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how to design a good api and why it matters

时间:2017-04-02 14:37:43      阅读:215      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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Characteristics of a Good API

? Easy to learn

? Easy to use, even without documentation

? Hard to misuse

? Easy to read and maintain code that uses it

? Sufficiently powerful to satisfy requirements

? Easy to extend

? Appropriate to audience


General Principles

API Should Do One Thing and Do it Well

API Should Be As Small As Possible But No Smaller

Implementation Should Not Impact API

Minimize Accessibility of Everything

Names Matter–API is a Little Language

Documentation Matters

Effects of API Design Decisions on Performance are Real and Permanent

API Must Coexist Peacefully with Platform


how to design a good api and why it matters

标签:access   cte   exist   sig   tar   oss   orm   href   -o   


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