标签:machine ida framework mac 程序 use sem sse test
可使用.net framework sdk自带工具 sn.exe, 可能在windows sdk目录的NETFX 4.0 Tools下. 爆破.net程序时可用。
-Vr <assembly> [<userlist>][<infile>]
Register <assembly> for verification skipping (with an optional, comma
separated list of usernames for which this will take effect and an optional
test public key in <infile>).
sn.exe -Vr [需要绕过验证的assembly路径]
List current settings for strong name verification on this machine.
-Vu <assembly>
Unregister <assembly> for verification skipping. The same rules for
<assembly> nameing are followed as for -Vr.
.NET bypass strong-name validation, 绕过强名称验证。
标签:machine ida framework mac 程序 use sem sse test