32 if(mysql_fetch_row($res)) { 33 echo "<script>alert(‘用户已经存在‘)</script>"; 34 } else { 35 $sql = "INSERT INTO users(user_email, user_password) VALUES(‘$user_email‘, ‘$user_password‘)"; 36 $res = mysql_query($sql); 37 if($res) { 38 $sql = "INSERT INTO task_list(user_email, status, create_time, update_time) VALUES("."‘$user_email‘,0,"."‘".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."‘,"."‘".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."‘".")"; 39 $res = mysql_query($sql); 40 if($res) { 41 ?> 42 <script> 43 $.post(‘send.php‘); 44 </script> 45 <?php 46 } 47 } else { 48 echo "<script>alert(‘注册失败‘)</script>"; 49 } 50 } 51 } 52 53 54 55 ?> 56 </body> 57 </html>
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>index</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <h1>demo</h1> 9 <table style="color: red;border-collapse: collapse;width: 100%;border: 1px solid red;"> 10 <tr> 11 <td>ABCD</td> 12 <td>ABCD</td> 13 <td>ABCD</td> 14 </tr> 15 <tr> 16 <td>ABCD</td> 17 <td>ABCD</td> 18 <td>ABCD</td> 19 </tr> 20 </table> 21 </body> 22 </html>
标签:row 刷新 bre queue break 常见 src font roo