标签:定义 课程设计 port sort exists menu c语言 list imp
Student Information Management System
import pickle as p import os #Class Item class Item: def __init__(self,name,age,gender,Chinese,Math,English): self.name = name self.age = age self.gender = gender self.Math = Math self.Chinese = Chinese self.English = English #The main menu of Student Information Management System def menu(): print(‘********************‘) print(‘1.Insert an item‘) print(‘2.Delete an item‘) print(‘3.Modify an item‘) print(‘4.Display all items‘) print(‘5.Sort all items‘) print(‘6.Exit the program‘) print(‘********************‘) print(‘What do you waht to do?‘) #Initialization of system,load the menber list def begin(): global itemlist #if os.path.exists(‘Information.txt‘) == True: #To judge whether the file exists listfile = open(‘Information.txt‘,‘rb‘) ‘‘‘ if len(listfile.read())!= 0: # To judge whether the file is empty listfile.seek(0) itemlist = p.load(listfile)‘‘‘ listfile.close() #Exitance of system,store the member list def end(): global itemlist listfile = open(‘Information.txt‘,‘w+‘) p.dump(itemlist,listfile) listfile.close() #Insert an item into the member list def insert(): name = input(‘Enter the name:‘) age = int(input(‘Enter the age:‘)) gender = input(‘Enter the gender:‘) Chinese = float(input(‘Enter the Chinese score:‘)) Math = float(input(‘Enter the Math score:‘)) English = float(input(‘Enter the English score:‘)) item = Item(name,age,gender,Chinese,Math,English) global itemlist itemlist.append(item) print(‘Insert done!‘) #Print an item def output(item): #itemlist = p.load(listfile) print(‘%-10s%-5d%-7s%-12f%-12f%-12f%f‘ % (item.name,item.age,item.gender,item.Chinese,item.Math,item.English,(item.Chinese+item.Math+item.English)/3.0)) #Print all items def display(): global itemlist l = len(itemlist) print(‘name age gender Chinese Math English AVG(Score)‘) for i in range(0,l): output(itemlist[i]) print(‘‘) #Delete an item by name from member list def delete(): name = input(‘Enter the name what you want to delete:‘) global itemlist l = len(itemlist) for i in range(0,l): if (itemlist[i].name == name): itemlist.pop(i) break #Update an item def update(item): item.name = input(‘Enter the name:‘) age = int(input(‘Enter the age:‘)) gender = input(‘Enter the gender:‘) Chinese = float(input(‘Enter the Chinese score:‘)) Math = float(input(‘Enter the Math score:‘)) English = float(input(‘Enter the English score:‘)) #Update an item‘s information ny name def modify(): name = input(‘Enter the name what you want to modify:‘) global itemlist l = len(itemlist) for i in range(0,l): if (itemlist[i].name == name): update(itemlist[i]) print(‘Update done!‘) #Sort all items by age def sort(): global itemlist itemlist.sort(key = lambda item:item.age) display() print(‘Sort done‘) #Here are the Scripts itemlist = [] #!!!! begin() while True: menu() choice = int (input()) if choice == 1: insert() elif choice == 2: delete() elif choice == 3: modify() elif choice == 4: display() elif choice == 5: sort() elif choice == 6: exit() else: print(‘Your input is incorrect , system will exit.‘) break end() print(‘Good Bye!‘)
python练习:做一个简易的课程设计。Student Information Management System
标签:定义 课程设计 port sort exists menu c语言 list imp