标签:trigger join 2.3 函数 rollback 运行 数据源 不能 where
服务器名称:是指你要连接的安装的数据库服务器所在的那台电脑的ip地址,如果是本机的话,就是 .
mdf 结尾:数据库数据文件,一个数据库有且只有一个
create database xuankeData--创建数据库 go--连接符 use xuankeData--使用数据库 go create table student--创建表 ( code int not null,--列名 类型 是否为空 name varchar(20), sex int, height decimal(18,2) ) go insert into student values(2,‘张三‘,1,1.85)--输入数据 go select*from student--查询表中内容 go drop table student--删除表 go drop database xuankedata--删除数据库,先要点到别的数据库,被删数据库不能正在使用中 go update student set name=‘张三‘ where code=2--修改表中内容, where 筛选 go delete from student where name=‘李四‘--删除表中的数据 go
方法1. 清空数据时不用delete from tbname 而是用truncate table tbname 方法2: 先清空数据delete from tbname 再重置自增种子dbcc checkident(tbname,reseed,0)
--学号,外键,外键表 select*from student--查询表中内容 insert into student values(1,‘张三‘,1,1.85,‘32330123‘)--添加数据 insert into student values(2,‘李四‘,1,1.85,‘32330163‘)--添加数据 delete from student where code=2 create table score ( ids int primary key identity(1,1), --设置主键 identity(1,1)自增长列 scode int references student(code), --学号,外键,外键表 course varchar(20), degree decimal(18,2) check(degree>=0 and degree<=100) ) alter table score add cid varchar(50) unique--给表再加一列,===>修改哪个表,添加列 alter table score drop column cid --修改表,删除列 insert into score values(2,‘语文‘,99) select *from score
--查询 msdn select , msdn like 20151009: Select 语句的运行先后顺序: 1、 from 2、on 3、join 4、where 5、group by 6、with cube or with rollup 7、having 8、select 9、distinct 10、order by 11、top use mydb select*from car go --条件查询:where筛选比较运算符> < >= <= != 逻辑运算符and or select name,oil from car where oil <8 and powers>160 --select 列名 from select* from car where oil <8 and powers>160 --模糊查询 like select* from car where name like ‘%宝马%‘--%通配符 select top 2 *from car where name like ‘宝马%‘--top查询前多少条 select* from car where name like ‘%宝马系%‘ and price <45 select* from car where name like ‘%宝马__%‘--下划线_任何单一字 select* from car where name like ‘%宝马[1-4]_%‘--在[]的指定范围内 select* from car where name like ‘%宝马[^1-4]_%‘--^在指定的范围之外 --排序 select *from car order by oil asc --升序 select *from car order by oil desc --降序 select * from car where name like ‘%宝马%‘ order by oil desc --去重显示 select distinct brand from car
--子查询 --把查询语句查询出的结果当做一个数值使用或一组数值使用 --all所有的,any任意一个,修饰符 --in(‘‘,‘‘)在数值范围内not in()不在括号的数值范围内 select price from car where name =‘宝马3系 325i 时尚型‘ select *from car where name like ‘%奥迪%‘and price>=42.38 select *from car where name like ‘%奥迪%‘and price>=(select price from car where name =‘宝马3系 325i 时尚型‘) select *from car where name like ‘%奥迪%‘and price>(select max(price)from car where name like‘%宝马%‘) select *from car where name like ‘%奥迪%‘and price>all(select price from car where name like ‘%宝马%‘ ) select *from car where name like ‘%奥迪%‘and price>any(select price from car where name like ‘%宝马%‘ ) --in(‘‘,‘‘)在数值范围内not in()不在括号的数值范围内 == or的用法 select * from car where brand =‘b001‘or brand =‘b002‘or brand =‘b003‘ select * from car where brand in(‘b001‘,‘b002‘,‘b003‘) select * from car where brand not in(‘b001‘,‘b002‘,‘b003‘)
--表连接 (inner)join on内连接 select* from car select*from brand select code,name,brand,brand_code from car join brand on car.brand =brand .brand_code select code,name,brand,brand_code from car inner join brand on car.brand =brand .brand_code select code,name,brand,brand_code from car left join brand on car.brand =brand .brand_code select code,name,brand,brand_code from car right join brand on car.brand =brand .brand_code
--子查询 select code,name,(select brand_name from brand where car.brand =brand .brand_code )as brand_name from car --表的拼接 用,笛卡尔积,类似for的穷举 select*from car,brand select*from car,brand where car.brand =brand .brand_code
--聚合函数:max , min , sum ,avg ,count select min(oil),max(oil),sum(price) from car--放在select from 中间使用,聚合函数和聚合函数放在一起使用 go select COUNT(*)from car go select avg(price) from car go select avg (price) from car where name like ‘%宝马%‘ go --group by --分组 select brand,MIN(oil) from car group by brand--按照哪一列进行分组,select from 中间就只能查询哪一列 go select brand from car group by brand having COUNT(*)>=3--having 只能跟在group by后面使用,对分组后的数据进行再筛选 go select*from brand go --日期时间函数 select SYSDATETIME()--系统时间 go select GETDATE()--比sysdatetime 获取的快速 go print sysdatetime()--把数据输出到消息框 go select YEAR(GETDATE()) go select DATENAME(WEEKDAY,‘2015-5-5‘) select DATEPART(WEEKDAY,‘2015-5-5‘) --字符串函数 select LTRIM(‘ 123213 ‘)--去除左空格 select RTRIM(‘ asder ‘)--去除右空格 select LEFT(‘abcdef‘,3)--返回从左边开始指定长度的字符 select RIGHT(‘123123adf‘,3)--返回从右边开始指定长度的字符 select LEN(‘afdfasfd‘)--返回字符串长度 select LOWER(‘AcDFdd‘)--小写 select upper(‘AcDFdd‘)--大写 select REPLACE(‘ac123123123ac123123123‘,‘ac‘,‘haha‘)--替换 select REPLICATE(‘abc‘,10) select REVERSE(‘abc‘)--翻转字符串 select STR(1.567,3,2)--第一个是数值类型,是长度,是小数点后有几位 select SUBSTRING(‘abcdefg‘,2,3)--截取字符串,索引从开始 --数学函数:abs ceiling floor square sqrt round pi select ABS(-2.1)--绝对值(负数变正数) select RAND()--随机数(返回一个介于-1之间的伪随机数) select ROUND(4.1,0)--四舍五入(代表小数点后几位数) select FLOOR(5.56)--下限 select CEILING(5.2)--上限(返回大于或等于制定数值表达式的最小数) select PI()--圆周率 select SQRT(4)--开平方 select SQUARE(5)--平方 --转换函数 select CAST(‘123‘ as int) select CONVERT(int,‘123‘) --字符串也是可以相加的 select ‘123‘+‘456‘--结果是123456
20151013: --视图:就是一个虚拟的表 select degree,sname,cname from (select score.sno,score.cno,score.degree, student.sname,ssex,sbrithday,class,course.cname,tno from score join student on student.sno = score.sno join course on course.cno = score.cno) table1 --一个查询语句可以当做是子查询,查询出一列或者一个作为数据的比对参数, --作为一个数据源,当做一个数值或一组数值使用,当放在from后面,还可作为一个表来使用 create view tableview--创建视图 as select score.sno,score.cno,score.degree, student.sname,ssex,sbrithday,class,course.cname,tno from score join student on student.sno = score.sno join course on course.cno = score.cno go select *from tableview select DEGREE,sname,cname from tableview--在查询使用时就是一个表 alter view tableview--修改视图 as select *from student--修改的内容,相当于删了重建 go drop view tableview--删除视图 --应用:如果这几个表的连接经常要用,那么建好视图之后就不用每次都写了 --范式理论: --1、每个表都要有主键 --2、每个表的列都要直接跟主键相关 --3、每一列都要是单独的数据列
20151015: --存储过程 create proc JiaFa --参数 @a int, @b int as --存储过程内容 declare @c int set @c=@a+@b return @c go declare @f int exec @f=JiaFa 3,5 print @f
alter proc Zhishuhe @num int as declare @i int--定义起点从开始到输入的数挨个判断 declare @sum int set @i=1 set @sum=0 while @i<=@num--开始循环判断是否是质数 begin declare @j int--定义判断质数的起点,从到自身循环一遍,能被整除两次的就是质数 set @j=1 declare @count int set @count=0 while @j<=@i--判断@i是否为质数 begin if @i%@j=0 begin set @count=@count+1 end set @j=@j+1 end if @count=2--如果是质数 begin set @sum=@sum+@i--累加求和 end set @i=@i+1 end return @sum go declare @jieguo int exec @jieguo = zhishuhe 100 print @jieguo
20151016: --触发器:一种特殊的存储过程,通过对数据库表操作的 --动作,来触发,增删改 alter trigger Fruit_Insert_After --修改用alter on fruit --对哪个表操作的时候执行触发器 instead of insert -- for --(update,delete) for的意思是动作之后触发after等同 as select *from inserted --inserted临时表,就是增加的数据 go select *from student select *from score delete from student where sno=101--有主外键关系 alter trigger student_delete_instead on student instead of delete as --先删除外键表数据 delete from score where sno in( select sno from deleted ) --再删主键表 delete from student where sno in (select sno from deleted) Go
--分页语句:查询-10的数据(尽量用主键唯一查询) select top 5 *from car order by price desc go select top 5 *from car where code not in (select top 5 code from car) go select top 5 * from car where code not in (select top 10 code from car) go use shujuData go select * from score go select top 5 a.sno,a.cno,a.degree from Score as a left join (select top 5 *from Score) as b on a.sno=b.sno and a.cno=b.cno where b.sno is null--判断是否为空is
--事务:出现错误时,会返回最开始的过程; --保障流程的完整执行,如果一步失败就会返回到起点 select *From student select *From score begin tran --在流程开始的位置 delete from student where sno=‘304‘ delete from Student where Sno=‘303‘ if @@ERROR>0--看全局变量里是否有错误记录 begin rollback tran--回滚事务 end else begin commit tran--提交事务 end
标签:trigger join 2.3 函数 rollback 运行 数据源 不能 where