#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding=utf-8 -*- # by author San at 2016-03-03 import random import sys def CaiSeQiu(num=1): ‘‘‘ The function CaiSeQiu is random six numbers for read boll. one boll for blue.Default are six read boll and one blue boll. ‘‘‘ num=int(num) p = 1 print("随机生成 %s 注球:\n") % num while p <= num: LAN = [] L = [] while len(L) <= 5: L = LAN.append(random.randrange(1, 34)) L = sorted(set(LAN)) BLUE = random.randrange(1, 17) print("红球: %s, 蓝球: %s") % (L,BLUE) p += 1 #########手动输入生成双色球######### def InserQiu(r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,b1): ‘‘‘Function InserQiu for Insert seven numbers with read bolls, The last one is blue boll range in 1,16;The read‘s boll range 1,33; ‘‘‘ RedQius=range(1,34) BludQius=range(1,17) print("红球范围:\n %s") % RedQius print("蓝球范围:\n %s") % BludQius print Input=[r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,b1] RL=sorted(list(set(Input[0:6]))) BL=Input[-1] if BL in BludQius: BLQ=BL for R in RL: if R not in RedQius: print("输入的红球不对,请重新输入") sys.exit() if len(RL) < 6: print("输入的红球有重复,请输入6个没有重复红球~") sys.exit() print("你手选的红球: %s,蓝球: %s") %(RL,BLQ) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: try: num = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print("请输入彩票注数(默认给一注): ") CaiSeQiu(1) sys.exit() else: if not num.isdigit() or sys.argv[1] <= 0: print "出错,请给出正确的票数~ - _ - ~" sys.exit() CaiSeQiu(num)
本文出自 “學地止境” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://dyc2005.blog.51cto.com/270872/1941028