标签:des io strong for ar 文件 art cti 代码
1、 快速输入;
Tools-->Preferences-->User Interface-->Editor-->AutoReplace,将Enabled复选框的按钮勾选上,点击那个文件路,选中设置快键方式的文件,如下面的shortcuts.txt文件所示,然后再输入的时候按下对应的快键键,然后按下space键,就可以快键输入了。
st = select t.*, t.rowid from t
sc = select count(*) from
sf = select * from
sfe = select e.*, rowid from
s = select
f = from
w = where
o = order by
g = group by
fu = for update
tel = select * from tbcs.subscriber@nxtbcs1 where servnumber = ‘
log = select e.*, rowid from rptacc.report_log e where rptcycle = 200701 and proc like ‘%%‘ and rptgroup like ‘%%‘ order by starttime desc
logl = select e.*, rowid from monitor.statl_create e where cycle = 20070101 and object_code like ‘%%‘
loga = select e.*, rowid from rptcdr.smsnotify e where othertelnum = ‘13995000042‘ and notifytime >= trunc(sysdate) order by processtime
a = and
tdd = to_date(‘20070101‘,‘yyyymmdd‘)
d = dual
td = to_date(‘20070101 00:00:00‘,‘yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss‘)
tc = to_char(sysdate,‘yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss‘)
tcc = to_char(sysdate,‘yyyymmdd‘)
oida = select * from tbcs.subscriber@nxtbcs1 where oid =
spa=select tablespace_name, round((sum(spacesize) - sum(freesize)) / sum(spacesize) * 100, 2) userate, sum(spacesize) allspace, sum(freesize) freespace, sum(spacesize) - sum(freesize) usespace from (select tablespace_name,round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024, 2) spacesize,0 freesize from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name union all select tablespace_name,0 spacesize,round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024, 2) freesize from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) group by tablespace_name order by 2 desc;
soul=select * from dba_source where lower(text) like ‘%%‘
souu=select * from dba_source where upper(text) like ‘%%‘
sfd=select * from dict.dict_item where itemid = ‘
obj=select * from dba_objects where lower(object_name) like ‘%%‘ and object_type like ‘%%‘
sfa = select e.*, rowid from dict.statd_parameter e where groupid like ‘%%‘ and itemid like ‘%%‘ and misid like ‘%%‘
sfg=select * from bak.statb_user_info where cycle = 200701 and region = 951 and servnumber = ‘
2、 执行
3、 选取代码
4、 智能提示
5、 执行过程
1、 智能提示
Tools-->Preferences-->User Interface-->Code Assistant-->选中Authomatically Activated
标签:des io strong for ar 文件 art cti 代码