标签:string utf8 ora tor lin pre versions select 2.7
Python Select Mysql 日期转换字符串 ,转换为字典
Python 读取出来的数据格式不是正规Json ,读取出来,直接是字典
Python 2.7
import MySQLdb from MySQLdb import converters as cov conv = cov.conversions.copy() conv[246] = float # convert decimals to floats conv[10] = str # convert dates to strings conv[11] = str # convert TimeDelta_or_None to strings conv[12] = str # convert DateTime_or_None to strings # conv[15] = str # convert DateTime_or_None to strings conv[7] = str # convert DateTime_or_None to strings # conv[8] = str # convert DateTime_or_None to strings conn = MySQLdb.connect( host=‘dbhost‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, passwd=‘‘, db=‘mysql‘, charset=‘utf8‘, conv=conv ) cur = conn.cursor(cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors .DictCursor) cur.execute("select * from proxies_priv") test_data = cur.fetchall() print test_data cur.close() conn.close()
Python 3.+ tornado
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import pymysql from tornado import ioloop, gen from tornado_mysql import pools from pymysql import converters as cov # from MySQLdb import converters as cov from tornado_mysql.cursors import DictCursor pools.DEBUG = True conv = cov.conversions.copy() conv[246] = float # convert decimals to floats conv[10] = str # convert dates to strings conv[11] = str # convert TimeDelta_or_None to strings conv[12] = str # convert DateTime_or_None to strings # conv[15] = str # convert DateTime_or_None to strings conv[7] = str # convert DateTime_or_None to strings POOL = pools.Pool( dict(host=‘dbhost‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, passwd=‘‘, db=‘mysql‘, charset=‘utf8‘, conv=conv ,cursorclass=DictCursor) , max_idle_connections=1, max_recycle_sec=3) @gen.coroutine def worker(n): cur = yield POOL.execute("SELECT * FROM proxies_priv limit 10") print(cur.fetchall()) @gen.coroutine def main(): workers = [worker(i) for i in range(1)] yield workers ioloop.IOLoop.current().run_sync(main) print(POOL._opened_conns)
[{‘User‘: ‘root‘, ‘Host‘: ‘localhost‘, ‘Proxied_host‘: ‘‘, ‘With_grant‘: 1, ‘Proxied_user‘: ‘‘, ‘Timestamp‘: ‘2017-05-04 09:07:49‘, ‘Grantor‘: ‘‘}, {‘User‘: ‘root‘, ‘Host‘: ‘pe-stats.wondershare.cn‘, ‘Proxied_host‘: ‘‘, ‘With_grant‘: 1, ‘Proxied_user‘: ‘‘, ‘Timestamp‘: ‘2017-05-04 09:07:49‘, ‘Grantor‘: ‘‘}]
标签:string utf8 ora tor lin pre versions select 2.7