标签:style blog http color io for ar div log
class Solution: # @param num, a list of integer # @return a list of lists of integers def permute(self, num): length=len(num) if length==1: return [num] else: res=[] for i in range(length): d=self.permute(num[0:i]+num[i+1:length]) for j in d: res.append(j+[num[i]]) #去除重复项 k=len(res)-1 while k>0: for j in range(k): if self.IsSameList(res[j], res[k]): del res[k] break k-=1 return res def IsSameList(self,A,B): an=len(A) bn=len(B) if (an!=bn): return False else: for i in range(an): if (A[i]!=B[i]): return False return True if __name__==‘__main__‘: num=[1,2,3] s=Solution() print(s.permute([1,1,3]))
标签:style blog http color io for ar div log