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天津政府应急系统之GIS一张图(arcgis api for flex)解说(三)显示地图坐标系模块

时间:2017-05-09 15:45:32      阅读:295      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:out   源码   swf   文件的   numbers   api   ges   with   ons   


<widget left="3" bottom="3"
config="widgets/Coordinate/CoordinateWidget.xml" url="widgets/Coordinate/CoordinateWidget.swf" />







1 <?

xml version="1.0" ?> 2 <configuration label="Coordinates (default)"> 3 <!-- geo, dms, mercator 主要是坐标输出单位。默认的是经纬度 --> 4 <outputunit>geo</outputunit> 5 </configuration>


  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 19 <viewer:BaseWidget xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
 20                    xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
 21                    xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"
 22                    xmlns:viewer="com.esri.viewer.*"
 23                    layout="horizontal"
 24                    widgetConfigLoaded="basewidget_widgetConfigLoadedHandler(event)">
 25     <fx:Script>
 26         <![CDATA[
 27             import com.esri.ags.events.MapEvent;
 28             import com.esri.ags.geometry.MapPoint;
 29             import com.esri.ags.utils.WebMercatorUtil;
 31             import mx.formatters.NumberBaseRoundType;
 32             import mx.utils.StringUtil;
 34             private var m_template:String;
 35             private var m_func:Function = substitute;
 37             protected function basewidget_widgetConfigLoadedHandler(event:Event):void
 38             {
 39                 if (configXML)
 40                 {
 41                     const decimalSeparator:String = configXML.numberformatter.@decimalseparator;
 42                     numberFormatter.decimalSeparatorTo = decimalSeparator ? decimalSeparator : ".";
 43                     const thousandsSeparator:String = configXML.numberformatter.@thousandsseparator;
 44                     numberFormatter.thousandsSeparatorTo = thousandsSeparator ?

thousandsSeparator : ","; 45 numberFormatter.useThousandsSeparator = configXML.numberformatter.@usethousandsseparator == "true"; 46 numberFormatter.precision = parseFloat(configXML.numberformatter.@precision || "-1"); 47 const rounding:String = configXML.numberformatter.@rounding; 48 numberFormatter.rounding = rounding ? rounding : NumberBaseRoundType.NONE; 49 //获取设置坐标显示的字体和颜色样式等 50 const color:String = configXML.labelstyle.@color[0] || configXML.label.@color[0]; 51 coords.setStyle("color", toNumber(color ? color : "0x000000")); 52 const fontFamily:String = configXML.labelstyle.@fontfamily[0] || configXML.label.@fontfamily[0]; 53 coords.setStyle("fontFamily", fontFamily ? fontFamily : "Verdana"); 54 const fontSize:String = configXML.labelstyle.@fontsize[0] || configXML.label.@fontsize[0]; 55 coords.setStyle("fontSize", parseInt(fontSize ?

fontSize : "9")); 56 const fontWeight:String = configXML.labelstyle.@fontweight[0] || configXML.label.@fontweight[0]; 57 coords.setStyle("fontWeight", fontWeight ?

fontWeight : "bold"); 58 59 // If no template specified, show them with a space in between (except for special case below) 60 m_template = configXML.labels.template[0] || configXML.label.@template[0] || "{0} {1}"; 61 62 if (map.loaded) 63 { 64 map_loadHandler(null); 65 } 66 else 67 { 68 map.addEventListener(MapEvent.LOAD, map_loadHandler);//载入地图 69 } 70 } 71 72 function map_loadHandler(event:MapEvent):void 73 { 74 map.removeEventListener(MapEvent.LOAD, map_loadHandler); 75 const wkid:int = map.spatialReference.wkid; //获取地图的空间坐标參考系 76 m_func = substitute; 77 const outputUnit:String = configXML.outputunit;//获取地图的坐标显示单位,从配置文件获取 78 if (outputUnit === "mercator")//推断地图的坐标体系。墨卡托情况下运行 79 { 80 if (wkid === 4326 || wkid === 4269 || wkid === 4267) 81 { 82 m_func = geographicToMercator;//调用地理坐标系转换墨卡托坐标系 83 } 84 } 85 else if (outputUnit === "geo")//地理坐标系情况下运行 86 { 87 if (wkid === 102100 || wkid === 102113 || wkid === 3857) 88 { 89 m_func = mercatorToGeographic;//调用墨卡托坐标系转换地理坐标系 90 // special default for geographic outputs 91 m_template = configXML.labels.template[0] || configXML.label.@template[0] || getDefaultString("latitudeLabel") + ":{1} " + getDefaultString("longitudeLabel") + ":{0}";//设置坐标显示的文字,比方经度,纬度 92 numberFormatter.precision = parseFloat(configXML.numberformatter.@precision || "6");//设置坐标显示的位数 93 } 94 else if (wkid === 4326 || wkid === 4269 || wkid === 4267) 95 { 96 // special default for geographic outputs 97 m_template = configXML.labels.template[0] || configXML.label.@template[0] || getDefaultString("latitudeLabel") + ":{1} " + getDefaultString("longitudeLabel") + ":{0}"; 98 numberFormatter.precision = parseFloat(configXML.numberformatter.@precision || "6"); 99 } 100 } 101 else if (outputUnit === "dms")//经纬度显示单位为度分秒形式情况下运行 102 { 103 if (wkid === 102100 || wkid === 102113 || wkid === 3857) 104 { 105 m_func = mercatorToDMS; 106 } 107 else if (wkid === 4326 || wkid === 4269 || wkid === 4267) 108 { 109 m_func = geographicToDMS; 110 } 111 } 112 map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, map_mouseMoveHandler);//监听地图鼠标移动事件,用来获取地图经纬度的 113 } 114 } 115 116 private function toNumber(value:String):int//转换单位计算 117 { 118 if (value.substr(0, 2) == "0x") 119 { 120 return parseInt(value, 16); 121 } 122 return parseInt(value, 10); 123 } 124 125 private function mercatorToGeographic(web:MapPoint):String//墨卡托转换地理坐标系的函数 126 { 127 const geo:MapPoint = WebMercatorUtil.webMercatorToGeographic(web) as MapPoint;//arcgis api封装好的转换函数 128 return StringUtil.substitute(m_template, 129 numberFormatter.format(geo.x), 130 numberFormatter.format(geo.y)); 131 } 132 133 private function mercatorToDMS(web:MapPoint):String//墨卡托转换经纬度度分秒形式的函数 134 { 135 const geo:MapPoint = WebMercatorUtil.webMercatorToGeographic(web) as MapPoint; 136 return StringUtil.substitute(m_template, DegToDMS.format(geo.x, DegToDMS.LON), DegToDMS.format(geo.y, DegToDMS.LAT)); 137 } 138 139 private function geographicToMercator(geo:MapPoint):String//地理坐标系转换墨卡托的函数 140 { 141 const web:MapPoint = WebMercatorUtil.geographicToWebMercator(geo) as MapPoint; 142 return StringUtil.substitute(m_template, 143 numberFormatter.format(web.x), 144 numberFormatter.format(web.y)); 145 } 146 147 private function substitute(mapPoint:MapPoint):String 148 { 149 return StringUtil.substitute(m_template, 150 numberFormatter.format(mapPoint.x), 151 numberFormatter.format(mapPoint.y)); 152 } 153 154 private function geographicToDMS(mapPoint:MapPoint):String 155 { 156 const x:String = DegToDMS.format(mapPoint.x, DegToDMS.LON); 157 const y:String = DegToDMS.format(mapPoint.y, DegToDMS.LAT); 158 return StringUtil.substitute(m_template, x, y); 159 } 160 161 private function map_mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void 162 { 163 const mapPoint:MapPoint = map.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY);//获取鼠标移动的地图经纬度 164 coords.text = m_func(mapPoint); 165 } 166 ]]> 167 </fx:Script> 168 169 <fx:Declarations> 170 <mx:NumberFormatter id="numberFormatter"/> 171 </fx:Declarations> 172 <viewer:filters> 173 <mx:GlowFilter alpha="1" 174 blurX="3" 175 blurY="3" 176 color="0xFFFFFF" 177 strength="7"/> 178 </viewer:filters> 179 <s:Label id="coords" color="0x000000"/>//显示经纬度的位置。显示label 180 </viewer:BaseWidget>



 1 package widgets.Coordinate
 2 {
 4 /**
 5  * Utility class to pretty print decimal degree numbers.
 6  * @private
 7  */
 8 public final class DegToDMS
 9 {
10     // Constants to define the format.
11     public static const LAT:String = "lat";
13     public static const LON:String = "lon";
15     /**
16      * Utility function to format a decimal degree number into a pretty string with degrees, minutes and seconds.
17      * @param decDeg the decimal degree number.
18      * @param decDir "lat" for a latitude number, "lon" for a longitude value.
19      * @return A pretty print string with degrees, minutes and seconds.
20      */
21     public static function format(decDeg:Number, decDir:String):String//这个函数主要是用来把经纬度转换度分秒的形式来展示经纬度,比方113度23分23秒等等
22     {
23         var d:Number = Math.abs(decDeg);
24         var deg:Number = Math.floor(d);
25         d = d - deg;
26         var min:Number = Math.floor(d * 60);
27         var av:Number = d - min / 60;
28         var sec:Number = Math.floor(av * 60 * 60);
29         if (sec == 60)
30         {
31             min++;
32             sec = 0;
33         }
34         if (min == 60)
35         {
36             deg++;
37             min = 0;
38         }
39         var smin:String = min < 10 ? "0" + min + "‘ " : min + "‘ ";
40         var ssec:String = sec < 10 ?

"0" + sec + "\" " : sec + "\" "; 41 var sdir:String = (decDir == LAT) ? (decDeg < 0 ? "S" : "N") : (decDeg < 0 ?

"W" : "E"); 42 return deg + "\xB0 " + smin + ssec + sdir; 43 } 44 } 45 46 }







天津政府应急系统之GIS一张图(arcgis api for flex)解说(三)显示地图坐标系模块

标签:out   源码   swf   文件的   numbers   api   ges   with   ons   


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