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时间:2017-06-29 23:58:02      阅读:440      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:return   content   sts   class   lag   bsp   star   name   bytes   

 1 import sys
 2 import multiprocessing
 3 import re
 4 import os
 5 import urllib.request as lib
 7 def craw_links( url,depth,keyword,processed):
 8     ‘‘‘ url:the url to craw
 9         deth:the current depth to craw
10         keyword:the tuple of keywords to focus
11         pool:process pool
12     ‘‘‘
14     contents=[]
15     if url.startswith((htpp://,https://)):
16         if url not in processed:
17             #mark this url as processed
18             processed.append(url)
19         else:
20             #avoid prossing the same url again
21             return
22         print(Crawing +url+...)
23         fp = lib.urlopen(url)
24         #python3 returns bytes,so need to decode
25         contents = fp.read()
26         contents_decoded = contents.decode(UTF-8)
27         fp.close()
28         pattern = |.join(keyword)
29         #if this page contains certain keywords,save it to a file
30         flag = False
31         if pattern:
32             searched = re.search(pattern,contents_decoded)
33         else:
34             #if the keywords to filter is not given,save current page
35             flag = True
36         if flag or searched:
37             with open(craw\\+url.replace(:,_).replace(/,_),wb)  as fp:
38                 fp.write(contents)
39         #find all the links in the current page
40         links = re.findall(href="(.*?)",contents_decoded)
41         #craw all links in the current page
42         for link in links:
43             #consider the relative path
44             if not link.startswith((http://,https://)):
45                 try:
46                     index=url.rindex(/)
47                     link = url[0:index+1]+link
48                 except:
49                     pass
50             if depth>0 and link.endswith((.htm,.html)):
51                 craw_links(link,depth-1,keyword,processed)
53 if __name__ == __main__:
54     processed = []
55     keywords = (KeyWord1,KeyWord2)
56     if os.path.exists(craw) or not os.path.isdir(craw):
57         os.mkdir(craw)
58     craw_links(rhttp://docs.python.org/3/library/index.html,1,keywords,processed)



标签:return   content   sts   class   lag   bsp   star   name   bytes   


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