标签:scope whether default view ati 取消 nbsp span tty
cas.properties 修改两个地方
# Decides whether SSO cookie should be created only under secure connections.
# The expiration value of the SSO cookie
# tgc.maxAge=-1
# The name of the SSO cookie
# tgc.name=TGC
# The path to which the SSO cookie will be scoped
# tgc.path=/cas
# The expiration value of the SSO cookie for long-term authentications
# tgc.remember.me.maxAge=1209600
# Decides whether SSO Warning cookie should be created only under secure connections.
<jsp:directive.include file="includes/top.jsp" /> <%--<c:if test="${not pageContext.request.secure}"> <div id="msg" class="errors"> <h2><spring:message code="screen.nonsecure.title" /></h2> <p><spring:message code="screen.nonsecure.message" /></p> </div> </c:if>--%>
HTTPSandIMAPS-10000001.json 中增加http的service
{ "@class" : "org.jasig.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService", "serviceId" : "^(https|imaps|http)://.*", "name" : "HTTPS and IMAPS", "id" : 10000001, "description" : "This service definition authorized all application urls that support HTTPS and IMAPS protocols.", "proxyPolicy" : { "@class" : "org.jasig.cas.services.RefuseRegisteredServiceProxyPolicy" }, "evaluationOrder" : 10000, "usernameAttributeProvider" : { "@class" : "org.jasig.cas.services.DefaultRegisteredServiceUsernameProvider" }, "logoutType" : "BACK_CHANNEL", "attributeReleasePolicy" : { "@class" : "org.jasig.cas.services.ReturnAllowedAttributeReleasePolicy", "principalAttributesRepository" : { "@class" : "org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.DefaultPrincipalAttributesRepository" }, "authorizedToReleaseCredentialPassword" : false, "authorizedToReleaseProxyGrantingTicket" : false }, "accessStrategy" : { "@class" : "org.jasig.cas.services.DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy", "enabled" : true, "ssoEnabled" : true } }
标签:scope whether default view ati 取消 nbsp span tty