标签:man bit machine container web lib glibc splay edit
Attempts to install IBM Security AppScan Source on Linux results in the message "Graphical installers are not supported by the vm".
When installing AppScan Source Edition on Linux, you receive the following message:
This problem can occur for the following reasons:
The solutions below relate to the causes above:
If you are on a 64-bit RHEL machine, you will also need to do the following:
If after performing the steps above the issue still persist, this may be variation of the issue where the issue is the uninstaller is unable to open the display. To validate that issue is due to lack of access to the display, launch the installer without sudo. If the installer displays as the user this is an access issue to the display. If VNC was used to connect to the server, then the following command will need to be ran:
xhost + localhost
If physically present at the server or if ssh was used to connect to the server use the following command:
sudo -E ./setup.bin LAX_VM /usr/bin/java
Linux虚拟机安装应用程序提示Graphical installers are not supported by the vm
标签:man bit machine container web lib glibc splay edit