标签:force 控制 detail 3.2 cut files tor ram paste
ls -a: list all files (including hidden files)
.DS_Store: files detailed information in the directory
cd: back to home directory ( or cd ~)
cd -: back to the previous directory
~ : the home directory
cd ~username: going to the home directory of the user named username
.. : the upper directory
. : the current directory
(eg: ./excutableProgram) -- why? for security reason:
what if someone has a virus program named ls in a directory? You are gonna run it when u want to "list".
You are gonna run it when u want to "list".
--> ./ls will be more secure.
mv file1 file2/ mv dir1 dir2: rename -- actually: move file1/dir1 to file2/dir2
when using rm to delete a file, the file is legit gone.
rmdir a non-empty directory, it will say "Directory not empty"
solution: rm -rf dir : r: recursive f: forced -- delete the whole directory including the files & dirs in it
cp sourceFile destinationDirectory: copy and paste sourceFile to destinationDirectory
mv file existDestinationDirectory: cut and paste file to existDestinationDirectory
标签:force 控制 detail 3.2 cut files tor ram paste