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Tutorial: Implementation of Siamese Network on Caffe, Torch, Tensorflow

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Tutorial: Implementation of Siamese Network on Caffe, Torch, Tensorflow 


  1. caffe version: 

    If you want to try this network, just do as the offical document said, like the following codes:    

  1 ---
  2 title: Siamese Network Tutorial
  3 description: Train and test a siamese network on MNIST data.
  4 category: example
  5 include_in_docs: true
  6 layout: default
  7 priority: 100
  8 ---
 10 # Siamese Network Training with Caffe
 11 This example shows how you can use weight sharing and a contrastive loss
 12 function to learn a model using a siamese network in Caffe.
 14 We will assume that you have caffe successfully compiled. If not, please refer
 15 to the [Installation page](../../installation.html). This example builds on the
 16 [MNIST tutorial](mnist.html) so it would be a good idea to read that before
 17 continuing.
 19 *The guide specifies all paths and assumes all commands are executed from the
 20 root caffe directory*
 22 ## Prepare Datasets
 24 You will first need to download and convert the data from the MNIST
 25 website. To do this, simply run the following commands:
 27     ./data/mnist/get_mnist.sh
 28     ./examples/siamese/create_mnist_siamese.sh
 30 After running the script there should be two datasets,
 31 `./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese_train_leveldb`, and
 32 `./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese_test_leveldb`.
 34 ## The Model
 35 First, we will define the model that we want to train using the siamese network.
 36 We will use the convolutional net defined in
 37 `./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese.prototxt`. This model is almost
 38 exactly the same as the [LeNet model](mnist.html), the only difference is that
 39 we have replaced the top layers that produced probabilities over the 10 digit
 40 classes with a linear "feature" layer that produces a 2 dimensional vector.
 42     layer {
 43       name: "feat"
 44       type: "InnerProduct"
 45       bottom: "ip2"
 46       top: "feat"
 47       param {
 48         name: "feat_w"
 49         lr_mult: 1
 50       }
 51       param {
 52         name: "feat_b"
 53         lr_mult: 2
 54       }
 55       inner_product_param {
 56         num_output: 2
 57       }
 58     }
 60 ## Define the Siamese Network
 62 In this section we will define the siamese network used for training. The
 63 resulting network is defined in
 64 `./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese_train_test.prototxt`.
 66 ### Reading in the Pair Data
 68 We start with a data layer that reads from the LevelDB database we created
 69 earlier. Each entry in this database contains the image data for a pair of
 70 images (`pair_data`) and a binary label saying if they belong to the same class
 71 or different classes (`sim`).
 73     layer {
 74       name: "pair_data"
 75       type: "Data"
 76       top: "pair_data"
 77       top: "sim"
 78       include { phase: TRAIN }
 79       transform_param {
 80         scale: 0.00390625
 81       }
 82       data_param {
 83         source: "examples/siamese/mnist_siamese_train_leveldb"
 84         batch_size: 64
 85       }
 86     }
 88 In order to pack a pair of images into the same blob in the database we pack one
 89 image per channel. We want to be able to work with these two images separately,
 90 so we add a slice layer after the data layer. This takes the `pair_data` and
 91 slices it along the channel dimension so that we have a single image in `data`
 92 and its paired image in `data_p.`
 94     layer {
 95       name: "slice_pair"
 96       type: "Slice"
 97       bottom: "pair_data"
 98       top: "data"
 99       top: "data_p"
100       slice_param {
101         slice_dim: 1
102         slice_point: 1
103       }
104     }
106 ### Building the First Side of the Siamese Net
108 Now we can specify the first side of the siamese net. This side operates on
109 `data` and produces `feat`. Starting from the net in
110 `./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese.prototxt` we add default weight fillers. Then
111 we name the parameters of the convolutional and inner product layers. Naming the
112 parameters allows Caffe to share the parameters between layers on both sides of
113 the siamese net. In the definition this looks like:
115     ...
116     param { name: "conv1_w" ...  }
117     param { name: "conv1_b" ...  }
118     ...
119     param { name: "conv2_w" ...  }
120     param { name: "conv2_b" ...  }
121     ...
122     param { name: "ip1_w" ...  }
123     param { name: "ip1_b" ...  }
124     ...
125     param { name: "ip2_w" ...  }
126     param { name: "ip2_b" ...  }
127     ...
129 ### Building the Second Side of the Siamese Net
131 Now we need to create the second path that operates on `data_p` and produces
132 `feat_p`. This path is exactly the same as the first. So we can just copy and
133 paste it. Then we change the name of each layer, input, and output by appending
134 `_p` to differentiate the "paired" layers from the originals.
136 ### Adding the Contrastive Loss Function
138 To train the network we will optimize a contrastive loss function proposed in:
139 Raia Hadsell, Sumit Chopra, and Yann LeCun "Dimensionality Reduction by Learning
140 an Invariant Mapping". This loss function encourages matching pairs to be close
141 together in feature space while pushing non-matching pairs apart. This cost
142 function is implemented with the `CONTRASTIVE_LOSS` layer:
144     layer {
145         name: "loss"
146         type: "ContrastiveLoss"
147         contrastive_loss_param {
148             margin: 1.0
149         }
150         bottom: "feat"
151         bottom: "feat_p"
152         bottom: "sim"
153         top: "loss"
154     }
156 ## Define the Solver
158 Nothing special needs to be done to the solver besides pointing it at the
159 correct model file. The solver is defined in
160 `./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese_solver.prototxt`.
162 ## Training and Testing the Model
164 Training the model is simple after you have written the network definition
165 protobuf and solver protobuf files. Simply run
166 `./examples/siamese/train_mnist_siamese.sh`:
168     ./examples/siamese/train_mnist_siamese.sh
170 # Plotting the results
172 First, we can draw the model and siamese networks by running the following
173 commands that draw the DAGs defined in the .prototxt files:
175     ./python/draw_net.py 176         ./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese.prototxt 177         ./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese.png
179     ./python/draw_net.py 180         ./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese_train_test.prototxt 181         ./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese_train_test.png
183 Second, we can load the learned model and plot the features using the iPython
184 notebook:
186     ipython notebook ./examples/siamese/mnist_siamese.ipynb
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  If you want to shown the neural network in a image. first, you should install the following softwares: 

    1. sudo apt-get install graphviz 

    2. sudo pip install pydot2 

  then, you can draw the following graph using tool provided by python files. 






    If you want to know how to implement this on your own data. You should: 

    1. Preparing your data:

      ==>> positive and negative image pairs and corresponding label (1 and -1).

    2. Convert the files into lmdb files

    3. then just do as above mentioned. 


  ==>>  But  I am still feel confused about how to deal with this whole process.

      Will fill with this part later. 





  2. Torch version:   
























































Tutorial: Implementation of Siamese Network on Caffe, Torch, Tensorflow

标签:led   plot   near   efault   tput   oss   push   most   pip   


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