标签:root fine 开发 one 一行代码 cin border self iad
本文提供了一个简单的Address Bar实现,使用.NET 2.0和VS2008. 它是基于一个简单的树型遍历实现的,同时适用于各种级联数据。
在Design-Time下将Address Bar Control拖入Form,然后再构造器中加入下面一行代码:
//Initialize the bar with a root node type. this .AdBar.InitializeRoot( new FileSystemNode()); |
你只需要传入一个根节点,然后根节点就会为control提供信息。FileSystemNode包含Windows系统安装后的第一个逻辑盘信息。 要实现IAddressNode类型,有如下三个重要的方法需要自己实现:
UpdateNode() - Used to update the node itself for any changes (e.g. in the FileSystemNode it checks for child folder changes and folder name changes) GetChild() - Searches for a given child node based on a unique ID (A Unique ID being whatever you define it as . In FileSystemNode, we use an absolute path for a folder as the unique ID). Clone() - Clones a given node as a separate value copy (rather than just by reference). |
Windows 7样式地址栏(Address Bar)控件实现
标签:root fine 开发 one 一行代码 cin border self iad