标签:sys ide param get hierarchy 服务器 对象 targe upd
11000 |
Invalid attributes or geometry on the associated GeoElement. |
11001 |
Null value is not allowed. |
11002 |
Value is out of range. |
11003 |
Value exceeds maximum field length. |
-1 |
This is the catch all for unknown errors. |
0 |
This is a success and not an error. |
1 |
Null pointer exception. |
2 |
Invalid argument exception. |
3 |
Not implemented exception. |
4 |
Out of range exception. |
5 |
Invalid access exception. |
6 |
Illegal state exception. |
7 |
Not found exception. |
8 |
Exists exception. |
9 |
Timeout exception. |
10 |
Regular expression exception. |
11 |
Property not supported exception. |
12 |
No permission exception. |
13 |
File exception. |
14 |
File not found exception. |
15 |
Invalid call exception. |
16 |
IO exception. |
17 |
User canceled exception. |
18 |
Internal error exception. |
19 |
Conversion failed exception. |
20 |
No data. |
21 |
Attempted to use invalid JSON. |
22 |
Error was propagated. |
23 |
Attempted to use invalid XML. |
24 |
Object is already owned. |
1001 |
SQLite error exception. |
1002 |
SQLite Internal exception. |
1003 |
SQLite Perm exception. |
1004 |
SQLite Abort exception. |
1005 |
SQLite Busy exception. |
1006 |
SQLite Locked exception. |
1007 |
SQLite NoMem exception. |
1008 |
SQLite Read only exception. |
1009 |
SQLite Interrupt exception. |
1010 |
SQLite IO Error exception. |
1011 |
SQLite Corrupt exception. |
1012 |
SQLite Not found exception. |
1013 |
SQLite Full exception. |
1014 |
SQLite Can‘t open exception. |
1015 |
SQLite Protocol exception. |
1016 |
SQLite Empty exception. |
1017 |
SQLite Schema exception. |
1018 |
SQLite Too big exception. |
1019 |
SQLite Constraint exception. |
1020 |
SQLite Mismatch exception. |
1021 |
SQLite Misuse exception. |
1022 |
SQLite Nolfs exception. |
1023 |
SQLite Auth exception. |
1024 |
SQLite Format exception. |
1025 |
SQLite Range exception. |
1026 |
SQLite Notadb exception. |
1027 |
SQLite Notice exception. |
1028 |
SQLite Warning exception. |
1029 |
SQLite Row exception. |
1030 |
SQLite Done exception. |
3001 |
Geodatabase Value out of range exception. |
3002 |
Geodatabase Data type mismatch exception. |
3003 |
Geodatabase Bad XML exception. |
3004 |
Geodatabase Database already exists exception. |
3005 |
Geodatabase Database does not exist exception. |
3006 |
Geodatabase Name longer than 128 characters exception. |
3007 |
Geodatabase Invalid shape type exception. |
3008 |
Geodatabase Raster not supported exception. |
3009 |
Geodatabase Relationship class one to one exception. |
3010 |
Geodatabase Item not found exception. |
3011 |
Geodatabase Duplicate code exception. |
3012 |
Geodatabase Missing code exception. |
3013 |
Geodatabase Wrong item type exception. |
3014 |
Geodatabase Id field not nullable exception. |
3015 |
Geodatabase Default value not supported exception. |
3016 |
Geodatabase Table not editable exception. |
3017 |
Geodatabase Field not found exception. |
3018 |
Geodatabase Field exists exception. |
3019 |
Geodatabase Cannot alter field type exception. |
3020 |
Geodatabase Cannot alter field width exception. |
3021 |
Geodatabase Cannot alter field to nullable exception. |
3022 |
Geodatabase Cannot alter field to editable exception. |
3023 |
Geodatabase Cannot alter field to deletable exception. |
3024 |
Geodatabase Cannot alter geometry properties exception. |
3025 |
Geodatabase Unnamed table exception. |
3026 |
Geodatabase Invalid type for domain exception. |
3027 |
Geodatabase Min max reversed exception. |
3028 |
Geodatabase Field not supported on relationship class exception. |
3029 |
Geodatabase Relationship class key exception. |
3030 |
Geodatabase Value is null exception. |
3031 |
Geodatabase Multiple SQL statements exception. |
3032 |
Geodatabase No SQL statements exception. |
3033 |
Geodatabase Geometry field missing exception. |
3034 |
Geodatabase Transaction started exception. |
3035 |
Geodatabase Transaction not started exception. |
3036 |
Geodatabase Shape requires z exception. |
3037 |
Geodatabase shape requires m exception. |
3038 |
Geodatabase Shape no z exception. |
3039 |
Geodatabase Shape no m exception. |
3040 |
Geodatabase Shape wrong type exception. |
3041 |
Geodatabase Cannot update field type exception. |
3042 |
Geodatabase No rows affected exception. |
3043 |
Geodatabase Subtype invalid exception. |
3044 |
Geodatabase Subtype must be integer exception. |
3045 |
Geodatabase Subtypes not enabled exception. |
3046 |
Geodatabase Subtype exists exception. |
3047 |
Geodatabase Duplicate field not allowed exception. |
3048 |
Geodatabase Cannot delete field exception. |
3049 |
Geodatabase Index exists exception. |
3050 |
Geodatabase Index not found exception. |
3051 |
Geodatabase Cursor not on row exception. |
3052 |
Geodatabase Internal error exception. |
3053 |
Geodatabase Cannot write geodatabase managed fields exception. |
3054 |
Geodatabase Item already exists exception. |
3055 |
Geodatabase Invalid spatial index name exception. |
3056 |
Geodatabase Requires spatial index exception. |
3057 |
Geodatabase Reserved name exception. |
3058 |
Geodatabase Cannot update schema if change tracking exception. |
3059 |
Geodatabase Invalid date exception. |
3060 |
Geodatabase Database does not have changes exception. |
3061 |
Geodatabase Replica does not exists exception. |
3062 |
Geodatabase Storage type not supported exception. |
3063 |
Geodatabase Replica model error exception. |
3064 |
Geodatabase Replica client gen error exception. |
3065 |
Geodatabase Replica no upload to acknowledge exception. |
3066 |
Geodatabase Last write time in the future exception. |
3067 |
Geodatabase Invalid argument exception. |
3068 |
Geodatabase Transportation network corrupt exception. |
3069 |
Geodatabase Transportation network file IO exception. |
3070 |
Geodatabase Feature has pending edits exception. |
3071 |
Geodatabase Change tracking not enabled exception. |
3072 |
Geodatabase Transportation network file open exception. |
3073 |
Geodatabase Transportation network unsupported exception. |
3074 |
Geodatabase Cannot sync copy exception. |
3075 |
Geodatabase Access control denied exception. |
3076 |
Geodatabase Geometry outside replica extent exception. |
3077 |
Geodatabase Upload already in progress exception. |
3078 |
Geodatabase Database is closed exception. |
4001 |
Geocode Unsupported file format exception. |
4002 |
Geocode Unsupported spatial reference exception. |
4003 |
Geocode Unsupported projection transformation exception. |
4004 |
Geocode Geocoder creation exception. |
4005 |
Geocode Intersections not supported exception. |
4006 |
Geocode Uninitialized geocode task exception. |
4007 |
Geocode Invalid locator properties exception. |
4008 |
Geocode Required field missing exception. |
4009 |
Geocode Cannot read address exception. |
4010 |
Geocode Geocoding not supported exception. |
NetWork Analyst(网络分析)错误
5001 |
Network Analyst Invalid route settings exception. |
5002 |
Network Analyst No solution exception. |
5003 |
Network Analyst Task canceled exception. |
5004 |
Network Analyst Invalid network exception. |
5005 |
Network Analyst Directions error exception. |
5006 |
Network Analyst Insufficient number of stops exception. |
5007 |
Network Analyst Stop unlocated exception. |
5008 |
Network Analyst Stop located on non traversable element exception. |
5009 |
Network Analyst Point barrier invalid added cost attribute name exception. |
5010 |
Network Analyst Line barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name exception. |
5011 |
Network Analyst Polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name. |
5012 |
Network Analyst Polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value. |
5013 |
Network Analyst Polyline barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value. |
5014 |
Network Analyst Invalid impedance attribute exception. |
5015 |
Network Analyst Invalid restriction attribute exception. |
5016 |
Network Analyst Invalid accumulate attribute exception. |
5017 |
Network Analyst Invalid directions time attribute exception. |
5018 |
Network Analyst Invalid directions distance attribute exception. |
5019 |
Network Analyst Invalid attribute parameters attribute name exception. |
5020 |
Network Analyst Invalid attributes parameters parameter name exception. |
5021 |
Network Analyst Invalid attributes parameters value type exception. |
5022 |
Network Analyst Invalid attribute parameters restriction usage value exception. |
5023 |
Network Analyst Network has no hierarchy attribute exception. |
5024 |
Network Analyst No path found between stops exception. |
5025 |
Network Analyst Undefined input spatial reference exception. |
5026 |
Network Analyst Undefined output spatial reference exception. |
5027 |
Network Analyst Invalid directions style exception. |
5028 |
Network Analyst Invalid directions language exception. |
5029 |
Network Analyst Directions time and impedance attribute mismatch exception. |
5030 |
Network Analyst Invalid directions road class attribute exception. |
5031 |
Network Analyst Stop can not be reached. |
5032 |
Network Analyst Stop time window starts before unix epoch exception. |
5033 |
Network Analyst Stop time window is inverted exception. |
5034 |
Walking mode route too large exception. |
5035 |
Stop has null geometry exception. |
5036 |
Point barrier has null geometry exception. |
5037 |
Polyline barrier has null geometry exception. |
5038 |
Polygon barrier has null geometry. |
5039 |
Online route task does not support search_where_clause condition exception. |
5040 |
Network Analyst Insufficient number of facilities exception. |
5041 |
Network Analyst Facility has null geometry exception. |
5042 |
Network Analyst Facility has invalid added cost attribute name exception. |
5043 |
Network Analyst Facility has negative added cost attribute exception. |
5044 |
Network Analyst Facility has invalid impedance cutoff exception. |
5045 |
Network Analyst insufficient number of incidents exception. |
5046 |
Network Analyst Incident has null geometry exception. |
5047 |
Network Analyst Incident has invalid added cost attribute name exception. |
5048 |
Network Analyst Incident has negative added cost attribute exception. |
5049 |
Network Analyst Invalid target facility count exception. |
5050 |
Network Analyst Incident has invalid impedance cutoff exception. |
5051 |
Network Analyst start time is before Unix epoch exception. |
5052 |
Network Analyst Invalid default impedance cutoff exception. |
5053 |
Network Analyst Invalid default target facility count exception. |
5054 |
Network Analyst Invalid polygon buffer distance exception. |
5055 |
Network Analyst Polylines cannot be returned. |
5056 |
Network Analyst Solving non time impedance, but time windows applied. |
5057 |
One or more stops have unsupported type. |
5058 |
Network Analyst Route starts or ends on a waypoint. |
5059 |
Network Analyst Reordering stops (Traveling Salesman Problem) is not supported when the collection of stops contains waypoints or rest breaks. |
5060 |
Network Analyst The waypoint contains time windows. |
5061 |
Network Analyst The waypoint contains added cost attribute. |
6001 |
JSON parser invalid token exception. |
6002 |
JSON parser invalid character exception. |
6003 |
JSON parser invalid unicode exception. |
6004 |
JSON parser invalid start of JSON exception. |
6005 |
JSON parser invalid end of pair exception. |
6006 |
JSON parser invalid end of element exception. |
6007 |
JSON parser invalid escape sequence exception. |
6008 |
JSON parser invalid end of field name exception. |
6009 |
JSON parser invalid start of field name exception. |
6010 |
JSON parser invalid start of comment exception. |
6011 |
JSON parser invalid decimal digit exception. |
6012 |
JSON parser invalid hex digit. |
6013 |
JSON parser expecting null exception. |
6014 |
JSON parser expecting true exception. |
6015 |
JSON parser expecting false exception. |
6016 |
JSON parser expecting closing quote exception. |
6017 |
JSON parser expecting not a number exception. |
6018 |
JSON parser expecting end of comment exception. |
6019 |
JSON parser unexpected end of data exception. |
6020 |
JSON object expecting start object exception. |
6021 |
JSON object expecting start array exception. |
6022 |
JSON object expecting value object exception. |
6023 |
JSON object expecting value array exception. |
6024 |
JSON object expecting value int32 exception. |
6025 |
JSON object expecting integer type exception. |
6026 |
JSON object expecting number type exception. |
6027 |
JSON object expecting value string exception. |
6028 |
JSON object expecting value bool exception. |
6029 |
JSON object iterator not started exception. |
6030 |
JSON object iterator is finished exception. |
6031 |
JSON object key not found exception. |
6032 |
JSON object index out of range exception. |
6033 |
JSON string writer JSON is complete exception. |
6034 |
JSON string writer invalid JSON input exception. |
6035 |
JSON string writer expecting container exception. |
6036 |
JSON string writer expecting key or end object exception. |
6037 |
JSON string writer expecting value or end array exception. |
6038 |
JSON string writer expecting value exception. |
7001 |
The spatial reference is missing. |
7002 |
The initial viewpoint is missing. |
7003 |
Expected a different response to the request. |
7004 |
The Bing maps key is missing. |
7005 |
The layer type is not supported. |
7006 |
Cannot sync because it is not enabled. |
7007 |
Cannot export tiles because it is not enabled. |
7008 |
Required item property is missing. |
7009 |
Web map version is not supported. |
8001 |
Unlicensed feature exception. Unlicensed feature exception. |
8002 |
License level fixed exception. License level fixed exception. |
8003 |
License level is already set exception. License level is already set exception. |
8004 |
Main license is not set exception. Main license is not set exception. |
8005 |
Unlicensed extension exception. Unlicensed extension exception. |
9001 |
Local server failed to start. |
9002 |
A local server‘s service failed to start. |
9003 |
A local server‘s service terminated unexpectedly. |
9004 |
The local server has failed. |
9005 |
A local server‘s service has failed. |
10001 |
std::ios_base::failure exception. |
10002 |
std::bad_array_new_length exception. |
10003 |
std::underflow_error exception. |
10004 |
std::system_error exception. |
10005 |
std::range_error exception. |
10006 |
std::overflow_error exception. |
10007 |
std::out_of_range exception. |
10008 |
std::length_error exception. |
10009 |
std::invalid_argument exception. |
10010 |
std::future_error exception. |
10011 |
std::domain_error exception. |
10012 |
std::runtime_error exception. |
10013 |
std::logic_error exception. |
10014 |
std::bad_weak_ptr exception. |
10015 |
std::bad_typeid exception. |
10016 |
std::bad_function_call exception. |
10017 |
std::bad_exception exception. |
10018 |
std::bad_cast exception. |
10019 |
std::bad_alloc exception. |
10020 |
std::exception exception. |
ArcGIS API For Android Errors汇总
标签:sys ide param get hierarchy 服务器 对象 targe upd