标签:convert com name 使用 嵌入 mysq form .text logs
1、使用 ‘ " + + " ‘ 拼接
string mysql = "SELECT Cname,Grade FROM student,score,course WHERE student.Sno = score.Sno and score.Cno = course.Cno and student.Sno = ‘" + Convert.ToString(textBox1.Text) + "’ and score.Text =‘" + Convert.ToInt32(comboBox1.Text) + “’; ”;
string mysql = string.Format( "SELECT Cname,Grade FROM student,score,course WHERE student.Sno = score.Sno and score.Cno = course.Cno and student.Sno = ‘{0}‘ and score.Text = ‘{1}‘ " , textbox1.Text,ComboBox1.Text);
标签:convert com name 使用 嵌入 mysq form .text logs