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[LeetCode]LRU Cache

时间:2017-06-21 11:49:02      阅读:193      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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题目:实现一个LRU Cache


  • 双向链表 + HashMap
  • get:若节点不存在,返回-1;否则返回节点value。并将节点调整到head
  • set(key, value):
    • 若key已经存在:更新value。并将节点调整到head;
    • 若key不存在:若cache容量足够。将节点压入链表头部;若cache容量不足。淘汰链表尾部节点。并将新节点压入链表头部


import java.util.HashMap;

public class LRUCache {
     * Structure
     * @author ouyangyewei
    public class CacheNode {
        public int key;
        public int value;
        public CacheNode prev;
        public CacheNode next;
        public CacheNode() {
            // nothing
        public CacheNode(int key, int value) {
            this.key = key;
            this.value = value;
            this.prev = null;
            this.next = null;
    private int capacity;
    private int currentCapacity;
    private CacheNode head;
    private CacheNode tail;
    private HashMap<Integer, CacheNode> hashNode;
    public LRUCache(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;
        this.currentCapacity = 0;
        this.head = null;
        this.tail = null;
        this.hashNode = new HashMap<Integer, CacheNode>();
    public int get(int key) {
        CacheNode node = hashNode.get(key);
        if (null == node) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return node.value;
    public void set(int key, int value) {
        if (null == hashNode.get(key)) {
            /** cacheNode is not exists! */
            CacheNode node = new CacheNode(key, value);
            if (currentCapacity < capacity) {
                /** enough capacity for add a node */
            } else {
                /** over the maximum capacity */
                currentCapacity = capacity;
            hashNode.put(key, node);
        } else {
            /** cacheNode is already exists */
            CacheNode node = hashNode.get(key);
            node.value = value;
            hashNode.put(key, node);
     * Move a node to list's head
     * @param node
    public void moveToHead(CacheNode node) {
        if (null != node.prev) {
            /** node locate behind the list's head */
            CacheNode front = node.prev;
            CacheNode behind = node.next;
            if (null == behind) {
                /** node locate at the list's tail */
                front.next = behind;
                tail = front;
            } else {
                front.next = behind;
                behind.prev = front;
            node.prev = null;
            node.next = head;
            head.prev = node;
            head = node;
     * Add a node to list's head.
     * @param node
    public void addToHead(CacheNode node) {
        if (null == head) {
            /** list is empty */
            head = node;
            tail = node;
        } else {
            /** list is not empty */
            node.next = head;
            head.prev = node;
            head = node;
     * Remove the least use node, it means remove 
     * the list's tail node.
    public void removeLeastUseNode() {
        if (null != tail.prev) {
            tail = tail.prev;
            tail.next = null;
        } else {
            /** list has only one node */
            head = null;
            tail = null;
//    public static void main(String[] args) {
//        LRUCache lruCache = new LRUCache(4);
//        lruCache.set(1, 1);
//        lruCache.set(0, 0);
//        lruCache.get(1);
//        lruCache.get(0);
//        lruCache.set(2, 2);
//        lruCache.set(4, 4);
//        lruCache.get(1);
//        lruCache.get(0);
//        lruCache.get(0);
//        lruCache.set(8, 8);
//        lruCache.set(7, 7);
//        lruCache.set(5, 5);
//        lruCache.set(4, 4);
//        lruCache.set(3, 3);
//        lruCache.set(2, 2);
//        lruCache.get(3);
//        lruCache.get(4);
//        LRUCache lruCache = new LRUCache(1);
//        lruCache.set(2, 1);
//        System.out.println(lruCache.get(2));
//        lruCache.set(3, 2);
//        System.out.println(lruCache.get(2));
//        System.out.println(lruCache.get(3));
//        LRUCache lruCache = new LRUCache(2);
//        lruCache.set(2, 1);
//        lruCache.set(1, 2);
//        lruCache.set(2, 3);
//        lruCache.set(4, 1);
//        System.out.println(lruCache.get(1));
//        System.out.println(lruCache.get(2));
//    }

[LeetCode]LRU Cache

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