标签:编码格式 ide write 源码 关闭 os.walk 代码 打开 文件属性
import chardet import sys import codecs def findEncoding(s): file = open(s, mode=‘rb‘) buf = file.read() result = chardet.detect(buf) file.close() return result[‘encoding‘] def convertEncoding(s): encoding = findEncoding(s) if encoding != ‘utf-8‘ and encoding != ‘ascii‘: print("convert %s %s to utf-8" % (s, encoding)) contents = ‘‘ with codecs.open(s, "r", encoding) as sourceFile: contents = sourceFile.read() with codecs.open(s, "w", "utf-8") as targetFile: targetFile.write(contents) else: print("%s encoding is %s ,there is no need to convert" % (s, encoding)) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("error filename") else: convertEncoding(sys.argv[1])
import chardet import sys import codecs import os def findEncoding(s): file = open(s, mode=‘rb‘) buf = file.read() result = chardet.detect(buf) file.close() return result[‘encoding‘] def convertEncoding(s): if os.access(s,os.W_OK): encoding = findEncoding(s) if encoding != ‘utf-8‘ and encoding != ‘ascii‘: print("convert %s %s to utf-8" % (s, encoding)) contents = ‘‘ with codecs.open(s, "r", encoding) as sourceFile: contents = sourceFile.read() with codecs.open(s, "w", "utf-8") as targetFile: targetFile.write(contents) else: print("%s encoding is %s ,there is no need to convert" % (s, encoding)) else: print("%s read only" %s) def getAllFile(path, suffix=‘.‘): "recursive is enable" f = os.walk(path) fpath = [] for root, dir, fname in f: for name in fname: if name.endswith(suffix): fpath.append(os.path.join(root, name)) return fpath def convertAll(path): fclist = getAllFile(path, ".c") fhlist = getAllFile(path, ".h") flist = fclist + fhlist for fname in flist: convertEncoding(fname) if __name__ == "__main__": path = ‘‘ if len(sys.argv) == 1: path = os.getcwd() elif len(sys.argv) == 2: path = sys.argv[1] else: print("error parameter") exit() convertAll(path)
标签:编码格式 ide write 源码 关闭 os.walk 代码 打开 文件属性