标签:商品列表 购物 ice bre sharp blog == rod and
product_list = [[‘Iphone7‘,5800], #列表方式 [‘Coffee‘,30], [‘疙瘩汤‘,10], [‘Python Book‘,99], [‘Bike‘,199], [‘ViVo X9‘,2499], ] shopping_cart = [] #shopping_cart 购物车 salary = int(input("input your salary:")) #请输入你的资产 while True: index = 0 for product in product_list: print(index,product) index += 1 choice = input(">>:").strip() if choice.isdigit(): #判断是否为数字 choice = int(choice) if choice >= 0 and choice < len(product_list): #商品存在 product = product_list[choice] #取到商品 if product[1] <= salary: #判断是否买得起 #买得起 shopping_cart.append(product) #加入购物车 salary -= product[1] #扣钱 print("Added product" + product[0] + "into shopping cart,your current balance") else: print("买不起,穷逼!产品价格是" + str(product[1]) + "你还差" + str(product[1] - salary) + "¥") else: print("商品不存在!") elif choice == "q": print("------已购买商品列表------") for i in shopping_cart: print(i) print("您的余额为:",salary) print("-----End-----") break else: print("无此选项!")
标签:商品列表 购物 ice bre sharp blog == rod and