-- 查询并打印7839的姓名和薪水 declare --定义变量保存姓名和薪水 --pename varchar2(20); --psal number; pename emp.ename%type; psal emp.sal%type; begin -- 得到1234的姓名和薪水 select ename,sal into pename,psal from emp where empno=1234; --打印 dbms_output.put_line(pename||‘的薪水是‘||psal); end; /
-- 查询并打印7839的姓名和薪水 declare -- 定义记录型变量:代表一行 emp_rec emp%rowtype; begin select * into emp_rec from emp where empno=7839; dbms_output.put_line(emp_rec.ename||‘的薪水是‘||emp_rec.sal); end; /
Var1 constant varchar(13);
-- 判断用户从键盘输入的数字 --接受键盘输入 --num: 地址值,在该地址上保存了输入的值 accept num prompt ‘请输入一个数字:‘; declare -- 定义变量保存数字 pnum number := # begin if pnum = 0 then dbms_output.put_line(‘您输入的是0‘); elsif pnum = 1 then dbms_output.put_line(‘您输入的是1‘); elsif pnum = 2 then dbms_output.put_line(‘您输入的是2‘); else dbms_output.put_line(‘其他数字‘); end if; end; /
-- 打印1~10 declare pnum number := 1; begin loop --循环 --退出条件 exit when pnum > 10; dbms_output.put_line(pnum); --加一 pnum := pnum + 1; end loop; end; /
初始化:cursor c1 is select ename from emp;
打开:open c1;
取一行游标的值:fetch c1 into pjob;
关闭:close c1;
结束光标:exist when c1%notfound
-- 查询并打印员工的姓名和薪水 /* 光标的属性: %isopen %rowcount(影响的行数) %found %notfound */ declare -- 定义光标 cursor cemp is select ename,sal from emp; pename emp.ename%type; psal emp.sal%type; begin -- 打开光标 open cemp; loop --取当前记录 fetch cemp into pename,psal; --exit when 没有取到记录; exit when cemp%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(pename||‘的薪水是‘||psal); end loop; --关闭光标 close cemp; end; /
-- 涨工资,总裁1000 经理800 其他400 declare -- 定义光标 cursor cemp is select empno,job from emp; pempno emp.empno%type; pjob emp.job%type; begin rollback; --打开光标 open cemp; loop --取一个员工 fetch cemp into pempno,pjob; exit when cemp%notfound; --判断职位 if pjob = ‘PRESIDENT‘ then update emp set sal=sal+1000 where empno=pempno; elsif pjob = ‘MANAGER‘ then update emp set sal=sal+800 where empno=pempno; else update emp set sal=sal+400 where empno=pempno; end if; end loop; --关闭光标 close cemp; --提交 ---> ACID commit; dbms_output.put_line(‘完成‘); end; /
-- 查询某个部门的员工姓名 declare cursor cemp(dno number) is select ename from emp where deptno=dno; pename emp.ename%type; begin open cemp(20); loop fetch cemp into pename; exit when cemp%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(pename); end loop; close cemp; end; /
/* SQL语句 select to_char(hiredate,‘yyyy‘) from emp; --->光标 --> 循环 --> 退出条件:notfound 变量:1. 初始值 2.最终得到 count80 number := 0; count81 number := 0; count82 number := 0; count87 number := 0; */ declare --入职年份 cursor cemp is select to_char(hiredate,‘yyyy‘) from emp; phiredate varchar2(4); --每年入职的人数 count80 number := 0; count81 number := 0; count82 number := 0; count87 number := 0; begin -- 打开光标 open cemp; loop --取一个员工的入职年份 fetch cemp into phiredate; exit when cemp%notfound; --判断年份 if phiredate = ‘1980‘ then count80:=count80+1; elsif phiredate = ‘1981‘ then count81:=count81+1; elsif phiredate = ‘1982‘ then count82:=count82+1; else count87:=count87+1; end if; end loop; --关闭 close cemp; --输出 dbms_output.put_line(‘Total:‘||(count80+count81+count82+count87)); dbms_output.put_line(‘1980:‘||count80); dbms_output.put_line(‘1981:‘||count81); dbms_output.put_line(‘1982:‘||count82); dbms_output.put_line(‘1987:‘||count87); end; /
/* SQL语句 select empno,sal from emp order by sal ---> 光标 --> 循环 --> 退出条件:1. 总额>5w 2. notfound 变量:1. 初始值 2.最终得到 涨工资的人数: countEmp number := 0; 涨后的工资总额:salTotal number; 1.select sum(sal) into salTotal from emp; 2.涨后=涨前+sal*0.1 练习:涨后的工资总额:50205.325 人数:8 */ declare cursor cemp is select empno,sal from emp order by sal; pempno emp.empno%type; psal emp.sal%type; --涨工资的人数: countEmp number := 0; --涨后的工资总额: salTotal number; begin -- 得到初始的工资总额 select sum(sal) into salTotal from emp; open cemp; loop --1. 总额>5w exit when salTotal > 50000; --取一个员工涨工资 fetch cemp into pempno,psal; --2. notfound exit when cemp%notfound; --涨工资 update emp set sal=sal*1.1 where empno=pempno; --人数+1 countEmp:= countEmp+ 1; --2.涨后=涨前+sal*0.1 salTotal := salTotal + psal*0.1; end loop; close cemp; commit; dbms_output.put_line(‘涨后的工资总额:‘||salTotal||‘ 人数:‘||countEmp); end; /
/* SQL语句 部门:select deptno from dept; 查部门中的员工薪水: select sal from emp where deptno=?? 变量:1. 初始值 2.最终得到 每个段的人数 count1 number; count2 number; count3 number; 部门的工资总额 salTotal number; 1. select sum(sal) into salTotal from emp where deptno=?? 2. 累加 */ declare --部门 cursor cdept is select deptno from dept; pdeptno dept.deptno%type; --部门中员工的薪水 cursor cemp(dno number) is select sal from emp where deptno=dno; psal emp.sal%type; --每个段的人数 count1 number; count2 number; count3 number; --部门的工资总额 salTotal number; begin open cdept; loop --取一个部门 fetch cdept into pdeptno; exit when cdept%notfound; --初始化 count1:=0; count2:=0; count3:=0; --部门的工资总额 select sum(sal) into salTotal from emp where deptno=pdeptno; --取部门中员工的薪水 open cemp(pdeptno); loop --取一个员工的薪水 fetch cemp into psal; exit when cemp%notfound; if psal <3000 then count1:=count1+1; elsif psal>=3000 and psal<6000 then count2:=count2+1; else count3:=count3+1; end if; end loop; close cemp; --保存结果 insert into msg values(pdeptno,count1,count2,count3,nvl(salTotal,0)); end loop; close cdept; commit; dbms_output.put_line(‘完成‘); end; /
/* 第一个存储过程:打印HelloWorld 调用存储过程: 1. exec sayHelloWorld(); 2. begin sayHelloWorld(); sayHelloWorld(); end; / */ create or replace procedure sayHelloWorld as begin dbms_output.put_line(‘Hello World‘); end sayHelloWorld; /
/* 给指定的员工涨100,并且打印涨前和涨后的薪水 */ create or replace procedure raiseSalary(eno in number) as --定义变量保存涨前的薪水 psal emp.sal%type; begin --得到涨前的薪水 select sal into psal from emp where empno=eno; --涨100 update emp set sal=sal+100 where empno=eno; --要不要commit? dbms_output.put_line(‘涨前:‘||psal||‘ 涨后:‘||(psal+100)); end; /
--查询某个员工的年收入 create or replace function queryEmpIncome(eno in number) return number as --月薪和奖金 psal emp.sal%type; pcomm emp.comm%type; begin --得到月薪和奖金 select sal,comm into psal,pcomm from emp where empno=eno; --返回年收入 return psal*12+nvl(pcomm,0); end; /
SQL> select sal*12+nvl(comm,0) from emp where empno=7839;检查
/* 查询某个员工的姓名 月薪 职位 思考: 1. 查询某个员工的所有信息 ---> out参数太多 2. 查询某个部门中的所有员工信息 ---> 返回集合 */ create or replace procedure queryEmpInformation(eno in number, pename out varchar2, psal out number, pjob out varchar2) as begin select ename,sal,job into pename,psal,pjob from emp where empno=eno; end; /
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE MYPACKAGE AS type empcursor is ref cursor; procedure queryEmpList(dno in number,empList out empcursor); END MYPACKAGE;
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY MYPACKAGE AS procedure queryEmpList(dno in number,empList out empcursor) AS BEGIN open empList for select * from emp where deptno=dno; NULL; END queryEmpList; END MYPACKAGE;
package com.my.utils; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class JDBCUtils { private static String driver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"; private static String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"; private static String user="scott"; private static String password="tiger"; static{ try { Class.forName(driver); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } public static Connection getConnection(){ try { return DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static void release(Connection conn,Statement st,ResultSet rs){ if(rs!=null){ try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally { rs=null; } } if(st!=null){ try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally { st=null; } } if(conn!=null){ try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally { conn=null; } } } }
package com.my.utils; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.junit.Test; import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes; import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement; import oracle.jdbc.oracore.OracleType; public class TestOracle { /* * 存储过程(out参数) * 查询某个员工的姓名 月薪 职位 思考: 1. 查询某个员工的所有信息 ---> out参数太多 2. 查询某个部门中的所有员工信息 ---> 返回集合 * create or replace procedure queryEmpInformation(eno in number, pename out varchar2, psal out number, pjob out varchar2) as begin select ename,sal,job into pename,psal,pjob from emp where empno=eno; end; / * */ @Test public void testProcedure(){ String sql="{call queryEmpInformation(?,?,?,?)}"; Connection conn=null; CallableStatement call=null; try { conn=JDBCUtils.getConnection(); call=conn.prepareCall(sql); call.setInt(1, 7839); call.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.VARCHAR); call.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.NUMBER); call.registerOutParameter(4, OracleTypes.VARCHAR); call.execute(); String name=call.getString(2); double sal=call.getDouble(3); String job=call.getString(4); System.out.println(name+"\t"+sal+"\t"+job); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { JDBCUtils.release(conn, call, null); } } /* * 存储函数 * * --查询某个员工的年收入 create or replace function queryEmpIncome(eno in number) return number as --月薪和奖金 psal emp.sal%type; pcomm emp.comm%type; begin --得到月薪和奖金 select sal,comm into psal,pcomm from emp where empno=eno; --返回年收入 return psal*12+nvl(pcomm,0); end; / * */ @Test public void testfunction(){ String sql="{?=call queryEmpIncome(?)}"; Connection conn=null; CallableStatement call=null; try { conn=JDBCUtils.getConnection(); call=conn.prepareCall(sql); call.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.NUMBER); call.setInt(2,7839); call.execute(); double income=call.getDouble(1); System.out.println(income); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { JDBCUtils.release(conn, call, null); } } /* 在out中使用光标 2. 查询某个部门中的所有员工信息 ---> 返回集合 包头 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE MYPACKAGE AS type empcursor is ref cursor; procedure queryEmpList(dno in number,empList out empcursor); END MYPACKAGE; 包体 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY MYPACKAGE AS procedure queryEmpList(dno in number,empList out empcursor) AS BEGIN open empList for select * from emp where deptno=dno; END queryEmpList; END MYPACKAGE; */ @Test public void testCursor(){ String sql="{call MYPACKAGE.QUERYEMPLIST(?,?)}"; Connection conn=null; CallableStatement call=null; ResultSet rs=null; try { conn=JDBCUtils.getConnection(); call=conn.prepareCall(sql); call.setInt(1, 10); call.registerOutParameter(2,OracleTypes.CURSOR); call.execute(); rs=((OracleCallableStatement)call).getCursor(2); while(rs.next()){ String name=rs.getString("ename"); double sal=rs.getDouble("sal"); String job=rs.getString("job"); System.out.println(name+"\t"+sal+"\t"+job);; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { JDBCUtils.release(conn, call, null); } } }
/* 触发器应用一: 禁止在非工作时间插入新员工 1. 周末: to_char(sysdate,‘day‘) in (‘星期六‘,‘星期日‘) 2. 上班前 下班后:to_number(to_char(sysdate,‘hh24‘)) not between 9 and 17 */ create or replace trigger securityemp before insert on emp begin if to_char(sysdate,‘day‘) in (‘星期六‘,‘星期日‘) or to_number(to_char(sysdate,‘hh24‘)) not between 9 and 17 then --禁止insert操作 raise_application_error(-20001,‘禁止在非工作时间插入新员工‘); end if; end; /
验证:SQL>insert into emp(empno,ename,sal,deptno) values(1001,’Tom’,1000,10);
/* 触发器应用二:数据的确认 涨后的薪水不能少于涨前的薪水 */ create or replace trigger checksalary before update on emp for each row begin --if 涨后的薪水 < 涨前的薪水 then if :new.sal < :old.sal then raise_application_error(-20002,‘涨后的薪水不能少于涨前的薪水.涨前:‘||:old.sal||‘ 涨后:‘||:new.sal); end if; end; /
SQL>update emp set sal=sal+1 where empno=7839;
SQL>update emp set sal=sal-1 where empno=7839;
本文出自 “qb的博客” 博客,谢绝转载!