标签:time 安装 bsp ber arch and medium admin 使用
1. 安装ecshop(打开gd扩展)
2. 使用图形化界面工具,如phpmyadmin查看数据。(以前用命令行,主要锻炼代码熟练度!)
# 建木瓜库
create database mugua charset utf8;
# 选中木瓜
use mugua;
# 创建商品表(创建的字段应和ecshop里的一样,并且一一对应)
create table goods(
goods_id int primary key auto_increment,
cat_id smallint not null default 0,
goods_sn char(15) not null default ‘‘,
goods_name varchar(30) not null default ‘‘,
click_count mediumint unsigned not null default 0,
brand_id smallint not null default 0,
goods_number smallint not null default 0,
market_price decimal(7, 2) not null default 0.00,
shop_price decimal(7,2) not null default 0.00,
add_time int unsigned not null default 0
)charset utf8;
# 把ec的商品数据导入到木瓜库
insert into mugua.goods
goods_id, cat_id, goods_sn, goods_name, click_count,
brand_id, goods_number, market_price,
from shop.goods;
# 创建类目表
create table category(
cat_id smallint primary key auto_increment,
cat_name varchar(30) not null default ‘‘,
parent_id smallint not null default 0
)charset utf8;
# 把ec的类目数据导入到木瓜库
insert into mugua.category
cat_id, cat_name, parent_id
from shop.category;
# 创建品牌表
create table brand(
brand_id smallint primary key auto_increment,
brand_name varchar(30) not null default ‘‘
)charset utf8;
# 把ec的品牌数据导入到木瓜库
insert into mugua.brand
brand_id, brand_name
from shop.brand;
标签:time 安装 bsp ber arch and medium admin 使用