标签:cti item har cto func 网页 eve json com
1 var map,webMap,view,tileLyr; 2 require([ 3 "esri/Map", 4 "esri/WebMap", 5 "esri/views/MapView", 6 "esri/layers/VectorTileLayer", 7 "dojo/domReady!" 8 ], function(Map,WebMap, MapView, VectorTileLayer) { 9 10 // Create a Map 11 map = new Map(); 12 webMap=new WebMap({ 13 portalItem: { // autocasts as new PortalItem() 14 id: "ea75705fbf3f40639de492578d247fae" 15 } 16 }); 17 // Make map view and bind it to the map 18 view = new MapView({ 19 container: "viewDiv", 20 map: webMap, 21 22 zoom: 10 23 });
遇到 的问题:
使用Arcgis Api for Javascript 调用 本地Portal发布的WebMap
标签:cti item har cto func 网页 eve json com