标签:arch const .com 建议 ubi data 断开连接 ase lte
create database Etp;
connect to Etp;
disconnect Etp;
list tables;
drop table studentinfo;
create table studentinfo(
stuNo int not null,
stuName varchar(8) not null,
stuAge int,
stuTel char(8),
constraint pk_stuNo primary key(stuNo),
constraint un_stuName unique(stuName),
constraint ch_stuAge check(stuAge
>=0 and stuAge <150)
create table studentinfo(
stuNo int not null primary key,
stuName varchar(8) not null unique,
stuAge int check(stuAge >=0 and
stuAge <150),
stuTel char(8)
describe table studentinfo;
alter table studentinfo add stubirth date;
alter table studentinfo add abc int;
alter table studentinfo drop column abc;
alter table studentinfo alter column stutel set data type
char(11);(颜色标记为,与SQL Server的区别)
alter table studentinfo alter column stutel set not null;(颜色标记为,与SQL Server的区别)
标签:arch const .com 建议 ubi data 断开连接 ase lte