标签:方法 密码 顺序 else F12 login png username oca
def foo():
def func():
import time
class ClassName:pass
def foo():pass
sum,max,min 等
1 同时x=1为全局变量 2 x=1 3 def func1(): 4 def func2(): 5 def func3(): 6 print(x) 7 func3() 8 func2() 9 func1() 10 11 输出结果 12 1
1 x=1 2 def func1(): 3 def func2(): 4 def func3(): 5 x=100 6 print(x) 7 func3() 8 func2() 9 func1() 10 11 12 输出结果: 13 100
1 #这就是一个实现一个装饰器最基本的架子 2 def timer(func): 3 def wrapper(): 4 func() 5 return wrapper
1 def timer(func): 2 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 3 func(*args,**kwargs) 4 return wrapper
1 import time 2 def timer(func): #func=最原始的index 3 def warpper(): 4 start_time=time.time() 5 func() 6 end_time=time.time() 7 print(‘run time is %s‘ % (end_time - start_time)) 8 return warpper 9 10 #无参装饰器 11 @timer #index=timer(index) 此时的index就是warpper 12 def index(): 13 time.sleep(1) 14 print("welcome to index") 15 16 index()#就是在调用warpper() 17 18 原来的index的函数只会输出welcome to index 19 加上装饰器后; 20 输出内容为: 21 welcome to index 22 run time is 1.0060575008392334
1 import time 2 def timer(func): #func=最原始的index 3 def warpper(user): 4 start_time=time.time() 5 func(user) 6 end_time=time.time() 7 print(‘run time is %s‘ % (end_time - start_time)) 8 return warpper 9 10 @timer #index=timer(index) 此时的index就是warpper 11 def home(user): 12 time.sleep(1) 13 print("home %s"% user) 14 15 home(‘tom‘)#就是在调用warpper() 16 17 输出结果: 18 home tom 19 run time is 1.0000574588775635
1 import time 2 def timer(func): #func=最原始的index 3 def warpper(*args,**kwargs): 4 start_time=time.time() 5 func(*args,**kwargs) 6 end_time=time.time() 7 print(‘run time is %s‘ % (end_time - start_time)) 8 return warpper 9 10 @timer #index=timer(index) 此时的index就是warpper 11 def home(user): 12 time.sleep(1) 13 print("home %s"% user) 14 15 home(‘tom‘)#就是在调用warpper() 16 home(user="yyp") 17 #输出结果: 18 home tom 19 run time is 1.0000574588775635 20 home yyp 21 run time is 1.0000569820404053
1 import time 2 def timer(func): #func=最原始的index 3 def warpper(*args,**kwargs): 4 start_time=time.time() 5 res=func(*args,**kwargs) 6 end_time=time.time() 7 print(‘run time is %s‘ % (end_time - start_time)) 8 return res 9 return warpper 10 11 @timer #index=timer(index) 此时的index就是warpper 12 def home(user): 13 time.sleep(1) 14 return user + ‘ is student‘ 15 16 res=home(‘tom‘)#就是在调用warpper() 17 print(res) 18 #输出结果: 19 run time is 1.0000574588775635 20 tom is student
1 def f1():
2 x=1
3 y=2
4 def f2():
5 print(x)
6 print(y)
7 return f2
9 func=f1()
10 #func()
11 print(func.__closure__[0].cell_contents)#查看闭包函数的方法
12 print(func.__closure__[1].cell_contents)
14 #f2为闭包函数
16 输出结果:
17 1
18 2
1 from urllib.request import urlopen
3 def page(url):
4 def get():
5 return urlopen(url).read()
6 return get
8 baidu=page(‘http://www.baidu.com‘)
9 python=page(‘http://www.python.org‘)
11 print(baidu)
12 print(python)
14 输出结果:
15 <function page.<locals>.get at 0x0000000002DE6BF8>
16 <function page.<locals>.get at 0x0000000002DE6C80>
18 函数没有执行,已经传了一个参数
1 user_list=[ 2 {‘name‘:‘tom‘,‘passwd‘:‘123‘}, 3 {‘name‘:‘yyp‘,‘passwd‘:‘123‘}, 4 {‘name‘:‘sy‘,‘passwd‘:‘123‘}, 5 {‘name‘:‘ly‘,‘passwd‘:‘123‘}, 6 ] 7 8 current_user={‘username‘:None,‘login‘:False} 9 10 def auth_deco(func): 11 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 12 if current_user[‘username‘] and current_user[‘login‘]: 13 res=func(*args,**kwargs) 14 return res 15 username=input(‘用户名: ‘).strip() 16 passwd=input(‘密码: ‘).strip() 17 18 for index,user_dic in enumerate(user_list): 19 if username == user_dic[‘name‘] and passwd == user_dic[‘passwd‘]: 20 current_user[‘username‘]=username 21 22 current_user[‘login‘]=True 23 res=func(*args,**kwargs) 24 return res 25 break 26 else: 27 print(‘用户名或者密码错误,重新登录‘) 28 29 return wrapper 30 31 @auth_deco 32 def index(): 33 print(‘欢迎来到主页面‘) 34 35 @auth_deco 36 def home(): 37 print(‘这里是你家‘) 38 39 def shopping_car(): 40 print(‘查看购物车啊亲‘) 41 42 def order(): 43 print(‘查看订单啊亲‘) 44 45 print(user_list) 46 # index() 47 print(user_list) 48 home()
1 user_list=[ 2 {‘name‘:‘tom‘,‘passwd‘:‘123‘}, 3 {‘name‘:‘yyp‘,‘passwd‘:‘123‘}, 4 {‘name‘:‘sy‘,‘passwd‘:‘123‘}, 5 {‘name‘:‘ly‘,‘passwd‘:‘123‘}, 6 ] 7 8 current_user={‘username‘:None,‘login‘:False} 9 def auth(auth_type=‘file‘): 10 def auth_deco(func): 11 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 12 if auth_type == ‘file‘: 13 if current_user[‘username‘] and current_user[‘login‘]: 14 res=func(*args,**kwargs) 15 return res 16 username=input(‘用户名: ‘).strip() 17 passwd=input(‘密码: ‘).strip() 18 19 for index,user_dic in enumerate(user_list): 20 if username == user_dic[‘name‘] and passwd == user_dic[‘passwd‘]: 21 current_user[‘username‘]=username 22 current_user[‘login‘]=True 23 res=func(*args,**kwargs) 24 return res 25 break 26 else: 27 print(‘用户名或者密码错误,重新登录‘) 28 elif auth_type == ‘ldap‘: 29 print(‘巴拉巴拉小魔仙‘) 30 res=func(*args,**kwargs) 31 return res 32 return wrapper 33 return auth_deco 34 35 36 #auth(auth_type=‘file‘)就是在运行一个函数,然后返回auth_deco,所以@auth(auth_type=‘file‘) 37 #就相当于@auth_deco,只不过现在,我们的auth_deco作为一个闭包的应用,外层的包auth给它留了一个auth_type=‘file‘参数 38 @auth(auth_type=‘ldap‘) 39 def index(): 40 print(‘欢迎来到主页面‘) 41 42 @auth(auth_type=‘ldap‘) 43 def home(): 44 print(‘这里是你家‘) 45 46 def shopping_car(): 47 print(‘查看购物车啊亲‘) 48 49 def order(): 50 print(‘查看订单啊亲‘) 51 52 # print(user_list) 53 index() 54 # print(user_list) 55 home()
标签:方法 密码 顺序 else F12 login png username oca