[root@python atm]# cat atm.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ‘‘‘ Date:2017-03-23 Author:Bob ‘‘‘ import os import time import pickle import readline #解决退格键和上下键引起的乱码,需要安装readline和readline-devel包 #定义账单,商品和购物车 Bill = {} products = {} shoplist = [] #define Bill function, used to record billing details(account/time/describe/money). def Bill(Account,Time,Description,RMB): Bill = {"Account":Account,"Time":Time,"Description":Description,"RMB":RMB} #用pickle模块把账单信息存入到bill文件中去 pickle.dump(Bill,open("bill","a")) #购物功能 def shop(): print ‘\033[;32mWelcome to shopping!\n\033[0m‘ with open(‘shops.txt‘) as f: for line in f.readlines(): print ‘{}‘.format(line.strip()) while 1: with open(‘shops.txt‘) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() commodity = line.split()[0] price = line.split()[1] products[commodity] = price choice = raw_input("\n\033[;36mPlease enter what you want to buy,if you want back,you can enter\033[0m \033[;31mback\033[0m:").strip() if len(choice) == 0: continue elif choice == ‘back‘: list() #如果有这个商品,就判断商品价格,如果商品价格大于余额,就提示余额不足 if products.has_key(choice): #从userinfo文件中读取并反序列化 remaining = pickle.load(open(‘userinfo‘,‘rb‘)) if int(products[choice]) > remaining[accountAuth][2]: print ‘In your card remaining sum already insufficiency, please prompt sufficient value!‘ else: while 1: #把购买的商品追加到购物车 shoplist.append(choice) #计算余额,余额就是总金额减去购买的商品价格 new_remaining = int(remaining[accountAuth][2]) - int(products[choice]) userInfo[accountAuth][2] = int(new_remaining) #把余额信息序列化并存到userinfo文件中 pickle.dump(userInfo,open("userinfo","wb")) #把购买的记录和账单写到Bill文件中 Bill(accountAuth,time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),choice,"-%d" % int(products[choice])) #打印消费的金额和剩余金额 print "\033[;32mConsumption is %r Money is %r\033[0m" % (products[choice],new_remaining) #打印购物车的商品 print "\033[;33mThe shopping list %s \033[0m" % shoplist break else: print ‘You choose {} is not in the shoplist!‘.format(choice) shop() #查询余额功能 def query_money(): userInfo = pickle.load(open(‘userinfo‘,‘rb‘)) totalmoney = userInfo[accountAuth][1] remaining = userInfo[accountAuth][2] print ‘Your total money is {}, remaining money is \033[1;31m{}\033[0m!‘.format(totalmoney, remaining) #存钱功能 def save_money(): while 1: save_desc = raw_input("Please describe save money the details:").strip() if len(save_desc) == 0: continue try: save_money = int(raw_input("Please save the money:")) except ValueError: print "\033[;31mYou entered must be number.\033[0m" save_money() if save_money % 100 != 0: print ‘You must enter an integer of 100!‘ continue userInfo = pickle.load(open(‘userinfo‘, ‘rb‘)) remaining = int(userInfo[accountAuth][2]) + save_money userInfo[accountAuth][2] = remaining pickle.dump(userInfo, open(‘userinfo‘, ‘wb‘)) print ‘Your total money is %s, your remaining is \033[;31m%s\033[0m!‘ %(userInfo[accountAuth][1], userInfo[accountAuth][2]) Bill(accountAuth,time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),save_desc,"+%d" % float(save_money)) next = raw_input("1.continue \n2.return \n3.exit \nPlease select: ").strip() if next == ‘1‘: continue elif next == ‘2‘: list() elif next == ‘3‘: exit() else: print ‘Please enter the correct content!‘ #取钱功能 def draw_money(): while 1: draw_desc = raw_input("Please describe draw money the details:").strip() if len(draw_desc) == 0: continue try: draw_money = int(raw_input("Please draw the money:")) except ValueError: print "\033[;31mYou entered must be number.\033[0m" draw_money() if draw_money % 100 != 0: print ‘You must enter an integer of 100!‘ continue userInfo = pickle.load(open(‘userinfo‘, ‘rb‘)) #There are bugs here! if draw_money > int(userInfo[accountAuth][2]): print ‘\033[;31mYour remaining is insufficient!\033[0m‘ list() userInfo = pickle.load(open(‘userinfo‘, ‘rb‘)) remaining = int(userInfo[accountAuth][2]) - draw_money - draw_money * 0.05 userInfo[accountAuth][2] = remaining pickle.dump(userInfo, open(‘userinfo‘, ‘wb‘)) print ‘Your total money is %s, your remaining is \033[;31m%s\033[0m!‘ %(userInfo[accountAuth][1], userInfo[accountAuth][2]) Bill(accountAuth,time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),draw_desc,"+%d" % float(draw_money)) next = raw_input("1.continue \n2.return \n3.exit \nPlease select: ").strip() if next == ‘1‘: continue elif next == ‘2‘: list() elif next == ‘3‘: exit() else: print ‘Please enter the correct content!‘ #转账功能,和上面的逻辑基本一样 def transfer_money(): while 1: userInfo = pickle.load(open(‘userinfo‘, ‘rb‘)) transfer_desc = raw_input("Please describe transfer money: ").strip() if len(transfer_desc) == 0: continue d_account = raw_input("Please input transfer account: ").strip() if len(d_account) == 0: continue if userInfo.has_key(d_account) is False: print "\033[;31mThis account does not exist\033[0m" transfer_money() d_money = int(raw_input("Please input transfer amount money: ")) if d_money % 100 != 0: print "\033[;31mDeposit amount must be 100 integer times\033[0m" continue if d_money > int(userInfo[accountAuth][2]): print "\033[;31mYour balance is insufficient\033[0m" continue userInfo[accountAuth][2] = int(userInfo[accountAuth][2]) - d_money - d_money * 0.10 userInfo[d_account][2] = int(userInfo[d_account][2]) + d_money pickle.dump(userInfo,open(‘userinfo‘, ‘wb‘)) print "\033[;32mYour credit is %r,Your balance is %r\033[0m" % (userInfo[accountAuth][1],userInfo[accountAuth][2]) Bill(accountAuth,time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),transfer_desc,"-%d" % (userInfo[accountAuth][2] - d_money - d_money * 0.10)) next = raw_input("1.continue \n2.return \n3.exit \nPlease select: ").strip() if next == ‘1‘: continue elif next == ‘2‘: list() elif next == ‘3‘: exit() else: print ‘Please enter the correct content!‘ #账单功能 def query_bill(): Income = [] Spending = [] num = 0 print "Account\t\tTime\t\tDescription\t\t RMB" with open(‘bill‘, ‘rb‘) as f: while True: try: line = pickle.load(f) if line["Account"] == accountAuth: if ‘+‘ in line["RMB"]: print "\033[;33m%r\t%r\t%r\t\t\t%r\033[0m" % (line["Account"],line["Time"],line["Description"],line["RMB"]) income = line["RMB"].strip("+") Income.append(income) else: print "%r\t%r\t%r\t\t\t%r" % (line["Account"],line["Time"],line["Description"],line["RMB"]) spending = line["RMB"].strip("-") Spending.append(spending) except: break for i in Income: num = num + int(i) income = num print "Income is %r" % num for i in Spending: num = num + int(i) spending = num print "Spending is %r" % num print "Total is %r" % (int(income) + int(spending)) #修改密码功能 def modify_passwd(): userInfo = pickle.load(open(‘userinfo‘, ‘rb‘)) old_passwd = raw_input("Please enter old password:").strip() while 1: if old_passwd == userInfo[accountAuth][0]: new_passwd = raw_input("Please enter new password:").strip() if len(new_passwd) < 6: print ‘Your password is too simple!‘ continue confirm_new_password = raw_input("Please confirm new password again:").strip() if new_passwd != confirm_new_password: print ‘Two passwords do not match!‘ else: userInfo[accountAuth][0] = confirm_new_password pickle.dump(userInfo, open(‘userinfo‘, ‘wb‘)) print ‘\033[;32mYour password is changed successful!\033[0m‘ exit() else: print ‘Your password is error!‘ modify_passwd() #ATM机所有功能 def list(): print ‘‘‘\033[;32m ################################################### # welcome to ATM! # # # # 1.shop 2.query money # # 3.save money 4.draw money # # 5.transfer money 6.query bill # # 7.modify password 8.exit # # # ################################################### \033[0m‘‘‘ while 1: choice = raw_input("Please choose according to your needs:").strip() if len(choice) == 0: continue elif choice == ‘1‘: shop() elif choice == ‘2‘: query_money() elif choice == ‘3‘: save_money() elif choice == ‘4‘: draw_money() elif choice == ‘5‘: transfer_money() elif choice == ‘6‘: query_bill() elif choice == ‘7‘: modify_passwd() else: print "\n\033[;35mYou have been exit the system!\033[0m" exit() #用户登录功能 userInfo = pickle.load(open(‘userinfo‘, ‘rb‘)) while 1: accountAuth = raw_input("Please input user account:").strip() if len(accountAuth) == 0: continue if userInfo.has_key(accountAuth): if ‘lock‘ in userInfo[accountAuth]: print ‘%s has been locked!‘ % accountAuth exit() for num in range(3,0,-1): passwdAuth = raw_input("Please input user password:").strip() if len(passwdAuth) == 0: continue if passwdAuth == userInfo[accountAuth][0]: list() else: print "Wrong password, Can try again \033[;31m%r\033[0m itmes" % num continue else: lockaccount = userInfo[accountAuth] lockaccount.append(‘lock‘) pickle.dump(userInfo,open(‘userinfo‘, ‘wb‘)) print "\033[;31mAccount freeze within 24 hours\033[0m" exit() else: print "\033[;31mWrong account %r,retype\033[0m" % accountAuth
[root@python atm]# cat shops.txt computer 6000 iphone 5000 mouse 250 keyboard 40 camera 8000 package 500 power 230
[root@python atm]# cat create_userinfo.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pickle userInfo = {‘xtd‘:[‘123456‘,‘150000‘,‘150000‘], ‘bob‘:[‘666‘,‘8000‘,‘8000‘], ‘xdg‘:[‘888‘,‘3000‘,‘3000‘] } pickle.dump(userInfo,open(‘userinfo‘, ‘w‘)) userinfo = open(‘userinfo‘, ‘r‘) while True: try: line = pickle.load(userinfo) print line except: break
[root@python atm]# python create_userinfo.py {‘xdg‘: [‘888‘, ‘3000‘, ‘3000‘], ‘bob‘: [‘666‘, ‘8000‘, ‘8000‘], ‘xtd‘: [‘123456‘, ‘150000‘, ‘150000‘]}
[root@python atm]# cat cat.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pickle userinfo = open(‘userinfo‘, ‘r‘) while True: try: line = pickle.load(userinfo) print line except: break
[root@python atm]# python cat.py {‘xdg‘: [‘888‘, ‘3000‘, ‘3000‘], ‘bob‘: [‘666‘, ‘8000‘, 1000], ‘xtd‘: [‘123456‘, ‘150000‘, ‘150000‘]}
[root@python atm]# python atm.py Please input user account:bob Please input user password:666 ################################################### # welcome to ATM! # # # # 1.shop 2.query money # # 3.save money 4.draw money # # 5.transfer money 6.query bill # # 7.modify password 8.exit # # # ################################################### Please choose according to your needs:2 Your total money is 8000, remaining money is 1000! Please choose according to your needs:
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