标签:print form -- return str and logs find 导入
1 # 编辑者:闫龙 2 import re #导入re模块(正则表达式) 3 calc2 = "1-2*((60-30+(-40/52)*(9-2*5/3+7/3*-99/4*2998+10*568/14))-(-4*3)/(16-3*2))" 4 calc1 = "1-2*((60-30+(-40/5)*(9-2*5/3+7/3*99/4*2998+10*568/14))-(-4*3)/(16-3*2))" 5 calc = "1-2*((60*30+(-40/5)*(9*2*5/3+7/3*99/4*2998+10*568/14))-(-4*32)/(16-3*2))" 6 def Format(Str): 7 "格式化运算式" 8 Str = Str.replace("+-","-") 9 Str = Str.replace("-+", "-") 10 Str = Str.replace("++", "+") 11 Str = Str.replace("--", "+") 12 return Str 13 def SumCut(Str): 14 while re.search("-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*[-+][0-9]+\.?[0-9]*",Str): 15 newRes= re.search("-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*[-+][0-9]+\.?[0-9]*",Str) 16 WhatIs = newRes.group() 17 if(WhatIs.find("-") > 0): 18 l = WhatIs.split("-") 19 Str = Str.replace(WhatIs,str(float(l[0])-float(l[1]))) 20 elif(WhatIs.find("+") > 0): 21 l = WhatIs.split("+") 22 Str = Str.replace(WhatIs,str(float(l[0])+float(l[1]))) 23 return Str.replace("(","").replace(")","") 24 def MulDiv(Str): 25 while re.search("-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*[/*].?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*",Str): 26 newRes= re.search("-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*[/*].?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*",Str) 27 WhatIs = newRes.group() 28 if(WhatIs.find("/") > 0): 29 l = WhatIs.split("/") 30 Str = Str.replace(WhatIs,str(float(l[0])/float(l[1]))) 31 elif(WhatIs.find("*") > 0): 32 l = WhatIs.split("*") 33 if(float(l[0])<0 and float(l[1])<0): 34 Str = Str.replace(WhatIs, "+"+str(float(l[0]) * float(l[1]))) 35 else: 36 Str = Str.replace(WhatIs,str(float(l[0])*float(l[1]))) 37 return Format(Str) 38 while re.search("\([^()]+\)",calc): 39 res = re.search("\([^()]+\)", calc) 40 resTwo = MulDiv(Format(res.group())) 41 resTwo = SumCut(resTwo) 42 calc = calc.replace(res.group(),resTwo) 43 else: 44 resTwo = MulDiv(calc) 45 resTwo = SumCut(resTwo) 46 calc = resTwo 47 print(calc)
标签:print form -- return str and logs find 导入