标签:apt 没有 first art font com replicat 守护进程 logger
swift-init object-replicator start此执行脚本的执行过程和ring执行脚本执行过程差点儿相同。找到swift 源代码bin下的swift-object-replicator其代码例如以下所看到的
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: parser = OptionParser("%prog CONFIG [options]") parser.add_option(‘-d‘, ‘--devices‘, help=‘Replicate only given devices. ‘ ‘Comma-separated list‘) parser.add_option(‘-p‘, ‘--partitions‘, help=‘Replicate only given partitions. ‘ ‘Comma-separated list‘) conf_file, options = parse_options(parser=parser, once=True) run_daemon(ObjectReplicator, conf_file, **options)最后一行:
run_daemon(ObjectReplicator, conf_file, **options)也就是要运行run_daemon()函数。为其传入的是ObjectReplicator和配置文件參数已经选项參数,以下继续看run_daemon方法。他是swift/daemon.py下Daemon类中的方法。看详细代码实现:
def run_daemon(klass, conf_file, section_name=‘‘, once=False, **kwargs): """ Loads settings from conf, then instantiates daemon "klass" and runs the daemon with the specified once kwarg. The section_name will be derived from the daemon "klass" if not provided (e.g. ObjectReplicator => object-replicator). :param klass: Class to instantiate, subclass of common.daemon.Daemon :param conf_file: Path to configuration file :param section_name: Section name from conf file to load config from :param once: Passed to daemon run method """ # very often the config section_name is based on the class name # the None singleton will be passed through to readconf as is if section_name is ‘‘: #得到section_name = ojbect-replicator sub()为正則表達式 section_name = sub(r‘([a-z])([A-Z])‘, r‘\1-\2‘, klass.__name__).lower() conf = utils.readconf(conf_file, section_name, log_name=kwargs.get(‘log_name‘)) # once on command line (i.e. daemonize=false) will over-ride config once = once or not utils.config_true_value(conf.get(‘daemonize‘, ‘true‘)) # pre-configure logger if ‘logger‘ in kwargs: logger = kwargs.pop(‘logger‘) else: logger = utils.get_logger(conf, conf.get(‘log_name‘, section_name), log_to_console=kwargs.pop(‘verbose‘, False), log_route=section_name) # disable fallocate if desired if utils.config_true_value(conf.get(‘disable_fallocate‘, ‘no‘)): utils.disable_fallocate() # set utils.FALLOCATE_RESERVE if desired reserve = int(conf.get(‘fallocate_reserve‘, 0)) if reserve > 0: utils.FALLOCATE_RESERVE = reserve # By default, disable eventlet printing stacktraces eventlet_debug = utils.config_true_value(conf.get(‘eventlet_debug‘, ‘no‘)) eventlet.debug.hub_exceptions(eventlet_debug) # Ensure TZ environment variable exists to avoid stat(‘/etc/localtime‘) on # some platforms. This locks in reported times to the timezone in which # the server first starts running in locations that periodically change # timezones. os.environ[‘TZ‘] = time.strftime("%z", time.gmtime()) try: #開始执行 klass(conf).run(once=once, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info(‘User quit‘) logger.info(‘Exited‘)因ObjectReplicator继承了Daemon类,代码片段
klass(conf).run(once=once, **kwargs)ObjectReplicator运行run方法,主要此时传入的once为False一般once在測试时能够设为True。
def run(self, once=False, **kwargs): """Run the daemon""" utils.validate_configuration() utils.drop_privileges(self.conf.get(‘user‘, ‘swift‘)) utils.capture_stdio(self.logger, **kwargs) def kill_children(*args): #SIGTERM = 15 SIG_IGN = 1L signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN) os.killpg(0, signal.SIGTERM) sys.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill_children) if once: self.run_once(**kwargs) else: self.run_forever(**kwargs)
def run_forever(self, *args, **kwargs): self.logger.info(_("Starting object replicator in daemon mode.")) # Run the replicator continually while True: start = time.time() self.logger.info(_("Starting object replication pass.")) # Run the replicator #运行replicator 程序 self.replicate() total = (time.time() - start) / 60 self.logger.info( _("Object replication complete. (%.02f minutes)"), total) dump_recon_cache({‘object_replication_time‘: total, ‘object_replication_last‘: time.time()}, self.rcache, self.logger) self.logger.debug(_(‘Replication sleeping for %s seconds.‘), self.run_pause) #sleep 一段时间时间自己在部署时自己设定,也能够默觉得30秒 sleep(self.run_pause)
标签:apt 没有 first art font com replicat 守护进程 logger