标签:prototype false width 好处 and 开发 写法 阅读 else
;(function(){ //do something...... })();
②鼠标移动时mousemove; 获取鼠标移动时的位置、计算目标元素的移动距离、设置目标元素的距离
③鼠标离开时mouseup; 停止移动,移除目标元素事件绑定;
1 /* 2 * 利用OOP(面向对象) 实现拖拽代码的封装 3 */ 4 ;(function(){ 5 //事件处理程序 6 //elem DOM对象 eventName 事件名称 eventType 事件类型 7 function eventHandler(elem, eventName, eventType){}; 8 //移除事件兼容处理 9 function removeEventHandler(elem, eventName, eventType){} 10 //获取style属性值 11 function getStyleValue(elem, property){} 12 //被拖拽构造函数 13 function Drag(selector){ 14 //elem DOM对象 15 this.elem = typeof selector === ‘object‘ ? selector : document.getElementById(selector); 16 //元素初始化位置 17 this.initObjX = 0; 18 this.initObjY = 0; 19 //鼠标初始化位置 20 this.initMouseX = 0; 21 this.initMouseY = 0; 22 this.isDraging = false; 23 //初始化--鼠标事件操作 24 this._init(); 25 } 26 //Drag对象原型 27 Drag.prototype = { 28 constructor : Drag, 29 //初始化 30 //构造原型指回Drag 等价于==>>Drag.prototype._init = function(){} 31 _init : function(){ 32 this.setDrag(); 33 }, 34 //获取目标元素pos位置 35 getObjPos : function(elem) {}, 36 //设置被拖动元素的位置 37 setObjPos : function (elem, pos){}, 38 //设置目标元素事件及操作流程 39 setDrag : function(){} 40 } 41 //将Drag挂到全局对象window上 42 window.Drag = Drag; 43 })();
1 //被拖拽构造函数 2 function Drag(selector){ 3 //elem DOM对象 4 this.elem = typeof selector === ‘object‘ ? selector : document.getElementById(selector); 5 //元素初始化位置 6 this.initObjX = 0; 7 this.initObjY = 0; 8 //鼠标初始化位置 9 this.initMouseX = 0; 10 this.initMouseY = 0; 11 this.isDraging = false; 12 //初始化--鼠标事件操作 13 this._init(); 14 } 15 //Drag对象原型 16 Drag.prototype = { 17 constructor : Drag, 18 //初始化 19 //构造原型指回Drag 等价于==>>Drag.prototype._init = function(){} 20 _init : function(){ 21 this.setDrag(); 22 }, 23 //设置目标元素事件及操作流程 24 setDrag : function(){ 25 //目标元素对象 26 var self = this; 27 var time = null; //定时器 28 function mousedown(event){ 29 event = window.event || event; 30 //鼠标按下时位置 31 this.initMouseX = event.clientX; 32 this.initMouseY = event.clientY; 33 //获取元素初始化位置pos 34 var pos = self.getObjPos(self.elem); 35 this.initObjX = pos.x; 36 this.initObjY = pos.y; 37 //mousemove 38 time = setTimeout(function(){ //缓解移动卡顿 39 eventHandler(self.elem, mousemove, "mousemove"); 40 }, 25); 41 //mouseup 42 eventHandler(self.elem, mouseup, "mouseup"); 43 //按下标识 44 self.isDraging = true; 45 } 46 function mousemove(event){ 47 event = window.event || event; 48 if(self.isDraging){ 49 //元素移动位置 == 当前鼠标移动位置 - 鼠标按下位置 + 目标元素初始化位置 50 var moveX = event.clientX - this.initMouseX + this.initObjX; 51 var moveY = event.clientY - this.initMouseY + this.initObjY; 52 //设置拖拽元素位置 53 self.setObjPos(self.elem, { 54 x : moveX, 55 y : moveY, 56 }); 57 } 58 } 59 function mouseup(event){ 60 event = window.event || event; 61 self.isDraging = false; 62 clearTimeout(time); 63 //移除事件 64 removeEventHandler(document, mousemove, ‘mousemove‘); 65 removeEventHandler(document, mouseup, ‘mouseup‘); 66 } 67 //mousedown 68 eventHandler(this.elem, mousedown, "mousedown"); 69 } 70 }
调用写法 new Drag(elem); elem为传入DOM对象即可
1 <style> 2 body { 3 margin: 0; 4 padding: 0; 5 position: relative; 6 } 7 .box { 8 width: 100px; 9 height: 100px; 10 background: deeppink; 11 position: absolute; 12 left: 25px; 13 top: 25px; 14 cursor: move; 15 } 16 </style> 17 <div class="box" id="box" style="position: absolute;left: 25px;top: 25px;"></div> 18 <script src="js/draging.js"></script> 19 <script type="text/javascript"> 20 window.onload = function(){ 21 new Drag(document.getElementById("box")); 22 } 23 </script>
1 /* 2 * 利用JS面向对象OOP思想实现拖拽封装 3 */ 4 ;(function(){ 5 //事件处理程序 6 //elem DOM对象 eventName 事件名称 eventType 事件类型 7 function eventHandler(elem, eventName, eventType){ 8 // elem.attachEvent 兼容IE9以下事件 9 elem.addEventListener ? elem.addEventListener(eventType, eventName, false) : elem.attachEvent(‘on‘+eventType, eventName); 10 }; 11 //移除事件兼容处理 12 function removeEventHandler(elem, eventName, eventType){ 13 elem.removeEventListener ? elem.removeEventListener(eventType, eventName) : elem.detachEvent(eventType, eventName); 14 } 15 //获取style属性值 16 function getStyleValue(elem, property){ 17 //getComputedStyle、currentStyle 返回CSS样式声明对象([object CSSStyleDeclaration]) 只读 18 //getComputedStyle 支持IE9+以上及正常浏览器 19 //currentStyle 兼容IE8及IE8以下获取目标元素style样式 20 return window.getComputedStyle(elem,null) ? window.getComputedStyle(elem,null)[property] : elem.currentStyle[property]; 21 } 22 //被拖拽构造函数 23 function Drag(selector){ 24 //elem DOM对象 25 this.elem = typeof selector === ‘object‘ ? selector : document.getElementById(selector); 26 //元素初始化位置 27 this.initObjX = 0; 28 this.initObjY = 0; 29 //鼠标初始化位置 30 this.initMouseX = 0; 31 this.initMouseY = 0; 32 this.isDraging = false; 33 //初始化--鼠标事件操作 34 this._init(); 35 } 36 //Drag对象原型 37 Drag.prototype = { 38 constructor : Drag, 39 //初始化 40 //构造原型指回Drag 等价于==>>Drag.prototype._init = function(){} 41 //初始化鼠标事件及鼠标操作流程 42 _init : function(){ 43 this.setDrag(); 44 }, 45 //获取目标元素pos位置 46 getObjPos : function(elem) { 47 var pos = {x: 0, y: 0}; 48 if(getStyleValue(elem, ‘position‘) == ‘static‘) { 49 this.elem.style.position = ‘relative‘; 50 return pos; 51 } else { 52 var x = parseInt(getStyleValue(elem, ‘left‘) ? getStyleValue(elem, ‘left‘) : 0); 53 var y = parseInt(getStyleValue(elem, ‘top‘) ? getStyleValue(elem, ‘top‘) : 0); 54 return pos = { 55 x: x, 56 y: y 57 } 58 } 59 }, 60 //设置被拖动元素的位置 61 setObjPos : function (elem, pos){ 62 elem.style.position = ‘absolute‘; 63 elem.style.left = pos.x+‘px‘; 64 elem.style.top = pos.y+‘px‘; 65 }, 66 //设置目标元素事件及操作流程 67 setDrag : function(){ 68 //目标元素对象 69 var self = this; 70 var time = null; //定时器 71 function mousedown(event){ 72 event = window.event || event; 73 //鼠标按下时位置 74 this.initMouseX = event.clientX; 75 this.initMouseY = event.clientY; 76 //获取元素初始化位置pos 77 var pos = self.getObjPos(self.elem); 78 this.initObjX = pos.x; 79 this.initObjY = pos.y; 80 //mousemove 81 time = setTimeout(function(){ //缓解移动卡顿 82 eventHandler(self.elem, mousemove, "mousemove"); 83 }, 25); 84 //mouseup 85 eventHandler(self.elem, mouseup, "mouseup"); 86 //按下标识 87 self.isDraging = true; 88 } 89 function mousemove(event){ 90 event = window.event || event; 91 if(self.isDraging){ 92 //元素移动位置 == 当前鼠标移动位置 - 鼠标按下位置 + 目标元素初始化位置 93 var moveX = event.clientX - this.initMouseX + this.initObjX; 94 var moveY = event.clientY - this.initMouseY + this.initObjY; 95 //设置拖拽元素位置 96 self.setObjPos(self.elem, { 97 x : moveX, 98 y : moveY, 99 }); 100 } 101 } 102 function mouseup(event){ 103 event = window.event || event; 104 self.isDraging = false; 105 clearTimeout(time); 106 //移除事件 107 removeEventHandler(document, mousemove, ‘mousemove‘); 108 removeEventHandler(document, mouseup, ‘mouseup‘); 109 } 110 //mousedown 111 eventHandler(this.elem, mousedown, "mousedown"); 112 } 113 } 114 //将Drag挂到全局对象window上 115 window.Drag = Drag; 116 })();
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标签:prototype false width 好处 and 开发 写法 阅读 else