标签:als stat http mutate 保存 技术分享 rand nts lin
function HillClimbing(problem) returns a local maximum state
current_state = initial_state
loop do
next_state = the highest neighbor
if (next_state is higher than current_state)
current_state = next_state
return current_state
function SimulatedAnnealing () returns a solution state
current_state = initial_state
for t = 1 to infinite do
T = schedule(t)
if T = 0 then
return current_state
next_state = a randomly selected neighbor
E = next_state.height - current_state.height
if E > 0 then
current_state = next_state
current_state = next_state with probability e^(E/T)
function GeneticAlgorithm(population, fitin) returns a solution state
inputs: population, a set of individuals
fitness, a function that measures fitness of an individual
new_population = empty_set
for i = 1 to sizeof(population) do
x = RandomSelect(population, fitness)
y = RandomSelect(population, fitness)
new_individual = Reproduce(x, y)
if (a probability) then
new_individual = Mutate(new_individual)
add new_individual to new_population
until some individuals are fit enough or time has elapsed
return the best individual in the population
function Reproduce(x, y) returns a new individual
inputs: x, y, the parents of the new individual
length = Length(x)
mutation_point = RandomSelectIn(1, length)
new_individual = Sub(x, 1, mutation_point)
+ Sub(y, mutation_point, length)
return new_individual
标签:als stat http mutate 保存 技术分享 rand nts lin