标签:python doxygen docstring 文档化
1 原生doxygen对python注释的文档化支持情况
默认情况下,doxygen可以同时支持两种风格的python注释,原生的docstring和类似java doc风格的##。不过实际使用时不是十全十美
"""@package docstring Documentation for this module. More details. """ def func(): """Documentation for a function. More details. """ pass
类似java doc风格的##
# Documentation for this module. # # More details. ## Documentation for a function. # # More details. def func(): pass
2. input filter:doxypypy
幸运的是,有牛人提供了一个doxygen的input filter,用于把原生docstring转换为java doc风格的##。https://github.com/Feneric/doxypypy。注意还有一个类似的叫doxypy的工具,是现在这个工具的前身,那个工具问题不少。
这里先简单介绍一下doxygen的input filter的功能,简单一句话描述就是一个文本的预处理。当你定义了input filter之后,doxygen在生成文档时就不会直接读取文件内容,而是先调用input filter处理文件内容,然后将处理结果作为doxygen自己的输入。
再简单介绍一下doxypypy这个工具的工作原理:简单来说就是先提取出docstring,然后去掉docstring开头和结尾的""", 然后插入##作为第一行,再在其余各行注释前面加上#,这样就很简单巧妙的转换为类java doc的##风格了。将转换后的结果作为doxygen的输入,就可以制作出漂亮的文档了。
# As close as possible to a direct copy of the sample in PEP 257 and still # be valid code. Simple as can be. complex_zero = 0j def complex(real=0.0, imag=0.0): """Form a complex number. Keyword arguments: real -- the real part (default 0.0) imag -- the imaginary part (default 0.0) """ if imag == 0.0 and real == 0.0: return complex_zero else: return complex(real, imag)
# As close as possible to a direct copy of the sample in PEP 257 and still # be valid code. Simple as can be. complex_zero = 0j ##Form a complex number. # # Keyword arguments: # real -- the real part (default 0.0) # imag -- the imaginary part (default 0.0) # # def complex(real=0.0, imag=0.0): if imag == 0.0 and real == 0.0: return complex_zero else: return complex(real, imag)
# As close as possible to a direct copy of the sample in PEP 257 and still # be valid code. Simple as can be. complex_zero = 0j ## @brief Form a complex number. # # # @param real the real part (default 0.0) # @param imag the imaginary part (default 0.0) # # # @namespace sample_pep.complex def complex(real=0.0, imag=0.0): if imag == 0.0 and real == 0.0: return complex_zero else: return complex(real, imag)
3 添加doxypypy对中文的支持
diff --git a/doxypypy/doxypypy.py b/doxypypy/doxypypy.py old mode 100755 new mode 100644 index 833a723..76ca6be --- a/doxypypy/doxypypy.py +++ b/doxypypy/doxypypy.py @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ from os import linesep from string import whitespace from codeop import compile_command +import codecs +import sys def coroutine(func): @@ -820,15 +822,17 @@ # Figure out what is being requested. (options, inFilename) = optParse() - + + file_encoding = 'utf-8' # Read contents of input file. - inFile = open(inFilename) + inFile = codecs.open(inFilename, encoding=file_encoding) lines = inFile.readlines() inFile.close() # Create the abstract syntax tree for the input file. astWalker = AstWalker(lines, options, inFilename) astWalker.parseLines() # Output the modified source. + sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(file_encoding)(sys.stdout.buffer, 'strict') print(astWalker.getLines()) # See if we're running as a script.
4 在doxygen中配置doxypypy
如果需要下载修改过的doxypypy.py, 可以在这里下载doxypypy--- Doxygen filter for Python
that‘s all
doxygen + doxypypy + docstring 生成python文档
标签:python doxygen docstring 文档化