标签:lin 修改 格式 put 区分 his 输入 div 序号
1. 商家能够修改商品价格;
2. 商家能够下线商品;
3. 商家能够增加商品;
4. 商品信息存在文件中
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # LC 3 product_list = [] 4 product_line = [] 5 count = 0 6 7 with open("product_list","r") as f: #打开商家货品清单文件 8 for item in f: 9 product_line = item.rstrip().split(",") #将每行赋值给成一个列表,以“,”区分 10 product_list.append(product_line) #将每行的列表加入product_list列表中 11 12 print("This is your production".center(50,"-")) #打印列表 13 for i in product_list: 14 print(count,i) 15 count+=1 16 17 #提供增加商品,修改商品价格,删除商品功能 18 while True: 19 select = input("Please input you selection,‘a‘ to add,‘m‘ to modified the price,‘d‘ to Delete,‘q‘ to quit :") 20 count = 0 21 if select == ‘a‘: 22 add_product = input("Please input new product name:") 23 add_price = input("Please input new product price:") 24 new_product = [add_product,add_price] #将新添加的商品赋值成列表 25 product_list.append(new_product) #向产品清单列表中插入新添加的商品 26 with open("product_list","a") as f_add: #将添加的商品写入文件中,以追加的方式 27 f_add.writelines(product_list[-1][0]+","+product_list[-1][1]+"\n") 28 print("\033[1;31mThis is your new production list\033[0m".center(50,"-")) 29 for i in product_list: #打印新的产品清单 30 print(count,i) 31 count+=1 32 elif select == ‘m‘: 33 modify_index = input("Please input index of the item which you want to modify:") #输入要修改价格的产品序号 34 modify_index = int(modify_index) 35 length = product_list.index(product_list[-1]) #判断输入的修改价格产品序号是否再产品清单范围 36 if 0 <= modify_index <= length: 37 new_price = input("Please input the new price:") #输入新的价格 38 product_list[modify_index][1]=new_price #将新的价格修改至产品清单列表中 39 with open("product_list","w") as f_modify: #想修改的产品清单列表写入文件中 40 for i in product_list: 41 f_modify.writelines(i[0]+","+i[1]+"\n") 42 print("\033[1;31mThis is your new production list\033[0m".center(50,"-")) 43 for i in product_list: #打印新的产品清 44 print(count,i) 45 count+=1 46 else: 47 print("Your select is invalid, Please try again!") #如果输入的序号不在范围内,则报错重新来 48 elif select == ‘d‘: #删除商品 49 delete_index = input("Please input index of the item which you want to delete:") 50 delete_index = int(delete_index) 51 length = product_list.index(product_list[-1]) #判断输入的删除序号是否再产品清单范围 52 if 0 <= delete_index <= length: 53 product_list.pop(delete_index) #从产品清单中删除制定的产品 54 with open("product_list","w") as f_del: 55 for i in product_list: 56 f_del.writelines(i[0]+","+i[1]+"\n") #将新的产品清单写入文件中 57 print("\033[1;31mThis is your new production list\033[0m".center(50,"-")) 58 for i in product_list: 59 print(count,i) 60 count+=1 61 else: 62 print("Your select is invalid, Please try again!") 63 64 elif select == "q": 65 print("You have been quit!") 66 break 67 else: 68 print("invalid input,please input again!")
标签:lin 修改 格式 put 区分 his 输入 div 序号