标签:oracle 比较 bsd can this static 简单 quit try
此算法源码最初由 Borland 的 Delphi 语言编写,似乎 Allen Bauer 是原作者,源码如下。
const cMulKey = 52845; cAddKey = 11719; cKey = 1234; function Decrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(Result, Length(S)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (byte(S[I]) + Key) * cMulKey + cAddKey; end; end; function Encrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; Var I: byte; begin SetLength(Result, Length(S)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (byte(Result[I]) + Key) * cMulKey + cAddKey; end; end;
于是我编写了 Golang 版本的实现(Encrypt/Decrypt 甚至完全可以直接改写原切片而无需生成额外的字节数组),代码已托管至 Github。
// Copyright 2017 ecofast. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license. // Package borcrypto was translated from the public code of Delphi from Borland, // which is really quite simple but very high to try hack. // They are suitable for passwords and similar situations. package borcrypto // You can modify mulKey and addKey freely within 65535(MaxUInt16) const ( mulKey = 52845 addKey = 11719 ) // Avoid use key less than 256 for safety func Encrypt(plain []byte, key uint16) []byte { ret := make([]byte, len(plain)) for i, c := range plain { b := c ^ byte(key>>8) ret[i] = b key = (uint16(b)+key)*mulKey + addKey } return ret[:] } func Decrypt(cipher []byte, key uint16) []byte { ret := make([]byte, len(cipher)) for i, c := range cipher { b := c ^ byte(key>>8) ret[i] = b key = (uint16(c)+key)*mulKey + addKey } return ret[:] } func EncryptStr(plainText string, key uint16) string { bs := Encrypt([]byte(plainText), key) return string(bs) } func DecryptStr(cipherText string, key uint16) string { bs := Decrypt([]byte(cipherText), key) return string(bs) }
然后也顺手写了份 C# 版本的实现。
public static class EnDeCoder { private const UInt16 C1 = 52845; private const UInt16 C2 = 11719; public static UInt16 EnDeKey = 0; public static byte[] EncryptBytes(byte[] plainBytes) { UInt16 key = EnDeKey; byte[] ret = new byte[plainBytes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < plainBytes.Length; i++) { byte c = plainBytes[i]; byte k = (byte)(key >> 8); byte b = (byte)(c ^ k); key = (UInt16)(((UInt16)b + key) * C1 + C2); ret[i] = b; } return ret; } public static byte[] DecryptBytes(byte[] cipherBytes) { UInt16 key = EnDeKey; byte[] ret = new byte[cipherBytes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < cipherBytes.Length; i++) { byte c = cipherBytes[i]; byte k = (byte)(key >> 8); byte b = (byte)(c ^ k); key = (UInt16)(((UInt16)c + key) * C1 + C2); ret[i] = b; } return ret; } }
标签:oracle 比较 bsd can this static 简单 quit try