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先上一张alpha beta原理图,一看就懂
代码有点长,主要是因为算评估值得时候用的是穷举。 玩家是1,电脑是2,可以选择难度以及先手。
// // main.cpp // Tic-Tac-Toe // // Created by mac on 2017/4/2. // Copyright ? 2017年 mac. All rights reserved. // #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <math.h> #include <cctype> using namespace::std; vector<vector <int> > board(4 ,vector<int>(4,0)); vector<vector <int> > boardvalues(4 ,vector<int>(4,0)); int seatchDepth = 6; bool isCutoffOccured = false; int maxDepthReached = 0; int totalNodesGenerated = 0; int pruningMax = 0; int pruningMin = 0; bool drawGame = false; int winner = -1; int alpha =-1000; int beta = 1000; struct Move{ int i; int j; int value; }; Move MaxValue(vector<vector <int> > board,int alpha,int beta,int depth); Move MinValue(vector<vector <int> > board,int alpha,int beta,int depth); //calculaye 3 pieces in a line int get3PieceEval(vector<vector <int> > board){ int PlayerScore = 0; int AIScore = 0; //row score for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ if ((board[i][0]==board[i][1])&&(board[i][0]==board[i][2]))// { if((board[i][0]==2)&&(board[i][3] == 0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[i][0]==1)&&(board[i][3] == 0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[i][0]==board[i][2])&&(board[i][0]==board[i][3])) { if((board[i][0]==2)&&(board[i][1] == 0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[i][0]==1)&&(board[i][1] == 0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[i][0]==board[i][1])&&(board[i][0]==board[i][3])) { if((board[i][0]==2)&&(board[i][2] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[i][0]==1)&&(board[i][2] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[i][1]==board[i][2])&&(board[i][1]==board[i][3])) { if((board[i][1]==2)&&(board[i][0] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[i][1]==1)&&(board[i][0] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } } //col score for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ if ((board[0][i]==board[1][i])&&(board[0][i]==board[2][i]))// { if((board[0][i]==2)&&(board[3][i] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[0][i]==1)&&(board[3][i] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[0][i]==board[2][i])&&(board[0][i]==board[3][i])) { if((board[0][i]==2)&&(board[1][i] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[0][i]==1)&&(board[1][i] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[0][i]==board[1][i])&&(board[0][i]==board[3][i])) { if((board[0][i]==2)&&(board[2][i] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[0][i]==1)&&(board[2][i] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[1][i]==board[2][i])&&(board[1][i]==board[3][i])) { if((board[1][i]==2)&&(board[0][i] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[1][i]==1)&&(board[0][i] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } } //45 Diagnal score { if((board[0][0]==board[1][1])&&(board[1][1]==board[2][2]))// { if((board[0][0]==2)&&(board[3][3] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[0][0]==1)&&(board[3][3] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[0][0]==board[2][2])&&(board[2][2]==board[3][3]))// { if((board[0][0]==2)&&(board[1][1] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[0][0]==1)&&(board[1][1] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[0][0]==board[1][1])&&(board[1][1]==board[3][3]))// { if((board[0][0]==2)&&(board[2][2] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[0][0]==1)&&(board[2][2] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[1][1]==board[2][2])&&(board[2][2]==board[3][3]))// { if((board[1][1]==2)&&(board[0][0] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[1][1]==1)&&(board[0][0] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } } //135 Diagnal score { if((board[0][3]==board[1][2])&&(board[1][2]==board[2][1]))// { if((board[0][3]==2)&&(board[3][0] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[0][3]==1)&&(board[3][0] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[0][3]==board[1][2])&&(board[1][2]==board[3][0]))// { if((board[0][3]==2)&&(board[2][1] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[0][3]==1)&&(board[2][1] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[0][3]==board[2][1])&&(board[2][1]==board[3][0]))// { if((board[0][3]==2)&&(board[1][2] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[0][3]==1)&&(board[1][2] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } if((board[1][2]==board[2][1])&&(board[2][1]==board[3][0]))// { if((board[1][2]==2)&&(board[0][3] ==0)) AIScore += 6; if((board[1][2]==1)&&(board[0][3] ==0)) PlayerScore += 6; } } //cout<<"get1PieceEval"<<AIScore-PlayerScore<<endl; return AIScore-PlayerScore; } //calculaye 2 pieces in a line int get2PieceEval(vector<vector <int> > board){ int PlayerScore = 0; int AIScore = 0; //row score for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ if (board[i][0]==board[i][1])// { if((board[i][0]==2)&&(board[i][3]==0)&&(board[i][2]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[i][0]==1)&&(board[i][3]==0)&&(board[i][2]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[i][0]==board[i][2]) { if((board[i][0]==2)&&(board[i][1]==0)&&(board[i][3]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[i][0]==1)&&(board[i][1]==0)&&(board[i][3]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[i][0]==board[i][3]) { if((board[i][0]==2)&&(board[i][1]==0)&&(board[i][2]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[i][0]==1)&&(board[i][1]==0)&&(board[i][2]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[i][1]==board[i][2]) { if((board[i][1]==2)&&(board[i][0]==0)&&(board[i][3]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[i][1]==1)&&(board[i][0]==0)&&(board[i][3]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[i][1]==board[i][3]) { if((board[i][1]==2)&&(board[i][0]==0)&&(board[i][2]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[i][1]==1)&&(board[i][0]==0)&&(board[i][2]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[i][2]==board[i][3]) { if((board[i][2]==2)&&(board[i][0]==0)&&(board[i][1]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[i][2]==1)&&(board[i][0]==0)&&(board[i][1]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } } //col score for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ if (board[0][i]==board[1][i])// { if((board[0][i]==2)&&(board[2][i]==0)&&(board[3][i]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[0][i]==1)&&(board[2][i]==0)&&(board[3][i]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[0][i]==board[2][i]) { if((board[0][i]==2)&&(board[1][i]==0)&&(board[3][i]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[0][i]==1)&&(board[1][i]==0)&&(board[3][i]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[0][i]==board[3][i]) { if((board[0][i]==2)&&(board[1][i]==0)&&(board[2][i]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[0][i]==1)&&(board[1][i]==0)&&(board[2][i]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[1][i]==board[2][i]) { if((board[1][i]==2)&&(board[0][i]==0)&&(board[3][i]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[1][i]==1)&&(board[0][i]==0)&&(board[3][i]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[1][i]==board[3][i]) { if((board[1][i]==2)&&(board[0][i]==0)&&(board[2][i]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[1][i]==1)&&(board[0][i]==0)&&(board[2][i]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[2][i]==board[3][i]) { if((board[2][i]==2)&&(board[0][i]==0)&&(board[1][i]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[2][i]==1)&&(board[0][i]==0)&&(board[1][i]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } } //45 Diagnal score { if(board[0][0]==board[1][1])// { if((board[0][0]==2)&&(board[2][2]==0)&&(board[3][3]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[0][0]==1)&&(board[2][2]==0)&&(board[3][3]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[0][0]==board[2][2])// { if((board[0][0]==2)&&(board[1][1]==0)&&(board[3][3]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[0][0]==1)&&(board[1][1]==0)&&(board[3][3]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[0][0]==board[3][3])// { if((board[0][0]==2)&&(board[1][1]==0)&&(board[2][2]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[0][0]==1)&&(board[1][1]==0)&&(board[2][2]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[1][1]==board[2][2])// { if((board[1][1]==2)&&(board[0][0]==0)&&(board[3][3]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[1][1]==1)&&(board[0][0]==0)&&(board[3][3]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[1][1]==board[3][3])// { if((board[1][1]==2)&&(board[0][0]==0)&&(board[2][2]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[1][1]==1)&&(board[0][0]==0)&&(board[2][2]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[2][2]==board[3][3])// { if((board[2][2]==2)&&(board[0][0]==0)&&(board[1][1]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[2][2]==1)&&(board[0][0]==0)&&(board[1][1]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } } //135 Diagnal score { if(board[0][3]==board[1][2])// { if((board[0][3]==2)&&(board[2][1]==0)&&(board[3][0]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[0][3]==1)&&(board[2][1]==0)&&(board[3][0]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[0][3]==board[2][1])// { if((board[0][3]==2)&&(board[1][2]==0)&&(board[3][0]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[0][3]==1)&&(board[1][2]==0)&&(board[3][0]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[0][3]==board[3][0])// { if((board[0][3]==2)&&(board[1][2]==0)&&(board[2][1]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[0][3]==1)&&(board[1][2]==0)&&(board[2][1]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[1][2]==board[2][1])// { if((board[1][2]==2)&&(board[0][3]==0)&&(board[3][0]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[1][2]==1)&&(board[0][3]==0)&&(board[3][0]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[1][2]==board[3][0])// { if((board[1][2]==2)&&(board[0][3]==0)&&(board[2][1]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[1][2]==1)&&(board[0][3]==0)&&(board[2][1]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } if(board[2][1]==board[3][0])// { if((board[1][2]==2)&&(board[0][3]==0)&&(board[1][2]==0)) AIScore += 3; if((board[1][2]==1)&&(board[0][3]==0)&&(board[1][2]==0)) PlayerScore += 3; } } //cout<<"get1PieceEval"<<AIScore-PlayerScore<<endl; return AIScore-PlayerScore; } //calculaye 1 piece score in a line int get1PieceEval(vector<vector <int> > board){ int PlayerScore = 0; int AIScore = 0; for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ if (board[i][1]==0 && board[i][2]==0 && board[i][3]==0 )// { if(board[i][0]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score row at"<<i<<" 0"<<endl; } if(board[i][0]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score row at"<<i<<" 0"<<endl; } } if (board[i][0]==0 && board[i][2]==0 && board[i][3]==0 )// { if(board[i][1]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<i<<" 1"<<endl; } if(board[i][1]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score row at"<<i<<" 1"<<endl; } } if (board[i][0]==0 && board[i][1]==0 && board[i][2]==0 )// { if(board[i][3]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<i<<" 2"<<endl; } if(board[i][3]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score row at"<<i<<" 2"<<endl; } } if (board[i][0]==0 && board[i][1]==0 && board[i][3]==0 )// { if(board[i][2]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<i<<" 3"<<endl; } if(board[i][2]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score row at"<<i<<" 3"<<endl; } } } for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ if (board[1][i]==0 && board[2][i]==0 && board[3][i]==0 )// { if(board[0][i]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score col at"<<"0 "<<i<<endl; } if(board[0][i]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score col at"<<"0 "<<i<<endl; } } if (board[0][i]==0 && board[2][i]==0 && board[3][i]==0 )// { if(board[1][i]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"1 "<<i<<endl; } if(board[1][i]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score col at"<<"1 "<<i<<endl; } } if (board[0][i]==0 && board[1][i]==0 && board[2][i]==0 )// { if(board[3][i]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"3 "<<i<<endl; } if(board[3][i]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score col at"<<"3 "<<i<<endl; } } if (board[0][i]==0 && board[1][i]==0 && board[3][i]==0 )// { if(board[2][i]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"2 "<<i<<endl; } if(board[2][i]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score col at"<<"2 "<<i<<endl; } } } //diagnal 45 { if (board[0][0]==0 && board[1][1]==0 && board[2][2]==0 )// { if(board[3][3]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"3 "<<"3"<<endl; } if(board[3][3]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score 45 at"<<"3 "<<"3"<<endl; } } if (board[0][0]==0 && board[2][2]==0 && board[3][3]==0 )// { if(board[1][1]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"1 "<<"1"<<endl; } if(board[1][1]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score 45 at"<<"1 "<<"1"<<endl; } } if (board[0][0]==0 && board[1][1]==0 && board[3][3]==0 )// { if(board[2][2]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"2 "<<"2"<<endl; } if(board[2][2]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score 45 at"<<"2 "<<"2"<<endl; } } if (board[1][1]==0 && board[2][2]==0 && board[3][3]==0 )// { if(board[0][0]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"0 "<<"0"<<endl; } if(board[0][0]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score 45 at"<<"0 "<<"0"<<endl; } } } { if (board[0][3]==0 && board[1][2]==0 && board[2][1]==0 )// { if(board[3][0]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"3 "<<"0"<<endl; } if(board[3][0]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score 135 at"<<"3 "<<"0"<<endl; } } if (board[0][3]==0 && board[1][2]==0 && board[3][0]==0 )// { if(board[2][1]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"2 "<<"1"<<endl; } if(board[2][1]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score 135 at"<<"2 "<<"1"<<endl; } } if (board[0][3]==0 && board[2][1]==0 && board[3][0]==0 )// { if(board[1][2]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"1 "<<"2"<<endl; } if(board[1][2]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score 135 at"<<"1 "<<"2"<<endl; } } if (board[1][2]==0 && board[2][1]==0 && board[3][0]==0 )// { if(board[0][3]==1){ PlayerScore++; //cout<<"player add score at"<<"0 "<<"3"<<endl; } if(board[0][3]==2){ AIScore++; //cout<<"AI add score 135 at"<<"0 "<<"3"<<endl; } } } //cout<<"get1PieceEval"<<AIScore-PlayerScore<<endl; return AIScore-PlayerScore; } //get evaluate score int GetEvals(vector<vector <int> > board){ int result = 0; result = get3PieceEval(board) + get2PieceEval(board) + get1PieceEval(board); return result; } //print current board void print_board(vector<vector <int> > board){ cout<<"-----------------"<<endl; for(int i = 0; i<4 ;i++){ cout<<"|"; for(int j = 0; j<4 ;j++){ cout<<" "<<board[i][j]<<" "; cout<<"|"; } cout<<endl; cout<<"-----------------"<<endl; } } //check if game end bool Terminal_Test(vector<vector <int> > board){ //row check for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ if ((board[i][0]!=0)&&(board[i][0]==board[i][1])&&(board[i][1]==board[i][2])&&(board[i][2]==board[i][3]))// { winner = board[i][0]; //cout<<"row winnner:"<<winner<<endl; return true; } } //col check for(int j=0; j<4; j++){ if ((board[0][j]!=0)&&(board[0][j]==board[1][j])&&(board[1][j]==board[2][j])&&(board[2][j]==board[3][j]))// { winner = board[0][j]; //cout<<"col winnner:"<<winner<<endl; return true; } } //diagnal check if((board[0][0]!=0)&&(board[0][0]==board[1][1])&&(board[1][1]==board[2][2])&&(board[2][2]==board[3][3]))// { winner = board[0][0]; //cout<<"diagnal winnner:"<<winner<<endl; return true; } if((board[0][3]!=0)&&(board[0][3]==board[1][2])&&(board[1][2]==board[2][1])&&(board[2][1]==board[3][0]))// { winner = board[0][3]; //cout<<"diagnal winnner:"<<winner<<endl; return true; } for(int m = 0 ;m< 4 ;m++){ for(int n =0; n< 4; n++){ if(board[m][n]==0){ //is there an empty position? winner = -1; return false; } } } winner = 0; //cout<<"full board no winner"<<endl; return true;; } Move MaxValue(vector<vector <int> > board,int alpha,int beta,int depth){ //if game end, assigne 1000,-1000,0 to board score if(Terminal_Test(board)) { Move tmpMove {-1,-1,0}; if (winner == 0){ //cout<<"No winner set value to 0"<<endl; tmpMove.value = 0; drawGame = true; maxDepthReached = maxDepthReached>(seatchDepth-depth) ? maxDepthReached:(seatchDepth-depth); return tmpMove; } else if (winner == 1){ //cout<<"You win set value to -1000"<<endl; tmpMove.value = -1000; drawGame = false; maxDepthReached = maxDepthReached>(seatchDepth-depth) ? maxDepthReached:(seatchDepth-depth); return tmpMove; } else{//winner = 2 //cout<<"Computer win set value to 1000"<<endl; tmpMove.value = 1000; drawGame = false; maxDepthReached = maxDepthReached>(seatchDepth-depth) ? maxDepthReached:(seatchDepth-depth); return tmpMove; } } else if(depth==0) { //if game not end and reach search depth, get current board score Move tmpMove {-1,-1,0}; tmpMove.value = GetEvals(board); //cout<<"eval get value: "<<tmpMove.value<<endl; maxDepthReached = seatchDepth; isCutoffOccured = true; return tmpMove; } else { //can search further drawGame = false; //cout<<"current no winner"<<endl; int v=-999999; Move nextMove = {-1,-1,v}; int i = 0; int j = 0; int tmpi = 0; int tmpj = 0; //seach array board one by one, if position is empty, try place piece on that posistion for(i=0; i< 4;i++){ for(j=0; j<4;j++){ if(board[i][j]==0){ //cout<<"try Max Move: "<<i<<" "<<j<<endl; totalNodesGenerated++; board[i][j] = 2; //print_board(board); Move tmpMove = MinValue(board,alpha,beta,depth-1); if(depth==seatchDepth) { boardvalues[i][j] = tmpMove.value; //cout<<"boardvalue for"<<"i:"<<i<<" j:"<<j<<"is "<<tmpMove.value<<endl; } // cout<<"back to MaxValue func"<<endl; board[i][j] = 0; //remember the position have higher score if(tmpMove.value>v) { tmpi = i; tmpj = j; //cout<<"current v is:"<<v; // cout<<"value >= v set new v :"<<tmpMove.value<<" remember ij to tmpij: "<<tmpi<<" "<<tmpj<<endl; } v =max(tmpMove.value,v); //if score >= beta, pruning happened if (v>=beta){ nextMove.i = i; nextMove.j = j; nextMove.value =v; //cout<<"current v is:"<<v<<" beta is:"<<beta; // cout<<"v >= beta, purning happen set nextmove to ijv and return"<<endl; pruningMax++; return nextMove; } //cout<<"set new alpha value from "<<myalpha; //get new alpha value alpha = max(alpha, v); // cout<<" to "<<myalpha<<endl; } } } // loop done, set best move and score nextMove.i = tmpi; nextMove.j = tmpj; nextMove.value = v; // cout<<"set nextmove to tmpij v and return"<<endl; return nextMove; } } Move MinValue(vector<vector <int> > board,int alpha,int beta ,int depth){ //if game end, assigne 1000,-1000,0 to board score if(Terminal_Test(board)) { Move tmpMove {-1,-1,0}; if (winner == 0){ //cout<<"draw set value to 0"<<endl; tmpMove.value = 0; drawGame = true; maxDepthReached = maxDepthReached>(seatchDepth-depth) ? maxDepthReached:(seatchDepth-depth); return tmpMove; } else if (winner == 1){ //cout<<"I win set value to -1000"<<endl; tmpMove.value = -1000; drawGame = false; maxDepthReached = maxDepthReached>(seatchDepth-depth) ? maxDepthReached:(seatchDepth-depth); return tmpMove; } else{ //cout<<"Computer win set value to 1000"<<endl; tmpMove.value = 1000; drawGame = false; maxDepthReached = maxDepthReached>(seatchDepth-depth) ? maxDepthReached:(seatchDepth-depth); return tmpMove; } } else if (depth==0) {//if game not end and reach search depth, get current board score Move tmpMove {-1,-1,0}; tmpMove.value = GetEvals(board); //cout<<"eval get value: "<<tmpMove.value<<endl; maxDepthReached = seatchDepth; isCutoffOccured = true; return tmpMove; } else { //can search further //cout<<"current no winner"<<endl; int v=999999; Move nextMove = {-1,-1,v}; int i = 0; int j = 0; int tmpi = 0; int tmpj = 0; //seach array board one by one, if position is empty, try place piece on that posistion for(i=0; i< 4;i++){ for(j=0; j<4;j++){ if(board[i][j]==0){ totalNodesGenerated++; //cout<<"try Min Move: "<<i<<" "<<j<<endl; board[i][j] = 1; //print_board(board); Move tmpMove = MaxValue(board,alpha,beta,depth-1); //cout<<"back to MinValue func"<<endl; board[i][j] = 0; //remember the position have higher score if(tmpMove.value<v) { tmpi = i; tmpj = j; // cout<<"current v is:"<<v; //cout<<"value <= v set new v :"<<tmpMove.value<<" remember ij to tmpij:"<<tmpi<<" "<<tmpj<<endl; } v =min(tmpMove.value,v); //if score >= beta, pruning happened if (v<=alpha){ nextMove.i = i; nextMove.j = j; nextMove.value =v; pruningMin++; //cout<<"current v is:"<<v<<" alpha is:"<<alpha; //cout<<"v <= alpha, pruning happen set nextmove to ijv and return"<<endl; return nextMove; } //cout<<"set new beta value from "<<mybeta; //get new alpha value beta = min(beta, v); //cout<<" to "<<mybeta<<endl; } } } // loop done, set best move and score nextMove.i = tmpi; nextMove.j = tmpj; nextMove.value = v; //cout<<"set nextmove to tmpij v and return"<<endl; return nextMove; } } //start search Move Alpha_Beta_Search(){ Move nextmove = MaxValue(board,alpha,beta,seatchDepth); return nextmove; } //check if input valid bool passValidMoveCheck(int row,int col) { if(row>=0 && row<4 && col>=0 && col<4 && board[row][col]==0){ return true; } else{ return false; } } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { //board[3][0] = 1; //board[2][1] = 1; //board[0][2] = 2; //board[0][1] = 2; //print_board(board); cout<<"**************************************"<<endl; cout<<" Welcome To Tic-Tac-Toe "<<endl; cout<<"**************************************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; int difficulty; cout<<"Please select difficulty:(1.easy 2.intermediate 3.difficult)"<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cin >> difficulty; bool firstMove=true; int firstmove=0; cout<<"Do you want to move first:(1.yes 2.no)"<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cin >> firstmove; //3 levels difficulty matches 3 search depth; switch (difficulty){ case 1: seatchDepth = 3; break; case 2: seatchDepth = 5; break; case 3: seatchDepth = 7; break; } //determine if player want to move first switch (firstmove){ case 1: firstMove = true; break; case 2: firstMove = false; break; } //print_board(board); if(firstMove){ while(1){ int row,col; cout<<"Enter your Move:(format: a b, a is row b is col)"<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cin>>row>>col; if(passValidMoveCheck(row,col)) { cout<<"your move is row: "<<row<<" and col: "<<col<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; board[row][col] = 1; //print_board(board); if(Terminal_Test(board)) { if(winner == 1){ cout<< "You Win!"<<endl; break; } else{ cout<< "Draw Game!"<<endl; break; } } Move AIMove = Alpha_Beta_Search(); cout<<"AI move is row: "<<AIMove.i<<" and col: "<<AIMove.j<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; { if(isCutoffOccured) cout<<"Cutoff Occured: "<< "true"<<endl; else cout<<"Cutoff Occured: "<< "false"<<endl; cout<<"max Depth Reached: "<< maxDepthReached<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"total Nodes Generated: "<< totalNodesGenerated<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"pruning in Max func: "<< pruningMax<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"pruning in Min func: "<< pruningMin<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"Max Search Depth: "<< seatchDepth<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; isCutoffOccured = false; maxDepthReached = 0; totalNodesGenerated = 0; pruningMax = 0; pruningMin = 0; } board[AIMove.i][AIMove.j] = 2; print_board(board); //cout<<"score board is:"<<endl; //print_board(boardvalues); for(int i =0;i<4;i++){ for(int j=0;j<4;j++){ boardvalues[i][j]=0; } } if(Terminal_Test(board)) { if(!drawGame){ cout<< "Computer Win!"<<endl; break; } else{ cout<< "Draw Game!"<<endl; break; } } alpha = -1000; beta = 1000; } else{ cout<<"illeagal input, please try again"<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; } } } else{ while(1) { int row,col; //AI move Move AIMove = Alpha_Beta_Search(); cout<<"AI move is row: "<<AIMove.i<<" and col: "<<AIMove.j<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; { if(isCutoffOccured) cout<<"Cutoff Occured: "<< "true"<<endl; else cout<<"Cutoff Occured: "<< "false"<<endl; cout<<"max Depth Reached: "<< maxDepthReached<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"total Nodes Generated: "<< totalNodesGenerated<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"pruning in Max func: "<< pruningMax<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"pruning in Min func: "<< pruningMin<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"Max Search Depth: "<< seatchDepth<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; isCutoffOccured = false; maxDepthReached = 0; totalNodesGenerated = 0; pruningMax = 0; pruningMin = 0; } board[AIMove.i][AIMove.j] = 2; print_board(board); if(Terminal_Test(board)) { if(!drawGame){ cout<< "Computer Win!"<<endl; break; } else{ cout<< "Draw Game!"<<endl; break; } } //Player Move cout<<"Enter your Move:(format: a b, a is row b is col)"<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cin>>row>>col; while(!passValidMoveCheck(row,col)) { cout<<"illeagal input, please try again"<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cin>>row>>col; } if(passValidMoveCheck(row,col)) { cout<<"your move is row: "<<row<<" and col: "<<col<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; board[row][col] = 1; print_board(board); if(Terminal_Test(board)) { if(winner == 1){ cout<< "You Win!"<<endl; break; } else{ cout<< "Draw Game!"<<endl; break; } } alpha = -1000; beta = 1000; } } } return 0; }
C++alpha beta剪枝算法 实现4*4 tic-tac-toe
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