1. download admob, setup your account
2. add admob to xcode project. You need:
- add libGoogleAdmobAds.a to bundle libraries
- create a group and add admob header file
3. in AppController.h, add member:
@interface AppController : NSObject <</span>UIAccelerometerDelegate, UIAlertViewDelegate,UITextFieldDelegate,UIApplicationDelegate, GADBannerViewDelegate>
UIWindow *window;
RootViewController *viewController;
GADBannerView* bannerView_;
4. in AppController.mm
// setup admob
// Create a view of the standard size at the bottom of the screen.
// Available AdSize constants are explained in GADAdSize.h.
bannerView_ = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
bannerView_.delegate = self;
// Specify the ad‘s "unit identifier." This is your AdMob Publisher ID.
bannerView_.adUnitID = @"YOUR_ID";
// Let the runtime know which UIViewController to restore after taking
// the user wherever the ad goes and add it to the view hierarchy.
bannerView_.rootViewController = viewController;
[viewController.view addSubview:bannerView_];
// Initiate a generic request to load it with an ad.
GADRequest* adRequest = [GADRequest request];
[bannerView_ loadRequest:adRequest];
// start game
5. we are not over Yet!!!
You‘ll have exceptions if running the app now. You must do this:
You need to add -ObjC
the Other Linker Flags of your application target‘s build setting:
Click the blue top-level project icon in XCode
Choose your target and go to Build Settings
Under Other Linker Flags add
both Release and Debug
Let‘s make money and go IPO :)