标签:blog swap 方法 partition make ror string 居中 列表
1 #首字母大写 2 str = "my name is zhangsan" 3 print(str.capitalize()) 4 >>My name is zhangsan 5 6 #统计字符串里有几个字符 7 str = ‘my name is zhangsan‘ 8 print(str.count(‘i‘)) #print(str.count(‘a‘,5,18)) 9 >>1 10 11 #居中,不足按参数形式补全 12 str = ‘my name is zhangsan‘ 13 print(str.center(50,‘-‘)) 14 >>---------------my name is zhangsan---------------- 15 16 #左对齐,右边不足按参数形式补全 17 str = "my name is zhangsan, and age is 22" 18 print (str.ljust(50,‘-‘)) 19 >>my name is zhangsan, and age is 22---------------- 20 21 #右对齐,左边不足按参数形式补全 22 str = "my name is zhangsan, and age is 22" 23 print (str.rjust(50,‘-‘)) 24 >>----------------my name is zhangsan, and age is 22 25 26 #制表符转换为空格,参数为空格数量 27 str = ‘my name is zh\tangsan‘ 28 print(str) 29 print(str.expandtabs(10)) 30 31 #判断是否为相应字符结尾 32 str = ‘my name is zhangsan‘ 33 print(str.endswith(‘san‘)) 34 35 #string转换为bytes 36 str = ‘我爱中国‘ 37 print(str.encode()) 38 >>b‘\xe6\x88\x91\xe7\x88\xb1\xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\xbd‘ 39 40 #bytes转换为string 41 bs = b‘\xe6\x88\x91\xe7\x88\xb1\xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\xbd‘ 42 print(bs.decode()) 43 >>我爱中国 44 45 #在规定位置查找字符,找到返回index,找不到-1 46 str = ‘my name is zhangsan‘ 47 print(str.find(‘a‘,3,10)) 48 49 #格式化字符串 50 str = ‘my {} is {}‘ 51 print(str.format(‘name‘,‘zhangsan‘)) 52 >>my name is zhangsan 53 #可以不按顺序 54 str = ‘my {1} is {0}‘ 55 print(str.format(‘name‘,‘zhangsan‘)) 56 >>my zhangsan is name 57 #也可以这样 58 str = ‘my {a} is {b}‘ 59 print(str.format(b=‘name‘,a=‘zhangsan!!!‘)) 60 >>my zhangsan!!! is name 61 62 #用map方式格式化 63 str = "my name is {name}, and age is {age}" 64 print(str.format_map({‘name‘:‘zhangsan‘,‘age‘:‘22‘})) 65 >>my name is zhangsan, and age is 22 66 67 #判断是否全大写 68 str = ‘AAA‘ 69 print(str.isupper()) 70 >>True 71 72 #判断首字母大写 73 str = ‘Aa‘ 74 print(str.istitle()) 75 >>True 76 77 #判断是不是空格 78 str = ‘ ‘ 79 print(str.isspace()) 80 >>True 81 82 #判断是不是由数字字符组成的字符串 83 str = ‘111‘ 84 print(str.isnumeric()) 85 >>True 86 87 #判断是否全字母组成 88 str = ‘aaaa‘ 89 print(str.isalpha()) 90 >>True 91 92 #检测指定str是否存在与原str中,可以指定开始结束,与find()区别在于,如果没查到会报异常 93 str = "my name is zhangsan, and age is 22" 94 print(str.index(‘a‘)) 95 >>4 96 print(str.index(‘x‘)) 97 >>ValueError: substring not found 98 99 #判断是否小写字母组成 100 str = ‘aaa‘ 101 print(str.islower()) 102 >>True 103 104 #判断是否字母和数字组成 105 str = ‘a12Aaa‘ 106 print(str.isalnum()) 107 >>True 108 109 #判断是否只由数字构成 110 str = ‘111‘ 111 print(str.isdigit()) 112 >>True 113 114 #用于将序列中的元素以指定的字符连接生成一个新的字符串 115 str = "-"; 116 seq = ("a", "b", "c"); # 字符串序列 117 print str.join( seq ); 118 >>a-b-c 119 120 #转换字符串中所有大写字符为小写。 121 str = "my nAme is zhANGSAN, and age is 22" 122 print (str.lower()) 123 >>my name is zhangsan, and age is 22 124 125 #移除字符串头尾指定的字符(默认为空格) 126 str = "*****this is string example....wow!!!*****" 127 print (str.strip( ‘*‘ )) 128 >>this is string example....wow!!! 129 130 #截掉字符串左边的空格或指定字符,默认为空格 131 str = "1111my name is zhangsan, and age is 221111" 132 print (str.lstrip(‘1‘)) 133 >>my name is zhangsan, and age is 221111 134 135 #截掉字符串右边的空格或指定字符,默认为空格 136 str = "1111my name is zhangsan, and age is 221111" 137 print (str.rstrip(‘1‘)) 138 >>1111my name is zhangsan, and age is 22 139 140 #intab替换为outtab,一一对应,转换为ask码格式,translate()把ask码转换为对于字符 141 intab = "aeiou" 142 outtab = "12345" 143 trantab = str.maketrans(intab, outtab) 144 print(trantab) 145 str = "this is string example....wow!!!" 146 print (str.translate(trantab)) 147 >>{97: 49, 101: 50, 105: 51, 111: 52, 117: 53} 148 >>th3s 3s str3ng 2x1mpl2....w4w!!! 149 150 #返回一个3元的元组,第一个为分隔符左边的子串,第二个为分隔符本身,第三个为分隔符右边的子串。 151 str = "http://www.w3cschool.cc/" 152 print(str.partition(‘//‘)) 153 >>(‘http:‘, ‘//‘, ‘www.w3cschool.cc/‘) 154 155 #返回子字符串 str 在字符串中最后出现的位置,如果没有匹配的字符串会报异常,你可以指定可选参数[beg:end]设置查找的区间 156 str = "1111my name is zhangsan, and age is 221111" 157 print (str.rindex(‘isx‘)) 158 >>ValueError: substring not found 159 160 #返回字符串最后一次出现的位置,如果没有匹配项则返回-1 161 str = "1111my name is zhangsan, and age is 221111" 162 print (str.rfind(‘isx‘)) 163 >>-1 164 165 #方法把字符串中的 old(旧字符串) 替换成 new(新字符串),如果指定第三个参数max,则替换不超过 max 次 166 str = "this is string example....wow!!! this is really string" 167 print (str.replace("is", "was")) 168 print (str.replace("is", "was", 3)) 169 >>thwas was string example....wow!!! thwas was really string 170 >>thwas was string example....wow!!! thwas is really string 171 172 #把字符串切割成列表,默认空格为切割符 173 str = " 1111my name is zhangsan, and age is 221111 " 174 print (str.split()) 175 >>[‘1111my‘, ‘name‘, ‘is‘, ‘zhangsan,‘, ‘and‘, ‘age‘, ‘is‘, ‘221111‘] 176 177 #按照行(‘\r‘, ‘\r\n‘, \n‘)分隔,返回一个包含各行作为元素的列表,如果参数 keepends 为 False,不包含换行符,如果为 True,则保留换行符。 178 str1 = ‘ab c\n\nde fg\rkl\r\n‘ 179 print(str1.splitlines()) 180 str2 = ‘ab c\n\nde fg\rkl\r\n‘ 181 print(str2.splitlines(True)) 182 183 #用于检查字符串是否是以指定子字符串开头,如果是则返回 True,否则返回 False。如果参数 beg 和 end 指定值,则在指定范围内检查。 184 str = "this is string example....wow!!!" 185 print (str.startswith( ‘this‘ )) 186 print (str.startswith( ‘string‘, 8 )) 187 print (str.startswith( ‘this‘, 2, 4 )) 188 >>True 189 >>True 190 >>False 191 192 #转换成大写 193 str = "this is string example....wow!!!" 194 print (str.swapcase()) 195 >>THIS IS STRING EXAMPLE....WOW!!! 196 197 #将字符串中的小写字母转为大写字母。 198 str = "this is string example....wow!!!" 199 print (str.upper()) 200 >>THIS IS STRING EXAMPLE....WOW!!! 201 202 #首字母大写 203 str = "this is string example....wow!!!" 204 print (str.title()) 205 >>This Is String Example....Wow!!! 206 207 #左边补零 208 str = "123456789" 209 print (str.zfill(9)) 210 print (str.zfill(10)) 211 print (str.zfill(11)) 212 >>123456789 213 >>0123456789 214 >>00123456789
标签:blog swap 方法 partition make ror string 居中 列表