标签:openurl material tip stop hand 自己 set tpi eve
创建一个MediaPlayer的材质,转换成画刷,,然后给SImage,在Tick更新画面,就是这样,下面是具体代码, #pragma once #include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "UObject/WeakObjectPtr.h" #include "Widgets/DeclarativeSyntaxSupport.h" #include "Widgets/SCompoundWidget.h" class UAudioComponent; class UMaterial; class UMaterialExpressionTextureSample; class UMediaPlayer; class UMediaSoundWave; class UMediaTexture; struct FSlateBrush; enum class EMediaEvent; /** * */ class USERINTERFACE_API SVideoPlay : public SCompoundWidget { public: DECLARE_DELEGATE(FCloseVieoPlay) SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS(SVideoPlay) {} SLATE_EVENT(FCloseVieoPlay,OnCloseVideoPlay) SLATE_ARGUMENT(FString, VideoURL) SLATE_END_ARGS() SVideoPlay(); ~SVideoPlay(); /** Constructs this widget with InArgs */ void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs); /** The material that wraps the video texture for display in an SImage. */ UMaterial* Material; /** The Slate brush that renders the material. */ TSharedPtr<FSlateBrush> MaterialBrush; /** The media player whose video texture is shown in this widget. */ UMediaPlayer* MediaPlayer; UMediaTexture* DefaultTexture; TWeakObjectPtr<UMediaTexture> CurrentTexture; /** The video texture sampler in the wrapper material. */ UMaterialExpressionTextureSample* TextureSampler; virtual void Tick(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime) override; void UpdateMaterial(); FString VideoURL; FReply CloseVideoPlay(); FCloseVieoPlay OnCloseVideoPlay; };
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "UserInterface.h" #include "SVideoPlay.h" #include "Styling/SlateBrush.h" #include "Widgets/Images/SImage.h" #include "IMediaOutput.h" #include "IMediaPlayer.h" #include "Materials/Material.h" #include "Materials/MaterialExpressionTextureSample.h" #include "MediaPlayer.h" #include "MediaTexture.h" #include "Engine.h" #include "SlateOptMacros.h" SVideoPlay::SVideoPlay() : CurrentTexture(nullptr) , DefaultTexture(nullptr) , Material(nullptr) , MediaPlayer(nullptr) { //DefaultSoundWave = NewObject<UMediaSoundWave>(GetTransientPackage(), NAME_None, RF_Transient | RF_Public); //if (DefaultSoundWave != nullptr) //{ // DefaultSoundWave->AddToRoot(); // AudioComponent = FAudioDevice::CreateComponent(DefaultSoundWave); // if (AudioComponent != nullptr) // { // AudioComponent->SetVolumeMultiplier(1.0f); // AudioComponent->SetPitchMultiplier(1.0f); // AudioComponent->bAllowSpatialization = false; // AudioComponent->bIsUISound = true; // AudioComponent->bAutoDestroy = false; // AudioComponent->AddToRoot(); // } //} } SVideoPlay::~SVideoPlay() { if (MediaPlayer != nullptr) { MediaPlayer->OnMediaEvent().RemoveAll(this); // remove default sinks from native player //FMediaPlayerBase& Player = MediaPlayer->GetBasePlayer(); /*if (MediaPlayer->GetSoundWave() == nullptr) { Player.SetAudioSink(nullptr); }*/ /*if (MediaPlayer->GetVideoTexture() == nullptr) { Player.SetVideoSink(nullptr); }*/ } // release default sinks /*if (AudioComponent != nullptr) { AudioComponent->Stop(); AudioComponent->RemoveFromRoot(); }*/ if (Material != nullptr) { Material->RemoveFromRoot(); } /*if (DefaultSoundWave != nullptr) { DefaultSoundWave->RemoveFromRoot(); }*/ if (DefaultTexture != nullptr) { DefaultTexture->RemoveFromRoot(); } } BEGIN_SLATE_FUNCTION_BUILD_OPTIMIZATION void SVideoPlay::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs) { OnCloseVideoPlay = InArgs._OnCloseVideoPlay; VideoURL = InArgs._VideoURL; MediaPlayer = LoadObject<UMediaPlayer>(NULL, TEXT("/Game/Common/Video/MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer"), NULL, LOAD_None, NULL); Material = NewObject<UMaterial>(GetTransientPackage(), NAME_None, RF_Transient | RF_Public); if (Material != nullptr) { TextureSampler = NewObject<UMaterialExpressionTextureSample>(Material); { TextureSampler->SamplerType = SAMPLERTYPE_Color; } FExpressionOutput& Output = TextureSampler->GetOutputs()[0]; FExpressionInput& Input = Material->EmissiveColor; { Input.Expression = TextureSampler; Input.Mask = Output.Mask; Input.MaskR = Output.MaskR; Input.MaskG = Output.MaskG; Input.MaskB = Output.MaskB; Input.MaskA = Output.MaskA; } Material->Expressions.Add(TextureSampler); Material->MaterialDomain = EMaterialDomain::MD_UI; Material->AddToRoot(); } //// create Slate brush MaterialBrush = MakeShareable(new FSlateBrush()); { MaterialBrush->SetResourceObject(Material); } UpdateMaterial(); ChildSlot [ SNew(SBox) .WidthOverride(1000) .HeightOverride(1000) .HAlign(HAlign_Center) .VAlign(VAlign_Center) [ SNew(SVerticalBox) +SVerticalBox::Slot() .AutoHeight() [ SNew(SButton) .ButtonStyle(FPanelStyle::Get(), "Button_alpha") .OnClicked(this, &SVideoPlay::CloseVideoPlay) .HAlign(HAlign_Right) .VAlign(VAlign_Center) .Content() [ SNew(SImage) .Image(FPanelStyle::GetBrush("scheme_close")) ] ] +SVerticalBox::Slot() [ SNew(SImage) .Image(MaterialBrush.Get()) ] ] ]; //bool IsPlay = MediaPlayer->OpenUrl(TEXT("")); bool IsPlay = MediaPlayer->OpenUrl(VideoURL); } END_SLATE_FUNCTION_BUILD_OPTIMIZATION void SVideoPlay::Tick(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime) { UpdateMaterial(); //UpdateSoundWave(); } void SVideoPlay::UpdateMaterial() { UMediaTexture* Texture = MediaPlayer->GetVideoTexture(); //if (Texture == nullptr) //{ // // create default texture if needed // if (DefaultTexture == nullptr) // { // DefaultTexture = NewObject<UMediaTexture>(GetTransientPackage(), NAME_None, RF_Transient | RF_Public); // if (DefaultTexture != nullptr) // { // DefaultTexture->UpdateResource(); // DefaultTexture->AddToRoot(); // } // } // // set default texture as output sink // if (DefaultTexture != nullptr) // { // MediaPlayer->GetBasePlayer().SetVideoSink(DefaultTexture); // } // Texture = DefaultTexture; //} // assign new texture to material if (Texture != CurrentTexture) { TextureSampler->Texture = Texture; Material->PostEditChange(); CurrentTexture = Texture; } // resize current texture if (CurrentTexture != nullptr) { MaterialBrush->ImageSize.X = CurrentTexture->GetSurfaceWidth(); MaterialBrush->ImageSize.Y = CurrentTexture->GetSurfaceHeight(); } else { MaterialBrush->ImageSize = FVector2D::ZeroVector; } } FReply SVideoPlay::CloseVideoPlay() { if (OnCloseVideoPlay.IsBound()) { OnCloseVideoPlay.Execute(); } //OnCloseVideoPlay.ExecuteIfBound(); return FReply::Handled(); }
标签:openurl material tip stop hand 自己 set tpi eve