标签:元素 arch screen hash detail author ash article code
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ‘‘‘ Created on 2014-7-1 @author: guaguastd @name: extract_tweet_entities.py ‘‘‘ if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: import json # import search from search import search_for_tweet # import login, see http://blog.csdn.net/guaguastd/article/details/31706155 from login import twitter_login # get the twitter access api twitter_api = twitter_login() # import tweet from tweet import extract_tweet_entities while 1: query = raw_input(‘\nInput the query (eg. #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou, exit to quit): ‘) if query == ‘exit‘: print ‘Successfully exit!‘ break statuses = search_for_tweet(twitter_api, query) status_texts,screen_names,hashtags,words = extract_tweet_entities(statuses) # Explore the first 5 items for each... print json.dumps(status_texts[0:5], indent=1) print json.dumps(screen_names[0:5], indent=1) print json.dumps(hashtags[0:5], indent=1) print json.dumps(words[0:5], indent=1)
Input the query (eg. #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou, exit to quit): #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou Length of statuses 30 [ "RT @xmlovex: #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou @purpledrauhl_23", "RT @KillahPimpp: #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou @MissRosaa_", "#MentionSomeoneImportantForYou @justinbieber", "\"@KillahPimpp: #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou @_K_L_O_\"", "RT @KillahPimpp: #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou @_K_L_O_" ] [ "xmlovex", "KillahPimpp", "MissRosaa_", "justinbieber", "KillahPimpp" ] [ "MentionSomeoneImportantForYou", "MentionSomeoneImportantForYou", "MentionSomeoneImportantForYou", "MentionSomeoneImportantForYou", "MentionSomeoneImportantForYou" ] [ "RT", "@xmlovex:", "#MentionSomeoneImportantForYou", "@purpledrauhl_23", "RT" ] Input the query (eg. #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou, exit to quit):
Python 提取Twitter tweets中的元素(包括text, screen names, hashtags)
标签:元素 arch screen hash detail author ash article code