标签:访问 air 时间间隔 内存 lru 空闲 node lex support
题目:LRU Cache
7 4
0 7 4
7 0 4
1 7 0 4
0 1 7 4
1 0 7 4
2 1 0 7
1 2 0 7
2 1 0 7
6 2 1 0
这样考虑发现不能让list存value,因为没有办法绕开迭代器失效的问题,于是就考虑list存key,这样unordered_map就必须存value,于是,我就把unordered_map设计成这样unordered_map<int, pair<int, list<int>::iterator>> mCahche;
最外围的int是key的类型,里面有pair<int, list<int>::iterator>,其中first是value,second是和list对应的迭代器;必须要list来实现活跃度的一个排序。
/** Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and put. get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1. put(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item. Follow up: Could you do both operations in O(1) time complexity? Example: LRUCache cache = new LRUCache( 2 ); //2 is capacity cache.put(1, 1); cache.put(2, 2); cache.get(1); // returns 1 cache.put(3, 3); // evicts key 2 cache.get(2); // returns -1 (not found) cache.put(4, 4); // evicts key 1 cache.get(1); // returns -1 (not found) cache.get(3); // returns 3 cache.get(4); // returns 4 **/ class LRUCache { public: LRUCache(int capacity):capacity(capacity) {} int get(int key); void put(int key, int value); private: int capacity; list<int> cache;//需要快速插入删除,保存key //因为list删除后后面的iterator就会失效,这样之后用后面的iterator去访问对应的value就是出现未定义的行为 unordered_map<int, pair<int, list<int>::iterator>> mCahche;//需要快速的查找O(1),保存key与value和cache中key的对应的迭代器 }; int LRUCache::get(int key) { auto it = mCahche.find(key);//通过unordered_map快速查找 if (it == mCahche.end())return -1;//没有找到 int value = it->second.first;//保存value cache.erase(it->second.second);//删除当前节点,it.second.second以及其后面的iterator都会失效 cache.push_front(key);//将它插入到cache头部 it->second.second = cache.begin();//将新的iterator赋给it.second.second return value; } void LRUCache::put(int key, int value) { auto it = mCahche.find(key);//通过unordered_map快速查找 if (it == mCahche.end()){//没有找到 if (cache.size() == capacity){//容量已满 mCahche.erase(cache.back());//先删除map中的键值对 cache.pop_back();//再删除list中的键 } cache.push_front(key);//先在list中添加新的键 mCahche[key] = { value, cache.begin() };//再在map中添加新的键值对 } else{ it->second.first = value;//可能value不同,更新value cache.erase(it->second.second);//删除当前节点,it.second.second以及其后面的iterator都会失效 cache.push_front(key);//将它插入到cache头部 it->second.second = cache.begin();//将新的iterator赋给it.second.second } }
struct DoubleListNode {//双向链表 pair<int,int> val; DoubleListNode *front; DoubleListNode *back; DoubleListNode(int key, int value) : val(key,value), front(NULL), back(NULL) {} }; class LRUCacheByDoubleLinkList { public: LRUCacheByDoubleLinkList(int capacity) :capacity(capacity),size(0),cache(NULL) {}//不要忘记size和cache的初始化 int get(int key); void put(int key, int value); private: int capacity;//最大容量 int size;//cache实际长度 //循环双向链表,方便插入删除,和找到链尾 DoubleListNode* cache;//需要快速插入删除,保存value unordered_map<int, DoubleListNode *> mCahche;//需要快速的查找O(1),保存key和value的节点 }; int LRUCacheByDoubleLinkList::get(int key) { auto it = mCahche.find(key);//通过unordered_map快速查找 if (it == mCahche.end())return -1;//没有找到 if (it->second == cache)return cache->val.second;//如果是链首 //删除当前链表的节点 DoubleListNode* pre = it->second->front; pre->back = it->second->back; it->second->back->front = pre; //将当前节点插入到链首 it->second->back = cache; it->second->front = cache->front; cache->front->back = it->second;//别忘了更新尾节点的前向指针 cache->front = it->second; cache = it->second; return it->second->val.second; } void LRUCacheByDoubleLinkList::put(int key, int value) { auto it = mCahche.find(key);//通过unordered_map快速查找 if (it == mCahche.end()){//没有找到 if (size == capacity){//容量已满 cache = cache->front;//头结点前向移动一步 mCahche.erase(cache->val.first);//先删除map中的键值对 cache->val.first = key; cache->val.second = value; mCahche[key] = cache;//再在map中添加新的键值对 return; } //容量未满 DoubleListNode* p = new DoubleListNode(key, value); ++size; if (cache){//链表不空 p->back = cache; p->front = cache->front; cache->front->back = p; cache->front = p; cache = p; mCahche[key] = p;//再在map中添加新的键值对 } else{//链表为空 p->back = p; p->front = p; cache = p; mCahche[key] = p;//再在map中添加新的键值对 } } else{ it->second->val.second = value;//可能value不同,更新value if (it->second == cache)return;//如果是链首 //删除当前链表的节点 DoubleListNode* pre = it->second->front; pre->back = it->second->back; it->second->back->front = pre; //将当前节点插入到链首 it->second->back = cache; it->second->front = cache->front; cache->front->back = it->second;//别忘了更新尾节点的前向指针 cache->front = it->second; cache = it->second; } }
标签:访问 air 时间间隔 内存 lru 空闲 node lex support